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Direct access: 複雑 , 婦人 , 不全 , 分娩 , 包茎 , 縫合 , 補聴器 , 発作 , 防疫 , 慢性


pronunciation: hukuzatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , science
translation: complexity, complication
複雑な: hukuzatsuna: complex, complicated
複雑にする: hukuzatsunisuru: complicate
複雑化する: hukuzatsukasuru <<<
複雑化: hukuzatsuka: complication
複雑に成る: hukuzatsuninaru: become complicated <<<
複雑骨折: hukuzatsukossetsu: compound fracture <<< 骨折
related words: 単純


pronunciation: hujin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes , medicine
translation: lady, woman
婦人用: hujinnyou: for ladies <<<
婦人服: hujinhuku: woman's dress <<<
婦人服店: hujinhukuten: dress shop <<<
婦人科: hujinka: gynecology <<<
婦人科医: hujinkai: gynecologist, gynaecologist <<<
産婦人科: sanhujinka: obstetrics and gynecology <<<
婦人病: hujinbyou: women's diseases <<<
婦人会: hujinkai: women's society <<<
婦人警官: hujinkeikan: police-woman <<< 警官
婦人記者: hujinkisha: lady writer (reporter) <<< 記者
婦人運動: hujinnundou: feminist movement, women's movement <<< 運動
婦人解放: hujinkaihou: emancipation of women <<< 解放
婦人雑誌: hujinzasshi: woman's magazine <<< 雑誌
貴婦人: kihujin: lady, noblewoman <<<
老婦人: rouhujin: elderly woman, matriarch, dowager <<< , 老婦
related words: 夫人 , 女性 , レディー


pronunciation: huzen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: insufficiency
腎不全: jinhuzen: renal insufficiency, kidney failure
肝不全: kanhuzen: hepatic insufficiency, liver failure <<<


pronunciation: bunben
kanji characters:
keyword: medicine
translation: delivery, childbirth
分娩する: bunbensuru: give birth to [be delivered of] (a baby)
分娩室: bunbenshitsu: delivery room <<<
related words: 出産


pronunciation: houkei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: phimosis
包茎の: houkeino: phimotic


pronunciation: hougou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: suture, seam
縫合する: hougousuru: sew


pronunciation: hochouki
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: medicine
translation: hearing aid
related words: 難聴


pronunciation: hossa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: fit, spasm, paroxysm
発作的: hossateki: fitful, spasmodic, convulsive <<<
発作的に: hossatekini: by fits (and starts), spasmodically, convulsively
発作を起す: hossaookosu: have a fit (of) <<<


pronunciation: boueki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: prevention of epidemics
防疫線: bouekisen: sanitary cordon <<<
防疫官: bouekikan: health officer <<<


pronunciation: mansei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: chronicity
慢性の: manseino: chronic, deep-seated
慢性的: manseiteki <<<
慢性的に: manseitekini: chronically
慢性病: manseibyou: chronic disease <<<
慢性リューマチ: manseiryuumachi: chronic rheumatism
antonyms: 急性

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