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Direct access: 反逆 , 反戦 , 反乱 , 賠償 , 爆音 , 爆撃 , 万歳 , 引き上 , 飛行 , 秘策


pronunciation: hangyaku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 叛逆
keyword: war , politics
translation: treason, rebellion, insurrection, revolt
反逆する: hangyakusuru: rebel [revolt] (against)
反逆を企てる: hangyakuokuwadateru: plot against (a person) <<<
反逆的: hangyakuteki: treasonous, rebellious <<<
反逆罪: hangyakuzai: treason <<<
反逆者: hangyakusha: traitor, rebel <<<
反逆の精神: hangyakunoseishin: spirit of revolt <<< 精神
related words: 裏切


pronunciation: hansen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , politics
translation: antiwar
反戦論: hansenron: pacifism <<<
反戦論者: hansenronsha: pacifist <<<
反戦主義: hansenshugi: pacifism <<< 主義
反戦運動: hansennundou: pacifist movement <<< 運動
反戦デモ: hansendemo: antiwar demonstration


pronunciation: hanran
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , war
translation: rebellion, revolt (n.), insurrection
反乱する: hanransuru: rebel, revolt (v.)
反乱を起こす: hanrannookosu <<<
反乱を鎮める: hanrannoshizumeru: put down [suppress] a rebellion <<<
反乱軍: hanrangun: rebel army <<<
related words: 暴動 , 一揆


pronunciation: baishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance , war
translation: reparation, recompense, compensation, indemnity
賠償する: baishousuru: recompense, make reparation (for the damage), compensate [indemnify] (a person for a loss)
賠償金: baishoukin: compensation, indemnity, damages, reparations <<<
賠償責任: baishousekinin: liability of compensation <<< 責任
related words: 弁償


pronunciation: bakuon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , transport
translation: detonation, roar (n.), whir (n.)
爆音を立てる: bakuonnotateru: detonate, roar (v.), whir (v.) <<<
爆音を発する: bakuonnohassuru <<<
爆音高く: bakuontakaku: with a loud whir <<<


pronunciation: bakugeki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: bombardment
爆撃する: bakugekisuru: bombard, bomb (v.)
爆撃機: bakugekiki: bomber, bombing plane <<<
重爆撃機: juubakugekiki: heavy bomber <<<
related words: 爆弾 , 空爆


pronunciation: banzai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: cheers, hurrah
万歳を三唱する: banzaiosanshousuru: give three cheers (for)


pronunciation: hikiage
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 引き揚
keyword: war , economy
translation: salvage, repatriation, evacuation, raising (of prices)
引き上る: hikiageru: pull [draw] up, salvage, withdraw (from), leave (a place), be repatriated (from), raise [hike] (the price)


pronunciation: hikou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: airplane , war
translation: flight, flying, aviation
飛行する: hikousuru: fly, take the air
飛行場: hikoujou: airport <<< , 空港
飛行機: hikouki: airplane, plane <<<
飛行艇: hikoutei: flying boat <<<
飛行士: hikoushi: aviator, pilot, flier, flyer <<< , パイロット
飛行服: hikouhuku: flying suit <<<
飛行船: hikousen: airship, dirigible, zeppelin, blimp <<<
飛行隊: hikoutai: flying [aviation] corps <<<
飛行雲: hikougumo: contrail, vapor trail <<<
飛行時間: hikoujikan: flight time, flight hours <<< 時間
飛行距離: hikoukyori: flight distance <<< 距離
飛行基地: hikoukichi: air base <<< 基地
飛行甲板: hikoukanpan: flight [flying] deck <<< 甲板
related words: 航空 , フライト


pronunciation: hisaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: secret plan [measures, strategy]

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