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Direct access: 点滴 , 伝染 , 透視 , 透析 , 動悸 , 毒性 , 内科 , 内視鏡 , 内診 , 肉腫


pronunciation: tenteki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: drop, raindrop, drip, infusion
点滴する: tentekisuru: instill
点滴注射: tentekichuusha: drip infusion <<< 注射


pronunciation: densen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: infection, contagion, transmission
伝染する: densensuru: infect, transmit, be infectious, contagious
伝染性: densensei: infectious, contagious, epidemic (a.) <<<
伝染病: densenbyou: infectious, contagious disease, epidemic (n.) <<< , 疫病
伝染病学: densenbyougaku: epidemiology <<<
伝染病患者: densenbyoukanja: infectious case, case of epidemic <<< 患者
伝染病研究所: densenbyoukenkyuusho: institute for research in infectious diseases
伝染病流行地: densenbyouryuukouchi: tainted [infected] district
伝染系統: densenkeitou: trace of an epidemic <<< 系統


pronunciation: toushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , fantasy
translation: X-ray fluoroscopy, divination, clairvoyance
透視する: toushisuru: see through, look at through a fluoroscope, be psychic
透視者: toushisha: clairvoyant, psychic <<<
透視鏡: toushikyou: fluoroscope <<<
透視画: toushiga: perspective drawing <<<
透視画法: toushigahou: perspective (n.) <<<
透視検査: toushikensa: fluoroscopy <<< 検査


pronunciation: touseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: dialysis
透析する: tousekisuru: dialyze
透析器: tousekiki: dialyzer <<<
透析装置: tousekisouchi <<< 装置


pronunciation: douki
kanji characters:
keyword: medicine
translation: palpitation, pulsation, beating, flutter (n.)
動悸がする: doukigasuru: palpitate, beat, throb, flutter (v.)
related words: 鼓動


pronunciation: dokusei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , chemistry
translation: virulence, toxicity
毒性の: dokuseino: poisonous, virulent, toxic


pronunciation: naika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: internal medicine, internal department
内科医: naikai: physician, medical practitioner <<<
内科医院: naikaiin: clinic of internal medicine <<< 医院
内科治療: naikachiryou: internal treatment <<< 治療
related words: 外科


pronunciation: naishikyou
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: medicine
translation: endoscope


pronunciation: naishin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: examination in consulting room, vaginal examination
内診する: naishinsuru: examine in consulting room


pronunciation: nikushu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: sarcoma

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