Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8
Direct access: [ , _ , _ , _w , _ , _k , _ , _ , _n , _v


pronunciation: naya
kanji characters: [ ,
keyword: farming
translation: barn, shed, outhouse


pronunciation: nouen
kanji characters: _ ,
keyword: farming
translation: farm, plantation
_œ: nouendehataraku: work on a farm <<<
_: nouennnushi: proprietor of a farm <<<
related words: _


pronunciation: nouka
kanji characters: _ ,
keyword: farming
translation: farm, farmhouse, farming family, farmer
related words: _ , _


pronunciation: nougaku
kanji characters: _ , w
keyword: farming
translation: agronomy, science of agriculture
_w: nougakuno: agricultural, agronomical
_w: nougakubu: faculty of agriculture <<<
_wZ: nougakkou: school of agriculture <<< Z
_w: nougakusha: agriculturalist, agronomist <<<
_wm: nougakushi: bachelor of agriculture <<< m
_wm: nougakuhakushi: doctor of agriculture <<< m


pronunciation: nougyou
kanji characters: _ ,
keyword: farming
translation: agriculture, farming
_Ƃ: nougyouno: agricultural
_ƍ: nougyoukoku: agricultural country <<<
_Ƃɏ]: nougyounijuujisuru: engage in farming, be a farmer <<< ]
_Ƒg: nougyoukumiai: farmers' cooperative society <<< g
_ƌoc: nougyoukeiei: agribusiness <<< oc
_Ƒw: nougyoudaigaku: agricultural college <<< w
_Ɛl: nougyoujinkou: farming population <<< l
_Ɛ: nougyouseisaku: agricultural policy <<<
_Ɣr: nougyouhaisui: agricultural water waste <<< r


pronunciation: noukou
kanji characters: _ , k
keyword: farming
translation: farming, tillage
_kn: noukouchi: farming area, farmland <<< n
_kn: noukouba: carthorse <<< n
synonyms: k , _


pronunciation: noujou
kanji characters: _ ,
keyword: farming
translation: (big) farm, ranch, farmstead
_: noujounushi: farmer, landlord <<<
related words: _ , _


pronunciation: nousei
kanji characters: _ ,
keyword: farming
translation: agricultural administration


pronunciation: nouchi
kanji characters: _ , n
keyword: farming , realty
translation: agricultural land, farmland
_n: nouchino: agrarian
_n@: nouchihou: farmland law <<< @
_nv: nouchikaikaku: agrarian reform <<< v
_n: nouchikaiage: expropriation (of farmland)


pronunciation: nouhu
kanji characters: _ , v
keyword: farming
translation: farmer, peasant
related words: _ , S

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