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Direct access: 占領 , 戦列 , 前哨 , 前進 , 前線 , 前方 , 全滅 , 掃射 , 装備 , 疎開


pronunciation: senryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: occupation, possession, capture
占領する: senryousuru: take possession of, capture, occupy
占領下: senryouka: under occupation <<<
占領地: senryouchi: occupied territory [area] <<<
占領地域: senryouchiiki <<< 地域
占領軍: senryougun: occupation force [army] <<<
占領国: senryoukoku: occupying country <<<
被占領国: hisenryoukoku: occupied country <<<
占領政策: senryouseisaku: occupation policy <<< 政策
related words: 占拠


pronunciation: senretsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: line of battle
戦列を離れる: senretsuohanareru: drop behind [out of] a line of one's comrades <<<


pronunciation: zenshou
kanji characters:
keyword: war
translation: outpost, advanced post
前哨戦: zenshousen: preliminary skirmish <<<
前哨線: zenshousen: outpost line <<<


pronunciation: zenshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: advance (n.), progress
前進する: zenshinsuru: advance (v.), march forward, step forward, go ahead
前進基地: zenshinkichi: advanced base <<< 基地


pronunciation: zensen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , weather
translation: front, battlefront, front line
前線で戦う: zensendetatakau: fight in the front line <<<
前線発生: zensenhassei: frontogenesis <<< 発生
前線勤務: zensenkinmu: combat duty <<< 勤務
前線基地: zensenkichi: advanced base, outpost <<< 基地


pronunciation: zenpou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position , war
translation: front (n.)
前方の: zenpouno: front (a.), in front, at the front
前方に: zenpouni: ahead, in front (of), forward
前方へ: zenpoue: ahead, forward
前方を見よ: zenpouomiyo: Look ahead <<<
related words: 後方


pronunciation: zenmetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: annihilation, total destruction
全滅する: zenmetsusuru: be annihilated, be totally destroyed, be wiped [stamped] out
全滅させる: zenmetsusaseru: annihilate, destroy totally


pronunciation: sousha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: burst
掃射する: soushasuru: sweep with fire, mow (down, off)


pronunciation: soubi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: equipment, outfit
装備する: soubisuru: equip (v.), mount
重装備: juusoubi: heavy equipment <<<
軽装備: keisoubi: light equipment <<<
synonyms: 武装 , 設備


pronunciation: sokai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: evacuation
疎開する: sokaisuru: evacuate
疎開者: sokaisha: evacuee <<<

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