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Direct access: 歯根 , 死産 , 歯槽 , 失禁 , 失神 , 斜頸 , 視野 , 収縮 , 手術 , 出血


pronunciation: shikon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: root of a tooth, gums
歯根膜炎: shikonmakuen: periodontitis


pronunciation: shisan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: stillbirth
死産の: shisannno: stillborn
死産児: shisanji: stillborn child <<<


pronunciation: shisou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: socket of a tooth, alveolus
歯槽膿漏: shisounourou: alveolar pyorrhea


pronunciation: shikkin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: incontinence
失禁する: shikkinsuru: have a toilet accident


pronunciation: shisshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: faint (n.), trance
失神する: shisshinsuru: faint [swoon] (away), fall into a faint [swoon]
失神した: shisshinshita: in a faint
related words: 気絶


pronunciation: shakei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: torticollis, wryneck


pronunciation: shiya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: range of vision, field of view
視野が広い: shiyagahiroi: have a broad outlook <<<
視野が狭い: shiyagasemai: have a narrow outlook <<<
視野を遮る: shiyaosaegiru: obstruct (close) the view <<<
related words: 視界


pronunciation: shuushuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , medicine
translation: contraction, shrinking, retraction, deflation
収縮する: shuushukusuru: contract, shrink, retract, deflate
収縮性: shuushukusei: contractibility <<<
収縮筋: shuushukukin: contractile muscle <<<
収縮力: shuushukuryoku: contractile power <<<


pronunciation: shujutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: (surgery) operation
手術する: shujutsusuru: operate
手術を受ける: shujutsuoukeru: undergo an operation <<<
手術衣: shujutsui: operating gown <<<
手術医: shujutsui: operating surgeon <<<
手術者: shujutsusha <<<
手術室: shujutsushitsu: operating room <<<
手術台: shujutsudai: operating table <<<


pronunciation: shukketsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: bleeding, hemorrhage
出血する: shukketsusuru: bleed, hemorrhage (v.)
出血を止める: shukketsuotomeru: stop bleeding, stanch the flow of blood <<< , 止血
出血性: shukketsusei: hemophilic <<<
出血販売: shukketsuhanbai: sacrifice sale <<< 販売
脳出血: noushukketsu: cerebral hemorrhage <<< , 脳溢血
内出血: naishukketsu: internal bleeding <<<

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