Japanese display
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Direct access: 制空権 , 制覇 , 征服 , 席巻 , 斥候 , 雪辱 , 戦意 , 戦果 , 戦禍 , 戦艦


pronunciation: seikuuken
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: war
translation: air supremacy, command of the air
制空権を握る: seikuukennonigiru: have the command of the air <<<


pronunciation: seiha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: conquest, domination, supremacy
制覇する: seihasuru: conquer, dominate, win the championship (of)
synonyms: 征服


pronunciation: seihuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , history
translation: conquest, subjugation, subjection
征服する: seihukusuru: conquer, subdue
征服者: seihukusha: conqueror <<<
征服欲: seihukuyoku: desire for conquest <<<


pronunciation: sekken
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 席捲
keyword: war
translation: sweeping away, overcoming, domination
席巻する: sekkensuru: sweep way, overcome, dominate


pronunciation: sekkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: scout (n.), patrol
斥候に出る: sekkounideru: scout (the enemy), go out scouting, patrol <<<
斥候を出す: sekkouodasu: send out a scout


pronunciation: setsujoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , war
translation: revenge
雪辱する: setsujokusuru: revenge defeat, vindicate one's honor
雪辱戦: setsujokusen: return match, game <<<
related words: 復讐


pronunciation: senni
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: fighting spirit, fight
戦意を失う: sennioushinau: lose one's fighting spirit <<<


pronunciation: senka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: success in battle, war result
戦果を収める: senkaoosameru: make a military achievement <<<
戦果を上げる: senkaoageru <<<


pronunciation: senka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: war's havoc, horrors [ravages, evils, disasters] of war
戦禍を被る: senkaokoumuru: suffer the damages of war <<<


pronunciation: senkan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , ship
translation: battleship
戦艦大和: senkannyamato: Battleship Yamato <<< 大和

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