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Direct access: 陣痛 , 衰退 , 睡眠 , 整形 , 生検 , 精子 , 整体 , 性別 , 生命 , 生理


pronunciation: jintsuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: labor pains
陣痛を覚える: jintsuuooboeru: suffer throes (of childbed) <<<
陣痛で苦しむ: jintsuudekurushimu: labor with child, be in labor [travail] <<<
陣痛を起す: jintsuuookosu <<<


pronunciation: suitai
kanji characters: , 退
keyword: medicine , history
translation: decline (n.), decay (n.), degeneration
衰退する: suitaisuru: decline (v.), decay (v.), degenerate
related words: 発展 , 退化


pronunciation: suimin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: sleep (n.)
睡眠する: suiminsuru: sleep (v.), have a sleep
睡眠を取る: suiminnotoru <<<
睡眠が足りない: suimingatarinai: do not sleep well <<<
睡眠を妨げる: suiminnosamatageru: disturb one's sleep <<<
睡眠が浅い: suimingaasai: have a light sleep <<<
睡眠病: suiminbyou: sleeping sickness <<<
睡眠剤: suiminzai: sleeping drug [tablet] <<<
睡眠薬: suiminnyaku: sleeping drug <<<
睡眠時間: suiminjikan: hours of sleep, sleeping hours <<< 時間
睡眠不足: suiminbusoku: insufficient sleep <<< 不足
related words: , 催眠


pronunciation: seikei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty , medicine
translation: shape arrangement, orthopedics
整形する: seikeisuru: arrange the shape, make a thing shapely [comely]
整形外科: seikeigeka: orthopedic surgery, orthopedics <<< 外科
整形外科の: seikeigekano: orthopedic
整形外科医: seikeigekai: orthopedic, cosmetic surgeon, orthopedist <<<
整形外科手術: seikeigekashujutsu: orthopedic [cosmetic] surgery operation, orthopedic treatment <<< 手術
整形手術: seikeishujutsu


pronunciation: seiken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: biopsy


pronunciation: seishi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , biology
translation: sperm, spermatozoon
related words: 精液


pronunciation: seitai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: chiropractic
整体師: seitaishi: chiropractor, bonesetter <<<


pronunciation: seibetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , job
translation: sex distinction
性別を問わず: seibetsuotowazu: without distinction of sex <<<


pronunciation: seimei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , life , medicine
translation: life, soul
生命の有る: seimeinoaru: animate, living <<<
生命の無い: seimeinonai: inanimate, dead <<<
生命を失う: seimeioushinau: lose one's life <<<
生命を狙う: seimeionerau: seek (attempt) the life of someone <<<
生命を賭けて: seimeiokakete: at the risk (hazard) of one's life <<<
生命に関わる: seimeinikakawaru: dangerous to life, life-threatening, extremely dangerous, perilous <<<
生命線: seimeisen: life line <<<
生命保険: seimeihoken: life insurance <<< 保険 , 生保
生命財産: seimeizaisan: life and property <<< 財産
related words: 生物


pronunciation: seiri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , biology
translation: physiology, menstruation, menses
生理の: seirino: menstrual
生理日: seiribi: period of monthly illness, monthly period <<<
生理痛: seiritsuu: menstrual trouble <<<
生理中: seirichuu: have one's period <<<
生理学: seirigaku: physiology <<<
生理学者: seirigakusha: physiologist <<< 学者
生理的: seiriteki: physiological, physical <<<
生理的要求: seiritekiyoukyuu: physical desire <<< 要求
生理休暇: seirikyuuka: monthly physical leave <<< 休暇
生理用ナプキン: seiriyounapukin: sanitary napkin [towel] <<<
related words: 月経

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