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Direct access: 芥箱 , 在住 , 在宅 , 座敷 , 敷居 , 仕切 , 室内 , 障子 , 照明 , 寝室


pronunciation: gomibako
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ゴミ箱, 塵箱
keyword: house
translation: trash can, dustbin
related words: 芥袋


pronunciation: zaijuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: dwelling, residence
在住する: zaijuusuru: live, reside (at, in)
在住者: zaijuusha: dweller, resident, inhabitant <<<
synonyms: 居住 , 在留


pronunciation: zaitaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: being at home
在宅の: zaitakuno: at home
在宅する: zaitakusuru: be at home
在宅日: zaitakubi: one's at-home day <<<
在宅勤務: zaitakukinmu: telework, teleworking <<< 勤務


pronunciation: zashiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: (Japanese style) room, drawing room, parlor
座敷に通す: zashikinitoosu: show a person into the parlor <<<
座敷牢: zashikirou: room of confinement


pronunciation: shikii
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: threshold, doorsill
敷居を跨ぐ: shikiiomatagu: cross the threshold, enter a house
敷居が高い: shikiigatakai: difficult to cross the threshold [enter a house] <<<


pronunciation: shikiri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: partition (n.), division, screen, boundary, liquidation, invoice, management
仕切る: shikiru: partition (v.), divide, render account, liquidate, invoice, manage
仕切帳: shikirichou: book of invoices <<<
仕切壁: shikirikabe: partition wall <<<
仕切部屋: shikiribeya: partition (room) <<< 部屋


pronunciation: shitsunai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , sport
translation: interior (of house), inside room
室内の: shitsunaino: indoor
室内で: shitsunaide: in [inside, within] a room, indoors
室内楽: shitsunaigaku: chamber music <<<
室内靴: shitsunaigutsu: house shoe <<< , スリッパ
室内装飾: shitsunaisoushoku: interior decoration <<< 装飾
室内運動: shitsunaiundou: indoor exercise <<< 運動
室内遊戯: shitsunaiyuugi: indoor game [amusement] <<< 遊戯
室内温度: shitsunaiondo: room temperature <<< 温度
室内植物: shitsunaishokubutsu: house plant <<< 植物
室内プール: shitsunaipuuru: indoor pool
related words: 屋内


pronunciation: shouji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: shoji, paper screen [sliding-door]
障子紙: shoujigami: sliding-door paper <<<


pronunciation: shoumei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , show
translation: illumination, lighting
照明する: shoumeisuru: light up, illuminate
照明を当てる: shoumeioateru <<<
照明係: shoumeigakari: illuminator <<<
照明弾: shoumeidan: flare [light] bomb, star shell <<<
照明効果: shoumeikouka: lighting effects <<< 効果
照明装置: shoumeisouchi: lighting installation <<< 装置
照明器具: shoumeikigu <<< 器具
related words:


pronunciation: shinshitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: bedroom

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