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Direct access: 忠誠 , 勅使 , 勅令 , 帝国 , 天下 , 天覧 , 伝承 , 伝統 , 当時 , 土器


pronunciation: chuusei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: loyalty, fidelity, allegiance, fealty
忠誠を誓う: chuuseiochikau: pledge allegiance <<<


pronunciation: chokushi
kanji characters: , 使
keyword: history
translation: imperial envoy


pronunciation: chokurei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law , history
translation: imperial ordinance, edict


pronunciation: teikoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: empire
帝国の: teikokuno: imperial
帝国主義: teikokushugi: imperialism <<< 主義
帝国主義者: teikokushugisha: imperialist <<<
帝国主義的: teikokushugiteki: imperialistic <<<
帝国政府: teikokuseihu: imperial government <<< 政府
帝国海軍: teikokukaigun: imperial navy <<< 海軍
帝国の逆襲: teikokunogyakushuu: The Empire Strikes Back (Star Wars, Episode V)
related words: 王国


pronunciation: tenka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , war
translation: whole country, world, public
天下に: tenkani: under the sub [heaven], on earth, in the world
天下に敵なし: tenkanitekinashi: have no rival in the world <<<
天下を取る: tenkaotoru: bring the whole land under one's rule, reign over the whole land, hold the reins of government, come into power <<<
天下人: tenkanin, tenkabito: world conqueror <<< , 覇者
天下一品の: tenkaippinnno: unique, unequaled, unparalleled, peerless <<< 一品
天下無双の: tenkamusouno
天下泰平だ: tankataiheida: Peace reigns over the land <<< 泰平
天下分け目の戦い: tenkawakemenotatakai: decisive battle
related words: 世界


pronunciation: tenran
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: His Majesty's inspection
天覧に供する: tenrannnikyousuru: submit (a thing) to His Majesty's inspection <<<


pronunciation: denshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: oral transmission
伝承する: denshousuru: pass on verbally
伝承文学: denshoubungaku: oral literature <<< 文学
related words: 伝説


pronunciation: dentou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , art
translation: tradition
伝統的: dentouteki: traditional <<<
伝統的に: dentoutekini: traditionally
伝統に従う: dentounishitagau: follow tradition <<<
伝統に倣う: dentouninarau <<<
伝統を破る: dentouoyaburu: violate tradition <<<
伝統を重んじる: dentouoomonjiru: make much of tradition <<<
伝統を守る: dentouomamoru <<<
伝統主義: dentoushugi: traditionalism <<< 主義
伝統主義者: dentoushugisha: traditionalist <<<
長い伝統: nagaidentou: time-honored tradition <<<
related words: 慣習


pronunciation: touji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , history
translation: that time, those days
当時の: toujino: then, of those days
当時は: toujiwa: at that time, in those days, then


pronunciation: doki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: earthen vessel, earthenware

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