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Direct access: 軍医 , 痙攣 , 怪我 , 結果 , 血球 , 血漿 , 血小板 , 血栓 , 血圧 , 血液


pronunciation: gunni
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , medicine
translation: army [naval] surgeon [doctor]


pronunciation: keiren
keyword: medicine
translation: convulsion, spasm, cramp, tic
痙攣の: keirennno: convulsive, spasmodic
痙攣性: keirensei <<<
痙攣する: keirensuru: be convulsed [cramped]
痙攣を起こす: keirennookosu: have a convulsive fit, have a cramp <<<
胃痙攣: ikeiren: stomach cramp <<<


pronunciation: kega
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ケガ
keyword: medicine
translation: injury, wound, hurt, cut, chance, accident
怪我をする: kegaosuru: hurt oneself, get hurt, be injured, cut oneself, be wounded
怪我をさせる: kegaosaseru: injure, hurt, wound, inflict an injury (on)
怪我を負わせる: kegaoowaseru <<<
怪我で: kegade: accidentally, by accident
怪我の: kegano: accidental
怪我の功名: keganokoumyou: Every cloud has a silver lining, chance success, lucky hit, fluke
怪我人: keganin: injured [wounded] person <<<
怪我勝ち: kegagachi: accidental victory <<<
怪我負け: kegamake: accidental defeat <<<
軽い怪我: karuikega: slight injury <<<
大怪我: ookega: serious [heavy] injury <<< , 重傷
手に怪我をする: tenikegaosuru: injure one's hand <<<
related words:


pronunciation: kekka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: result (n.), effect, consequence, conclusion
結果が良い: kekkagaii: be successful <<<
結果が悪い: kekkagawarui: be unsuccessful <<<
結果を生じる: kekkaoshoujiru: result (end) in <<<


pronunciation: kekkyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: blood corpuscle
血球素: kekkyuuso: hemoglobin <<<
血球数: kekkyuusuu: blood count <<<
白血球: hakkekkyuu: white corpuscle, leukocyte <<<
赤血球: sekkekkyuu: red corpuscle, erythrocyte <<<


pronunciation: kesshou
kanji characters:
keyword: medicine
translation: blood plasma
related words: プラズマ


pronunciation: kesshouban
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: medicine
translation: blood platelet, thrombocyte


pronunciation: kessen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: thrombus
血栓症: kessenshou: thrombosis <<<
脳血栓: noukessen: cerebral thrombosis <<<


pronunciation: ketsuatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: blood pressure
血圧が高い: ketsuatsugatakai: have high blood pressure <<<
血圧が低い: ketsuatsugahikui: have low blood pressure <<<
血圧を測る: ketsuatsuohakaru: measure one's blood pressure <<<
血圧計: ketsuatsukei: (clinical) manometer <<<
低血圧: teiketsuatsu: hypotension <<<
高血圧: kouketsuatsu: hypertension <<<
related words: 圧力


pronunciation: ketsueki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , biology
translation: blood
血液型: ketsuekigata: blood type <<<
血液検査: ketsuekikensa: blood test <<< 検査
血液銀行: ketsuekiginkou: blood bank <<< 銀行
血液透析: ketsuekitouseki: hemodialysis <<< 透析

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