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Direct access: 初心 , 神学 , 進歩 , 新米 , 実習 , 実技 , 上達 , 水準 , 正解 , 成績


pronunciation: shoshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: original [initial] intention
初心の: shoshinnno: unexperienced, inexperienced
初心者: shoshinsha: beginner, novice, newcomer <<<
初心忘るべからず: shoshinwasurubekarazu: We should not forget our initial earnest intention <<<
related words: 未熟 , 入門


pronunciation: shingaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity , education
translation: theology, divinity
神学の: shingakuno: theological
神学上の: shingakujouno <<<
神学校: shingakkou: seminary, theological school <<<
神学生: shingakusei: seminarist, seminarian <<<
神学者: shingakusha: theologian <<<
神学部: shingakubu: faculty of theology <<<
神学博士: shinkakuhakushi: doctor of divinity <<< 博士


pronunciation: shinpo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: progress (n.), advance (n.), advancement
進歩する: shinposuru: progress (v.), advance (v.)
進歩した: shinposhita: advanced
進歩が早い: shinpogahayai: make rapid progress <<<
進歩が遅い: shinpogaosoi: make slow progress <<<
進歩的: shinpoteki: progressive (a.) <<<
進歩派: shinpoha: progressive group <<<
進歩主義: shinposhugi: progressivism <<< 主義
進歩主義者: shinposhugisha: progressionist, progressist, progressive (n.) <<<
格段の進歩: kakudannnoshinpo: definite advance, substantial progress <<< 格段
急速に進歩する: kyuusokunishinposuru: advance [progress] quickly [rapidly] <<< 急速
synonyms: 向上 , 進捗


pronunciation: shinmai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: cereal , education
translation: new rice, young [green] hand, beginner, freshman, novice, newcomer
新米の: shinmaino: inexperienced, verdant, inexpert
synonyms: 初心 , 未熟


pronunciation: jisshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: (practical) exercise, practice (n.), training, drill
実習する: jisshuusuru: practice (v.), have (practical) training
実習中: jisshuuchuu: in training <<<
実習生: jisshuusei: student apprentice, intern, trainee <<<
実習時間: jisshuujikan: practice hours <<< 時間
臨海実習: rinkaijisshuu: marine practice <<< 臨海
synonyms: 訓練 , 修行


pronunciation: jitsugi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: practical technique [skill]
実技試験: jitsugishiken: skill test [exam] <<< 試験
related words: 実習


pronunciation: joutatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: improvement, progress (n.)
上達する: joutatsusuru: improve, progress (v.)
上達が早い: joutatsugahayai: make rapid progress <<<
上達が遅い: joutatsugaosoi: make slow progress <<<


pronunciation: suijun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science , education
translation: level
水準器: suijunki: (water) level <<<
水準線: suijunsen: contour line <<<
水準面: suijunmen: contour surface <<<
水準測量: suijunsokuryou: leveling, plane survey <<< 測量
水準曲線: suijunkyokusen: contour curve <<< 曲線
水準交差: suijunkousa: contour crossing <<< 交差
高水準: kousuijun: high level <<<
低水準: teisuijun: low level <<<
生活水準: seikatsusuijun: living standard <<< 生活
物価水準: bukkasuijun: price level <<< 物価
金利水準: kinrisuijun: interest rate level <<< 金利
所得水準: shotokusuijun: income level <<< 所得
賃金水準: chinginsuijun: wage level <<< 賃金
給与水準: kyuuyosuijun: wage level <<< 給与
related words: レベル


pronunciation: seikai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: right answer, correct response, solution
正解する: seikaisuru: answer [solve] correctly, give a correct answer
正解者: seikaisha: one who gives a correct answer <<<
related words: 解答


pronunciation: seiseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: results, marks
成績が良い: seisekigaii, seisekigayoi: make a good record <<<
成績が悪い: seisekigawarui: have a poor record <<<
成績が振るわない: seisekigahuruwanai <<<
成績表: seisekihyou: list of students' records <<<
成績簿: seisekibo: students' records, report card, scorecard <<< 簿
総合成績: sougouseiseki: overall result <<< 総合
勤務成績: kinmuseiseki: one's service record <<< 勤務

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