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Direct access: 養成 , 理科 , 理解 , 履歴 , 練習 , 論文


pronunciation: yousei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: training, cultivation, education
養成する: youseisuru: train, cultivate, educate
養成所: youseijo: training school <<<
人格を養成する: jinkakuoyouseisuru: build up one's character <<< 人格
synonyms: 研修 , 訓練


pronunciation: rika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science , education
translation: science study
理科系: rikakei: science dominant course or student <<<
理科大学: rikadaigaku: college of science <<< 大学
related words: 文化


pronunciation: rikai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: understanding, apprehension, savvy
理解する: rikaisuru: understand, apprehend
理解が早い: rikaigahayai: be quick of understanding <<<
理解が遅い: rikaigaosoi: be slow of understanding <<<
理解が足りない: rikaigatarinai: do not fully understand, lack sympathy for <<<
理解の有る: rikainoaru: understanding, comprehending <<<
理解の無い: rikainonai: unsympathetic, uncomprehending <<<
理解し易い: rikaishiyasui: easy to understand <<<
理解し難い: rikaishigatai: incomprehensible, beyond one's comprehension <<<
理解出来る: rikaidekiru: comprehensible <<< 出来
理解に苦しむ: rikainikurushimu: be unable to understand <<<
理解力: rikairyoku: capacity to understand <<<
related words:


pronunciation: rireki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life , education
translation: one's career, one's background
履歴書: rirekisho: curriculum vitae <<<
related words: 経歴


pronunciation: renshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , education
translation: training, exercise, practice
練習する: renshuusuru: exercise (v.), train
練習場: renshuujou: training ground <<<
練習所: renshuusho, renshuujo <<<
練習着: renshuugi: training suit, sweat suit, track suit <<<
練習機: renshuuki: training plane <<<
練習船: renshuusen: training ship <<<
練習曲: renshuukyoku: an etude <<<
練習生: renshuusei: student, apprentice <<<
練習帖: renshuuchou: exercise book, workbook <<<
練習問題: renshuumondai: an exercise <<< 問題
練習飛行: renshuuhikou: training flight <<< 飛行
練習不足: renshuubusoku: lack of exercises <<< 不足
練習試合: renshuujiai: training match <<< 試合
音階を練習する: onkaiorenshuusuru: do scales <<< 音階
synonyms: 演習 , ドリル


pronunciation: ronbun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science , education
translation: thesis, dissertation, treatise, essay, paper, article
論文を提出する: ronbunnoteishutsusuru: submit (present) a thesis <<< 提出
博士論文: hakushironbun: doctorate thesis <<< 博士
修士論文: shuushironbun: master's thesis <<< 修士
学位論文: gakuironbun: doctoral thesis [dissertation] <<< 学位
懸賞論文: kenshouronbun: prize essay <<< 懸賞
巻頭論文: kantouronbun: opening article (of a journal) <<< 巻頭
卒業論文: sotsugyouronbun: graduation thesis <<< 卒業

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