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Direct access: 前菜 , 紺碧 , 存在 , 短調 , 代理


pronunciation: zensai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: hors d'oeuvre, appetizer
synonyms: オードブル


pronunciation: konpeki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: color
translation: deep [dark] blue, azure
紺碧の空: konpekinosora: azure sky <<< , 青空
紺碧海岸: konpekikaigan: Cote d'Azur <<< 海岸
related words: , 瑠璃 , 濃紺


pronunciation: sonzai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: existence
存在する: sonzaisuru: exist, be in an existence
存在しない: sonzaishinai: do not exist
存在を認められる: sonzaiomitomerareru: be recognized, win recognition <<<
存在を信じる: sonzaioshinjiru: believe in <<<
神の存在を信じる: kaminosonzaioshinjiru: believe in god <<<
存在物: sonzaibutsu: being (n.) <<<
存在理由: sonzairiyuu: reason for being, raison d'etre <<< 理由


pronunciation: tanchou
kanji characters: , 調
keyword: music
translation: minor key
短調で: tanchoude: in a minor key
ニ短調: nitanchou: D minor
ホ短調: hotanchou: E minor


pronunciation: dairi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job , law
translation: proxy, substitution, supply
代理する: dairisuru: represent, act for, substitute (v.), surrogate
代理の: dairino: deputy, supply, substitute (a.), surrogate
代理の先生: dairinosensei: substitute [supply] teacher <<< 先生
代理で: dairide: by proxy
代理店: dairiten: agency, outlet, dealer <<< , ディーラー
代理人: dairinin: agent, deputy, substitute (n.), alternate, surrogate <<<
代理権: dairiken: power of procuration <<<
代理投票: dairitouhyou: proxy vote <<< 投票
代理大使: dairitaishi: charge d'affaires, ad interim <<< 大使
代理判事: dairihanji: deputy judge
代理出産: dairishussan: surrogacy <<< 出産
代表代理: daihyoudairi: alternate delegate <<< 代表

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