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category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 7
translation: me, I, oneself, my, mine
我: ga: self, ego, egoism
我の強い: ganotsuyoi: self-willed, obstinate, headstrong <<<
我を通す: gaotoosu: carry one's will through, have one's own way, hunker <<<
我を折る: gaooru: yield (to), give in, bend to (another will) <<<
我: ware: me, I, oneself
我が: waga: my, mine
我に返る: warenikaeru: come to oneself <<<
我を忘れる: wareowasureru: forget oneself, be beside oneself <<<
我を忘れて: wareowasurete: in spite of oneself, involuntarily <<<
Kanji words: 我慢 , 我家 , 我楽多 , 我等 , 我々 , 怪我 , 我流 , 我身 , 我儘
Expressions: 我闘争
synonyms: , ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: job
Number of strokes: 7
translation: effort, labor, work, pains
労する: rousuru: make an effort, take pains
労せずに: rousezuni: without difficulty, very easily
労を取る: rouotoru: take the trouble to do [of doing] <<<
労れる: tsukareru: get tired <<<
労る: itawaru: take care of
労う: negirau: thank a person for his trouble [service]
労を謝する: rouoshasuru <<<
労を労う: roonegirau
労に報いる: rounimukuiru: reward [remunerate] (a person) for his service [labor] <<<
労を厭わない: rouoitowanai: spare no pains [trouble], do not spare oneself [one's pains] <<<
労を惜しまない: rouooshimanai <<<
労を省く: rouohabuku: save (one) trouble <<<
労を惜しむ: rouooshimu <<<
Kanji words: 労働 , 労災 , 労力 , 疲労 , 勤労 , 苦労 , 不労

category: to learn in school
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 7
translation: cold, cool, chilly, icy
rei, ryou
冷える: hieru: get cold
冷やす: hiyasu: cool (v.), ice, refrigerate
冷める: sameru: become cool, get cold, be spoiled, be chilled, cool down
冷ます: samasu: cool (v.), spoil person's pleasure, dampen a person's enthusiasm, bring down, allay, abate
冷たい: tsumetai: cold, chilly, icy, indifferent
冷たさ: tsumetasa: coldness, chilliness, chill, indifference
冷しい: suzushii: cool <<<
冷や: hiya: cold water (jp.)
冷やかし: hiyakashi: banter (n., jp.), chaff, jeer, mere inspection
冷やかす: hiyakasu: banter (v., jp.), chaff, make fun of, tease, just look at (goods)
冷ややかな: hiyayakana: cold, coldhearted, unkind, indifferent
冷ややかに: hiyayakani: coldly, indifferently, coolly
Kanji words: 冷戦 , 冷蔵 , 冷笑 , 冷静 , 寒冷 , 冷凍 , 冷房 , 冷気 , 冷淡 , 冷却 , 冷水 , 冷汗 , 冷酷
Expressions: 熱が冷める , 肝を冷やす , 興を冷ます , 氷で冷す , 氷で冷した , 冷し拉麺
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 7
translation: face to face, side by side, pair
tai, tsui
対する: taisuru: be opposite to, face (v.), confront, oppose, against, toward
対かう: mukau: face (v.), go toward <<<
対: soroi: set, couple, pair <<<
対える: kotaeru: answer, reply <<<
対: tsureai: companion, one's husband, one's wife <<< 連合い
対: aite: partner, companion, competitor, opponent, rival <<< 相手
対ぶ: narabu: stand in a line [row], form a line [queue], line up in a queue, be drawn up, stand side by side, stand abreast <<<
Kanji words: 対人 , 対訳 , 対応 , 対抗 , 対策 , 対象 , 対流 , 応対 , 対峙 , 対決 , 対面 , 対処 , 対比 , 対照 , 対角 , 絶対 , 相対 , 対称 , 反対 , 対数 , 対岸 , 対立
Expressions: 対戦車砲

category: to learn in school
other spells: 聲
keyword: audio
Number of strokes: 7
translation: voice, sound
sei, juu
声: koe: voice
声を立てる: koeotateru: cry (v.) utter a cry <<<
声を出す: koeodasu <<<
声が出ない: koegadenai: lose one's voice <<<
声を掛ける: koeokakeru: call out [shout], hail (a person) <<<
声を潜める: koeohisomeru: lower one's voice <<<
声を落す: koeootosu <<<
声を張り上げる: koeohariageru: raise one's voice
声を呑む: ikionomu: be astounded (at, by) <<<
声を揃えて: koeosoroete: with one voice, in chorus <<<
声の届く所に: koenotodokutokoroni: within hearing [call, earshot]
声の届かぬ所に: koenotodokanutokoroni: beyond [out of] hearing [call, earshot]
声: kowa: voice
声: oto: sound <<<
Kanji words: 歌声 , 声明 , 怒声 , 産声 , 掛声 , 声楽 , 声帯 , 音声 , 名声
Expressions: 小さい声で , 天の声 , 猫の声 , 澄んだ声 , 作り声 , 作り声をする , 犬の声 , 民の声 , 細い声 , 吠え声 , 巷の声 , 喚き声 , 高い声 , 麗しい声 , 太い声 , 鳴き声 , 悲鳴声 , 黄色い声で , 銅鑼声 , ヒステリックな声 , ハスキーな声

category: to learn in school
keyword: disaster
Number of strokes: 7
translation: evil, misfortune, mishap, disaster, calamity
災い: wazawai
災いを招く: wazawaiomaneku: invite disaster, bring an evil upon oneself <<<
災いと成る: wazawaitonaru: be injurious to, do harm (to), be one's ruin <<<
災いを転じて福と成す: wazawaiotenjitehukutonasu: turn a misfortune to a blessing
Kanji words: 天災 , 労災 , 火災 , 災禍 , 被災 , 災難 , 災害 , 震災

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 7
translation: break, fold, bend, double
折る: oru: break (vt.), snap, pick, fold (up), double, turn down, bend
折れる: oreru: break (vi.), be broken, give way, snap, can be folded, be collapsible, give in (to), yield (to), compromise (with)
折り: ori: chip box, fold, folding, time (jp.), moment, occasion, juncture, opportunity
折りから: orikara: just then, at that moment
折りしも: orishimo
折り入って: oriitte: earnestly <<<
折を見て: oriomite: at one's own convenience <<<
折に触れて: orinihurete: occasionally, at times <<<
折り合う: oriau: get on with, come to terms [an agreement] (with), compromise (with), meet (a person) halfway <<<
折り重なる: orikasanaru: lie one upon another <<<
折り重ねる: orikasaneru: fold back [down], pile one upon another <<<
折り畳む: oritatamu: fold [double] (up) <<<
折り曲げる: orimageru: bend, double, turn up [down] <<<
折り込む: orikomu: turn [truck] in, insert <<<
折り込み: orikomi: insertion <<<
折く: kujiku: break, wrench, sprain, get broken, discourage, dishearten, frustrate, baffle <<<
Kanji words: 骨折 , 折角 , 右折 , 左折 , 屈折 , 折檻 , 折紙 , 挫折 , 折半
Expressions: 我を折る , 端折る , 骨を折る , 骨の折れる , 鼻を折る , 芯を折る , 肋骨を折る , 菓子折

category: to learn in school
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 7
translation: beginning, start, commencement
sho, so
初め: hajime: beginning, start
初めから: hajimekara: from the beginning [outset, start]
初めから終わりまで: hajimekaraowarimade: from beginning [first] to end [last] <<<
初めの: hajimeno: first, original, initial, early
初めに: hajimeni: first, at [in] the beginning, at the outset [start]
初めは: hajimeha: at first, in the beginning, originally
初めまして: hajimemashite: I am glad [pleased] to see [meet] you, nice to meet you
初めて: hajimete: for the first time, first
初めての: hajimeteno: first time, first
初: hatsu, ui: first
初める: someru: make one's debut
Kanji words: 初級 , 初恋 , 初詣 , 最初 , 初夏 , 仮初 , 初期 , 当初 , 初夢 , 初秋 , 初心 , 初旬 , 初代 , 初頭 , 初冬 , 初日 , 初回
Expressions: 年の初めに , 四月初め , 初対面 , 初対面する , 初出演 , 初出演する , 初舞台 , 初速度 , 初場所 , 学期初め , 初日出

category: to learn in school
keyword: life
Number of strokes: 7
translation: mind, will, intention, aim, purpose, ambition, aspiration, desire, wish, register (conf.), shilling (English money, fam.)
志す: kokorozasu: intend (to do), aim (at), have in view, have an ambition (to), aspire (to)
志し: kokorozashi: mind, will, intention, object, aim, purpose, ambition, aspiration, desire, wishes
志を立てる: kokorozashiotateru: set an aim in life <<<
志を遂げる: kokorozashiotogeru: fulfill one's ambition, reach his aim <<<
志す: shirusu: register, record, write [note, jot] down, put [set] down, describe, give an account (of) <<< ,
志: sakan: tit. (jp.)
Kanji words: 有志 , 志願 , 志望 , 意志
Expressions: 文学を志す , 三国志

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 7
translation: I, me, private, urine (ext.)
私: watashi, watakushi, atashi: I, me, privateness, privacy, self-interest
私か: hisoka: private, personal <<<
私: ibari: urine <<< 尿
私の: watashino, watakushino: my, private, personal
私の物: watashinomono, watakushinomono: mine <<<
私に: watashini, watakushini: me, to me
私へ: watashie, watakushie
私は: watashiwa, watakushiwa: I am
私する: watakushisuru: turn (a thing) to one's private use, embezzle [misappropriate]
Kanji words: 私的 , 私物 , 私書 , 私語 , 私鉄 , 私達 , 私立 , 私有
Expressions: 私生活 , 私小説 , 私の御願 , 私と一緒に , 私の見解では , 私の名前 , 私の名前は , 私企業 , 私の息子 , 私自身
synonyms: , ,

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