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category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 13
translation: bow, prostrate, stumble
頓く: nukazuku: bow (low), prostrate oneself (before)
頓く: tsumazuku: stumble (over, against), take a false step <<<
頓に: niwakani: suddenly, unexpectedly <<<
頓: hitasura: intently, fervently, from the bottom of one's heart
頓: haya: pers.
Kanji words: 頓馬 , 整頓

category: JIS1
keyword: greeting
Number of strokes: 13
translation: pretense, apology, excuse
詫び: wabi: apology, excuse
詫びを入れる: wabioireru: apologize to (a person for), make an apology [excuse] (for), be a person's pardon <<<
詫びる: wabiru
詫つ: kakotsu: make a pretense <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 14
translation: glow, bear (bor.), bruin
熊: kuma: bear, bruin
熊: kage: pers.
熊の様な: kumanoyouna: bearish <<<
熊の子: kumanoko: bear's cub <<< , 小熊
熊の胆: kumanoi: bear's gall <<<
Kanji words: 熊手 , 洗い熊 , 小熊 , 熊本 , 白熊
Expressions: 月輪熊 , 灰色熊 , 北極熊 , 熊の縫包み

category: JIS1
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 14
translation: sheathe, scabbard, case, cap
sou, shou
鞘: saya: sheathe, scabbard, case, cap, commission (jp.)
鞘に収める: sayaniosameru: return [put back] (one's sword) into the scabbard, sheathe [put up] (one's sword) <<<
鞘を払う: sayaoharau: draw [unsheathe] one's sword <<<
鞘を取る: sayaotoru: take a commission <<<
Expressions: 刀の鞘

category: JIS1
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 15
translation: knee, lap
shitsu, shichi
膝: hiza
膝を組む: hizaokumu: cross one's legs, sit cross-legged <<<
膝を付く: hizaotsuku: knee down, fall one's knees, get down on one's knees <<<
膝を付いて: hizaotsuite: kneeling, on his knees <<<
膝を崩す: hizaokuzusu: sit at ease <<<
膝を屈する: hizaokussuru: bow the knee to [before] <<<
膝を曲げる: hizaomageru: bend the knees <<<
膝までの深さの: hizamadenohukasano: knee-deep <<<
Expressions: 膝小僧

category: JIS1
keyword: animal , mechanics
Number of strokes: 15
translation: bite, gnaw, chew, masticate
噛む: kamu: bite, gnaw, chew, masticate <<<
噛み合い: kamiai: biting [fighting] each other, gearing, engagement <<<
噛み合う: kamiau: bite at [fight with] each other, gear with, occlude <<<
噛み合わせ: kamiawase: biting [fighting] each other, gearing, engagement <<<
噛み合わせる: kamiawaseru: clench one's teeth, engage (gear wheels), set (animals) fighting each other <<<
噛み殺す: kamikorosu: bite to death, suppress, keep back <<<
噛み砕く: kamikudaku: crunch, crash with the teeth <<<
噛み締める: kamishimeru: chew (well), masticate, appreciate, meditate on <<<
噛み付く: kamitsuku: bite [snap] (at) <<<
噛み分ける: kamiwakeru: understand, appreciate <<<
噛る: kajiru: gnaw (upon), nibble (at), bite (at), have a smattering of <<<
Expressions: 舌を噛む , 爪を噛む , 唇を噛む , 犬に噛まれる , 臍を噛む , 噛み煙草 , ガムを噛む

category: JIS1
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 15
translation: mustache, beard, whiskers, barbel
髭: hige
髭を生やす: higeohayasu: grow mustache [beard] <<<
髭の有る: higenoaru: bearded, mustached, unshaven <<<
髭の無い: higenonai: beardless, clean-shaven <<<
髭を剃る: higeosoru: shave oneself [one's face] <<< , 髭剃
Kanji words: 髭剃
Expressions: 山羊髭

category: JIS1
keyword: bird
Number of strokes: 16
translation: (wild) duck, drake
鴨: kamo: wild duck, drake, dupe (n., jp.), one's (easy) mark, pigeon
鴨の子: kamonoko: duckling <<<
鴨にする: kamonisuru: dupe (v., jp.), deceive, fool
鴨にされる: kamonisareru: be taken in [be fooled] (by)
鴨が葱を背負って来る: kamoganegioshottekuru: a naive person easy to deceive
Kanji words: 家鴨 , 鴨居
Expressions: 鴨のテリーヌ

category: JIS1
keyword: bird
Number of strokes: 16
translation: swallow, enjoy (emp.), relax, Yan (an ancient kingdom in northeast China, 1100 BC-222 BC)
燕: tsubame, tsubakuro: swallow
燕: teru, naru, yoshi: pers.
燕の巣: tsubamenosu: swallow's nest <<<
Kanji words: 岩燕

category: JIS1
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 16
translation: cheek
頬: hoo, hoho
頬が痩けた: hoogakoketa, hohogakoketa: hollow-cheeked <<<
頬を膨らませる: hooohukuramaseru, hohoohukuramaseru: puff out one's cheeks, be sulky <<<
頬の膨らんだ: hoonohukuranda, hohonohukuranda: chubby-cheeked <<<
頬を赤らめる: hoooakarameru, hohooakarameru: blush <<<
頬張る: hoobaru: stuff [cram] one's mouth (with food) <<<
Kanji words: 頬白

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