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category: JIS1
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 11
translation: helmet
tou, to
兜: kabuto
兜を脱ぐ: kabutoonugu: take off one's helmet, give in, raise one's hat (to), admit defeat, capitulate <<<
related words: ヘルメット

category: JIS1
keyword: art
Number of strokes: 11
translation: pattern of tiger's skin
彪: aya: pattern <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: tree
Number of strokes: 11
translation: sultan's parasol tree, sterculiaceous, support (ext.), hold, maintain, sustain, keep
梧: aogiri: sultan's parasol tree, sterculiaceous
梧える: sasaeru: support, hold (out), maintain, sustain, keep (up), stay <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: health
Number of strokes: 11
translation: senile, dote, blurred, vague, hazy
惚け: boke: senile psychosis [dementia] <<<
惚ける: bokeru: grow [become] senile, dote, grow mentally weak, grow faint, fade, shade off <<<
惚けた: boketa: senile, dote, blurred, vague, hazy
惚れる: horeru: take a fancy to (jp.), lose [give] one's heart to, fall for, be much taken by
惚ける: tobokeru: pretend [sham, feign] ignorance, pretend not to know
惚けた顔をする: toboketakaoosuru: look blank <<<
Kanji words: 自惚れ , 恍惚
Expressions: 寝惚ける , 一目惚れ , 一目惚れする , 時差惚け

category: JIS1
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 12
translation: frog, toad
a, wa
蛙: kaeru
蛙: kawazu
蛙が鳴く: kaeruganaku: croak <<<
蛙の子は蛙: kaerunokohakaeru: What is born of a cat will catch mice
蛙の面に水: kaerunotsuranimizu: It is like pouring water over a duck's back
Kanji words: 雨蛙
Expressions: 殿様蛙

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 12
translation: escape, flee, avoid, evade
ton, shun
遁れる: nogareru: escape, get off [away], flee, make one's escape, take refuge in, avoid, evade, be freed from, be exempted from, get rid [clear] of
遁る: nigeru: run away [off], flee, take to flight, escape, break [get] loose, fly away, shirk, back out of
Kanji words: 土遁 , 水遁 , 火遁

category: JIS1
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 12
translation: throat, voice
喉: nodo
喉が渇く: nodogakawaku: be [feel] thirsty <<<
喉が鳴る: nodoganaru: lick one's lips (want to eat) <<<
喉を鳴らす: nodoonarasu: purr <<<
喉が痛い: nodogaitai: have a sore throat <<<
喉を痛める: nodooitameru <<<
喉を潤す: nodoouruosu: appease thirst, slake the thirst <<<
喉を絞める: nodooshimeru: grip a person's throat, strangle (a person) <<<
喉に痞える: nodonitsukaeru: stick in one's throat <<<
喉が良い: nodogaii: have a sweet voice <<<
喉を聞かせる: nodookikaseru: sing to (a person) <<<
喉から手が出るほど欲しい: nodokarategaderuhodohoshii: feel like jumping at (a thing), make one's mouth water
Kanji words: 咽喉

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 13
translation: crevice, chink, opening, space, gap, crack, discord (fig.), quarrel
隙: suki: opening, crevice, crack, gap, opportunity, chance, leisure, weak point, unguarded moment
隙が無い: sukiganai: be unassailable, be thoroughly guarded <<<
隙を窺う: sukioukagau: watch for a chance <<<
隙を見る: sukiomiru <<<
隙を見せる: sukiomiseru: be off one's guard <<<
隙に乗じる: sukinijoujiru: attack (a person) off the guard <<<
隙を突く: sukiotsuku <<<
隙: sukima: crevice, chink, opening, space, gap, intermission <<< 隙間
隙い: nakatagai: discord, quarrel
Kanji words: 隙間 , 間隙
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: nature , finance
Number of strokes: 13
translation: drip, drop, trickle
溜る: shitataru: drip, drop, trickle <<<
溜まる: tamaru: collect (jp., vi.), gather, form a mass, heap, accumulate, stay, stand, be in arrears, be overdue
溜める: tameru: accumulate (jp., vt.), amass, save, store, lay [set] by, put aside [by, away], hoard, collect, gather, run up [behind in one's] (bills), leave (one's work) undone, leave over (one's work) <<<
溜り: tamari: waiting room (jp.), haunt, hangout, parking lot
溜: tame: dump (jp.), tip
溜め込む: tamekomu: save [hoard] up, amass <<<
Kanji words: 日溜り , 水溜り , 溜息 , 一溜り
Expressions: 埃が溜まる , 汚水溜 , 下水溜め , 勘定を溜める , ストレスが溜まる

category: JIS1
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 13
translation: tripode
鼎: kanae
鼎の軽重を問う: kanaenokeichouotou: have doubts about one's ability [competence]
鼎に: masani: just (adv.), exactly, precisely, surely, certainly, really <<<

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