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Direct access: 転向 , 転進 , 天罰 , 弟子 , 投手 , 床屋 , 途中 , 鳥目 , 同窓 , 童貞


pronunciation: tenkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , religion
translation: turn (n.), conversion
転向する: tenkousuru: turn [switch] to, be converted to, turn one's coat
転向者: tenkousha: a convert <<<
related words:


pronunciation: tenshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: change of direction, transfer, withdrawal
転進する: tenshinsuru: change one's course, be transferred (to), withdraw
related words:


pronunciation: tenbatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: Heaven's judgment, retribution, scourge, Nemesis
天罰を受ける: tenbatsuoukeru: incur Heaven's retribution <<<
天罰を被る: tenbatsuokoumuru <<<
天罰覿面: tenbatsutekimen: Swift is Heaven's vengeance


pronunciation: deshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , religion , sport
translation: disciple, follower, pupil
弟子にする: deshinisuru: take a person as one's pupil
弟子を取る: deshiotoru: take pupils <<<
弟子入りする: deshiirisuru: become a person's pupil, be apprenticed <<<
兄弟子: anideshi: older disciple <<<
一番弟子: ichibandeshi: the first [best] disciple <<< 一番


pronunciation: toushu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: baseball pitcher, hurler
投手板: toushuban: pitcher's plate, mound, slab <<< , マウンド
投手陣: toushujin: pitching staff <<<
投手力: toushuryoku: pitching strength <<<
投手戦: toushusen: pitchers' battle, hurling duel <<<
リリーフ投手: ririihutoushu: relief pitcher, reliever <<< リリーフ
related words: ピッチャー


pronunciation: tokoya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty , shop
translation: barber, barbershop, barber's shop
床屋に行く: tokoyaniiku: go to a barbershop, have [get] a haircut <<<
床屋の看板: tokoyanokanban: barber's pole
related words: 美容 , 散髪


pronunciation: tochuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: halfway
途中で: tochuude: on the way
途中下車: tochuugesha: stopover <<< 下車
途中下車する: tochuugeshasuru: stop over, break one's journey
下校の途中で: gekounotochuude: on one's way from school <<< 下校
帰宅の途中で: kitakunotochuude: on one's way home <<< 帰宅


pronunciation: torime
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: night-blindness, nyctalopia, bird's eye
鳥目の: torimeno: night-blind


pronunciation: dousou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: the same school
同窓の: dousouno: from the same school
同窓会: dousoukai: alumni [alumnae] association, old boy's association, alumni meeting [reunion] <<<
同窓会誌: dousoukaishi: alumni bulletin <<<
同窓生: dousousei: fellow student, schoolmate, alumnus, alumna (f.) <<<
related words: 同級 , 同期


pronunciation: doutei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sex
translation: chastity (of a man), virginity
童貞の: douteino: virgin (a.)
童貞を守る: douteiomamoru: keep one's chastity <<<
童貞を破る: douteioyaburu: lose one's chastity <<<
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