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category: common usage
Number of strokes: 10
translation: shake, brandish, prosper (ext.), flourish
振う: huruu: shake, brandish, exercise, wield, use, be spirited, prosper, flourish <<<
振る: huru: shake, distribute (jp.)
振り: huri: manner (jp.), look
振り上げる: huriageru: fling [swing, lift] up, raise overhead <<<
振り落とす: huriotosu: shake off, throw off <<<
振り返る: hurikaeru: turn around, turn one's head, look back <<<
振り翳す: hurikazasu: hold aloft, brandish <<<
振り捨てる: hurisuteru: shake off, abandon, desert, forsake <<<
振り払う: huriharau: shake off, push away, tear oneself away (from) <<<
振り撒く: hurimaku: scatter, sprinkle, strew <<<
振り回す: hurimawasu: brandish, wave, wield, flourish, show off, abuse <<<
振り乱す: hurimidasu: shake one's hair loose <<<
振り向ける: hurimukeru: turn (vt.), direct (to), apply a thing to, appropriate <<<
振り向く: hurimuku: turn one's face [head], turn round [toward], look back <<<
Kanji words: 素振り , 振袖 , 振込 , 振出 , 身振り , 振付 , 不振 , 振替 , 振掛 , 久し振り , 振興 , 振動 , 振幅 , 振子
Expressions: 首を振る , 力を振る , 頭を振る , 尾を振る , 棒に振る , 賽を振る , 鞭を振る , 勢いを振るう , 仮名を振る , 振り仮名 , 賽子を振る , 暴力を振るう , 学者振る , 学者振った , 鉄拳を振う , 体裁振る , 成績が振るわない , 大手を振って , 尻尾を振る , 殿様振る , 信心振る , 上品振る , 勿体振る , 猛威を振るう

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 10
translation: shame, disgrace, dishonor, humiliation
恥: haji: shame, disgrace, dishonor, humiliation
恥を掻く: hajiokaku: be put to shame, disgrace [humiliate] oneself <<<
恥を掻かせる: hajiokakaseru: shame (a person), put (a person) to shame <<<
恥を晒す: hajiosarasu: disgrace oneself, make a fool [an ass] of oneself <<<
恥を忍ぶ: hajioshinobu: bear shame, swallow an insult <<<
恥を忍んで: hajioshinonde: stoop to do <<<
恥を雪ぐ: hajiososogu: clear oneself from a charge, have one's revenge <<<
恥じる: hajiru: be [feel ashamed]
恥ずかしい: hazukashii: be ashamed (of, that), be abashed, shameful, disgraceful, dishonorable
恥ずかしそうな: hazukashisouna: shy, bashful
恥ずかしそうに: hazukashisouni: shyly, bashfully
恥ずかしがる: hazukashigaru: be [feel] shy [bashful], be coy, be self-conscious
恥じらう: hajirau: be shy [bashful], blush

category: common usage
other spells: 戀
keyword: love
Number of strokes: 10
translation: love, affection
恋: koi: love (n.), affection
恋う: kou: love (v.), like, prefer <<<
恋しい: koishii: dear, beloved
恋しがる: koishigaru: yearn
恋する: koisuru: love (v.), fall in love with, lose one's heart to
恋に陥る: koiniochiiru: fall in love, become fond of sb. <<<
恋に悩む: koininayamu: be lovesick <<<
恋の苦しみ: koinokurushimi: lovesickness <<<
恋に破れる: koiniyabureru: be disappointed [crossed, thwarted] in love <<<
Kanji words: 恋人 , 失恋 , 恋愛 , 恋心 , 初恋
Expressions: 叶わぬ恋 , 淡い恋 , 儚い恋 , 恋は盲目 , 恋の陶酔 , 恋の火遊び
synonyms: , ラブ

category: common usage
keyword: health
Number of strokes: 10
translation: tire, fatigue, weary
疲れる: tsukareru: be [get] tired, be [become] fatigued [weary, wearied]
疲らす: tsukarasu: tire (vt.), fatigue
疲れさせる: tsukaresaseru
疲れた: tsukareta: tired, fatigued
疲れ: tsukare: fatigue, weariness
疲れが出る: tsukaregaderu: feel tired [fatigued] <<<
疲れが抜ける: tsukareganukeru: recover from one's fatigue <<<
疲れが取れる: tsukaregatoreru <<<
疲れを休める: tsukareoyasumeru: rest oneself <<<
疲れを癒す: tsukareoiyasu <<<
疲れを知らない: tsukareoshiranai: tireless <<<
疲れ果てる: tsukarehateru: be tired [worn] out, be dead tired, be dog-tired, be exhausted [spent], be washed out <<<
疲れ切る: tsukarekiru <<<
Kanji words: 気疲れ , 疲労 , 疲弊
Expressions: 頭の疲れ , 看病疲れする

category: common usage
keyword: fantasy
Number of strokes: 10
translation: spirit, ogre, demon, fiend, devil
鬼: oni: spirit, ogre, demon, fiend, devil, brave (jp.), big (jp.)
鬼の様な: oninoyouna: fiendish, demoniac, inhuman, cruel <<<
鬼の目にも涙: oninomenimonamida: Even a foul fiend is capable of compassion
鬼の首でも取った様に: oninokubidemotottayouni: triumphantly, as happily as a king
鬼ごっこ: onigokko: tag, blindman's buff
鬼ごっこをする: onigokkoosuru: play tag, play blindman's buff
鬼: bakemono: demon, fiend, devil <<< 化物
Kanji words: 天邪鬼 , 鬼灯 , 餓鬼 , 鬼滅 , 鬼門
Expressions: 吸血鬼 , 鬼百合 , 鬼も十八 , 殺人鬼

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 10
translation: look alike, be indistinguishable, be [get] confused [mixed up]
紛れる: magireru: look alike, be indistinguishable (from), be [get] confused [mixed up] (with), be diverted [distracted], forget one's cares for a time
紛らす: magirasu: divert, beguile, conceal, hide, evade
紛らわす: magirawasu
紛らわしい: magirawashii: confusing, misleading, ambiguous
紛れ込む: magirekomu: get [be] mixed (up), be lost (somewhere) <<<
紛れも無い: magiremonai: unmistakable, plain, evident <<<
紛れも無く: magiremonaku: evidently, sure enough, no [without] doubt <<<
紛れ: magure: fluke
紛れで勝つ: maguredekatsu: win by a fluke <<<
紛れる: midareru: go out of order [control], be confused, become disorganized, fall into disorder [confusion], lose one's wits <<<
Kanji words: 紛失 , 内紛 , 紛い物 , 気紛れ , 紛争
Expressions: 苦し紛れに , 闇に紛れて , 言い紛らす , 人込みに紛れる , 退屈を紛らす , 暗闇に紛れて

category: common usage
keyword: death
Number of strokes: 10
translation: follow the death of one's lord
殉じる: junjiru: sacrifice oneself [one's life] to, die a martyr (one's principle)
殉う: shitagau: follow <<<
Kanji words: 殉教

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 10
translation: pleased, delighted, rejoice, happy, joy
悦に入る: etsuniiru: rejoice (at, in, over), rub one's hands, be in ecstasies, be pleased with oneself, gloat (over) <<<
悦ぶ: yorokobu: be pleased, be delighted, rejoice <<<

category: common usage
keyword: swimming
Number of strokes: 10
translation: float, superficial, light
hu, bu
浮く: uku: float (vi.), rise to the surface, become buoyant [cheered up], be set on edge, be saved, be left over
浮かぶ: ukabu: float (vi.), waft, occur to (one), cross [come into] one's mind, rise to one's eyes, be expressed
浮かべる: ukaberu: float (vt.), set afloat, waft, launch, show, express, call (a matter) to mind, recall
浮かれる: ukareru: be gay (jp.), make merry, be in high spirits, be one the spree
浮: uki: float (n.), buoy, life belt [buoy]
浮き上がる: ukiagaru: rise to the surface, float, refloat, loose the support <<<
浮き出る: ukideru: come (up) [rise] to the surface (of water), be embossed <<<
浮き立つ: ukitatsu: become buoyant [lighthearted], be cheered up, feel gay <<<
浮き浮きした: ukiukishita: buoyant, cheerful, lighthearted, gay
浮き浮きと: ukiukito: buoyantly, cheerfully, with a light heart
浮き足立つ: ukiashidatsu: begin to waver, be ready to run away, be on tiptoe for flight
Kanji words: 浮輪 , 浮気 , 浮世 , 浮袋 , 浮浪 , 浮腫
Expressions: 胸に浮かぶ , 思い浮かぶ , 涙を浮かべる , 心に浮かぶ , 浮き桟橋 , 水面に浮ぶ , 脳裏に浮かぶ , 微笑を浮かべて , 浮きドック , 浮きクレーン

category: common usage
keyword: psychology
Number of strokes: 11
translation: think (of, about), consider
勘: kan: intuition, the sixth sense
勘が良い: kangaii, kangayoi: have a quick perception, have a sharp sixth sense, be quick-witted <<<
勘が悪い: kangawarui: have a slow perception, have a poor sixth sense, be dull-witted <<<
勘を働かせる: kannohatarakaseru: think quickly, use one's head <<<
勘える: kangaeru: think (of, about), consider <<<
勘繰る: kanguru: guess at, suspect, take (a person's remark) amiss <<<
Kanji words: 勘違 , 勘定
Expressions: 土地勘

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