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category: to learn in school
keyword: audio
Number of strokes: 14
translation: hear, listen
bun, mon
聞く: kiku: hear, be informed of, learn, listen to, give an ear to, obey, accede (to), grant, ask, inquire, make a reference to
聞こえる: kikoeru: hear, catch, be heard, be audible, sound, seem, be known, be famed
聞こえますか: kikoemasuka: Can you hear me?
聞こえなく成る: kikoenakunaru: die away, be out of hearing, become inaudible <<<
聞こえ: kikoe: fame, reputation, sonority
聞こえが良い: kikoegaii, kikoegayoi: sound well, be respectable, The connection is good <<<
聞こえが悪い: kikoegawarui: sound bad, be disreputable, The connection is bad <<<
聞こえよがしに: kikoeyogashini: (as if) wishing to be overheard, (purposely) in a person's hearing
聞きたがる: kikitagaru: be inquisitive, be curious to hear, have itching ears
聞き入る: kikiiru: listen attentively to, be all ears to, devour every word <<<
聞き入れる: kikiireru: comply with, assent to, accept, grant, take [follow] (a person's advice) <<< , 同意
聞き苦しい: kikigurushii: disagreeable to hear, offensive [harsh] to the ear, unpleasant, objectionable <<<
聞き直す: kikinaosu: ask [inquire] again <<<
聞き返す: kikikaesu <<<
聞き流す: kikinagasu: take no notice of, pay no attention to, let (a question) by <<<
聞く所に因れば: kikutokoroniyoreba: from what I hear, I hear [am told] that
聞く所に因ると: kikutokoroniyoruto
Kanji words: 新聞
Expressions: 音に聞こえた , 道を聞く , 頼みを聞く , 喉を聞かせる , 噂を聞く , 便りを聞く , 漏れ聞く , 伝え聞く , 読み聞かす , 言い聞かせる , 足音が聞こえる , 言分を聞く , 異様に聞こえる , イヤフォーンで聞く , テープを聞く , ラジオを聞く

category: to learn in school
keyword: life
Number of strokes: 14
translation: twilight, dusk, sunset, nightfall, end of the year
暮る: kureru: get [grow] dark
暮: kure: twilight, dusk, sunset, nightfall, end of the year
暮う: mayou: hesitate (jp.)
暮す: kurasu: live (jp.), make a living, get along [on]
暮し: kurashi: life (jp.), living, circumstances
暮しを立てる: kurashiotateru: make a living, earn one's livelihood <<<
暮しに困る: kurashinikomaru: be hard up, be in needy circumstances <<<
Kanji words: 夕暮 , 歳暮
Expressions: 日が暮れる , 年の暮 , 遊び暮す , 楽に暮す , 涙に暮れる , 寝て暮らす , 共に暮す , 幸せに暮らす , 独りで暮らす , 待てど暮らせど , 寂しく暮らす , 明けても暮ても , 豊に暮らす , 静かに暮らす , 独身で暮らす , 外国で暮らす , 平凡に暮す , 円満に暮らす , 日々の暮し , 無事に暮らす , 贅沢に暮らす , 安楽に暮らす , 達者で暮す , 気楽に暮らす , 呑気に暮らす , 一人で暮らす , 無為に暮す , 裕福に暮す

category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 14
translation: nose, trunk, muzzle, snout
鼻: hana
鼻の: hanano: nasal
鼻の穴: hananoana: nostril <<<
鼻の先: hananosaki: nose tip <<<
鼻の下が長い: hananoshitaganagai: be spoony
鼻が利く: hanagakiku: have a good nose, have a fine sense of smell <<<
鼻が利かない: hanagakikanai: have a bad nose, have a poor sense of smell <<<
鼻が詰る: hanagatsumaru: One's nose is stopped up <<<
鼻に掛かる: hananikakaru: speak through one's nose, have a nasal tone [twang] <<<
鼻に掛ける: hananikakeru: pride oneself upon, be proud [vain] of, take pride in <<<
鼻に付く: hananitsuku: stink, be offensive to the nose, get tired [sick] of <<<
鼻を穿る: hanaohojiru: pick one's nose <<< 穿
鼻を摘む: hanaotsumamu: hold one's nose <<<
鼻を?む: hanaokamu: blow one's nose
鼻を鳴らす: hanaonarasu: whine <<<
鼻が高い: hanagatakai: be proud (of) <<<
鼻であしらう: hanadeashirau: sniff at, treat (a person) with contempt, snub
鼻で笑う: hanadewarau: laugh ironically <<<
鼻を明かす: hanaoakasu: foil, outwit (a person), upset a person's scheme, put a person's nose out of joint <<<
鼻を折る: hanaooru: put (a person) to shame, take (a person) down a peg <<<
Kanji words: 鼻炎 , 鼻水 , 鼻先 , 耳鼻
Expressions: 低い鼻 , 象の鼻 , 尖った鼻 , 高い鼻 , 獅子鼻 , 鼻眼鏡 , 団子鼻 , 団子鼻の , 鼻風邪 , 鼻母音 , 鼻が鋭敏

category: to learn in school
keyword: physics
Number of strokes: 15
translation: hot, warm, heat, temperature, enthusiasm, craze, mania, fever, fad
netsu, nechi
熱: netsu: heat, temperature, enthusiasm, craze, mania, fever, fad
熱い: atsui: hot, warm, heated, burning
熱を加える: netsuokuwaeru: heat (a thing), apply a heat (to) <<<
熱が上がる: netsugaagaru: One's fever soars [goes up] <<<
熱が下がる: netsugasagaru: One's fever falls [goes down] <<<
熱が取れる: netsugatoreru: One's fever leaves one <<<
熱が有る: netsugaaru: be feverish, have a temperature <<<
熱が出る: netsugaderu: become feverish, run a temperature <<<
熱が高い: netsugatakai: have a high fever <<<
熱を上げる: netsuoageru: have a craze for, be gone on <<<
熱を下げる: netsuosageru: bring down the fever <<<
熱を取る: netsuotoru: shake off one's fever <<<
熱を計る: netsuohakaru: take a person's temperature <<<
熱の有る: netsunoaru: earnest, enthusiastic <<<
熱の無い: netsunonai: indifferent <<<
熱: hotobori: (remaining) heat [warmth], excitement, sensation
熱が冷める: hotoborigasameru: The sensation is over <<<
Kanji words: 光熱 , 高熱 , 熱望 , 熱心 , 熱意 , 加熱 , 微熱 , 灼熱 , 比熱 , 熱湯 , 熱気 , 発熱 , 断熱 , 情熱 , 熱狂 , 熱帯 , 熱中
Expressions: 熱容量 , 気化熱 , 反射熱 , 化合熱 , 放射熱 , 摩擦熱 , 熱気球 , 投機熱 , 吸収熱 , 登山熱 , 企業熱 , 蕁麻疹熱 , 蒸発熱 , 回帰熱 , 熱処理 , リューマチ熱 , 熱エネルギー , プール熱 , マラリア熱
synonyms: , ホット
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 16
translation: head, brain, chief, leader, boss
tou, zu, to
頭: atama: head, top, brain
頭が痛い: atamagaitai: have a headache <<<
頭を抱える: atamaokakaeru: bury one's head in one's arms, be utterly perplexed <<<
頭を掻く: atamaokaku: scratch one's head <<<
頭を振る: atamaohuru: shake one's head <<<
頭を絞る: atamaoshiboru: cudgel [rack] one's brain, be worried (about) <<<
頭を働かす: atamaohatarakasu: use one's head <<<
頭が良い: atamagaii, atamagayoi: have a clear head, be clear-headed <<<
頭が悪い: atamagawarui: have no brains, be dull-headed <<<
頭が変な: atamagahennna: queer in the head <<<
頭の疲れ: atamanotsukare: mental exhaustion <<<
頭に来る: atamanikuru: get on one's nerves, go to one's head <<<
頭: kashira: head, chief <<< ボス
頭: kami: a Japanese court rank
Kanji words: 頭部 , 店頭 , 先頭 , 頭金 , 鶏頭 , 接頭 , 禿頭 , 頭巾 , 頭取 , 頭上 , 竜頭蛇尾 , 一頭 , 口頭 , 巻頭 , 頭脳 , 街頭 , 頭痛 , 没頭 , 冒頭 , 初頭 , 地頭 , 饅頭 , 船頭 , 竜頭 , 若頭 , 橋頭堡 , 出頭
Expressions: 尖った頭 , 釘の頭 , 頭骸骨 , 頭が可笑しい , 毬栗頭 , 薬缶頭 , 薬缶頭の , 坊主頭 , 出会い頭に , 頭が朦朧とする , 給仕頭 , 頭文字 , 白髪頭の , 出世頭 , 頭が鋭敏 , 頭の切替 , 人夫頭

category: to learn in school
keyword: history
Number of strokes: 16
translation: develop (country, industry etc.), rise, flourish
kyou, kou
興: kyou: interest, fun, amusement
興がる: kyougaru: become interested (in), be amused [entertained], warm up
興が乗る: kyouganoru <<<
興を催す: kyouomoyoosu <<<
興を冷ます: kyouosamasu: spoil a person's pleasure [fun] <<<
興を殺ぐ: kyouosogu <<<
興を添える: kyouosoeru: give [add] a zest to, add to the amusement [pleasure] (of) <<<
興る: okoru: flourish (vi.), develop
興す: okosu: flourish (vt.), develop, found, establish
興きる: okiru: stand up <<<
Kanji words: 興行 , 興亡 , 興奮 , 復興 , 振興 , 即興 , 興味 , 余興

category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 16
translation: parents, familiar, close (a.)
親しい: shitashii: familiar, close, intimate
親しく: shitashiku: intimately, personally, in person
親しく成る: shitashikunaru: become intimate [make friends] (with) <<<
親しむ: shitashimu: become intimate
親しみ: shitashimi: friendship, familiarity, intimacy, affection
親しみの有る: shitashiminoaru: familiar, friendly, intimate, affectionate <<<
親しみの無い: shitashiminonai: unfamiliar, strange, unfriendly, cold <<<
親: oya: parents
親の無い: oyanonai: parentless, fatherless, motherless <<<
親の脛を齧る: oyanosuneokajiru: sponge [live, hang] on one's parents
親ら: mizukara: in person, personally <<<
親: mi, miru, yori, chika: pers.
Kanji words: 親分 , 父親 , 母親 , 親方 , 親子 , 親父 , 片親 , 近親 , 肉親 , 両親 , 親愛 , 親近 , 親戚 , 親善 , 親展 , 親族 , 親王 , 親友 , 親類 , 親御 , 親指 , 親切 , 親心 , 親玉
Expressions: 義理の母親 , 義理の父親 , 一等親 , 肉親の親 , 名付け親 , 親会社 , 親馬鹿 , 灯火に親しむ , 親孝行 , 親不孝

category: to learn in school
keyword: greeting
Number of strokes: 17
translation: refuse, decline, apologize, beg a person's pardon, thanks
謝する: shasuru: thank, apologize
謝わる: kotowaru: refuse, turn down, decline, excuse oneself <<<
謝: rei: thanks, gratitude <<<
謝る: ayamaru: apologize, beg a person's pardon
謝: wabi: excuse (n.), apology <<<
Kanji words: 謝罪 , 謝意 , 慰謝 , 感謝 , 謝礼
Expressions: 労を謝する , 失言を謝する

category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 18
translation: forehead, brow, frame
gaku, gyaku
額: gaku: frame, amount, sum, a kind of hydrangea (jp.)
額: hitai: forehead, brow
額に皺を寄せる: hitainishiwaoyoseru: knit one's brows
額に汗して働く: hitainiaseshitehataraku: work by the sweat of one's brow
額: taka: amount, sum
Kanji words: 多額 , 金額 , 減額 , 総額 , 半額 , 高額 , 額縁 , 額面
Expressions: 増加額 , 最高額 , 滞納額 , 負担額 , 出資額 , 支給額 , 予定額 , 控除額 , 出金額 , 支出額 , 損害額 , 決算額 , 最低額 , 徴収額 , 輸出額 , 割当額 , 落札額 , 応募額 , 見積額 , 査定額 , 評価額 , 請求額 , 不足額 , 莫大な金額 , 所得額 , 申告額 , 些細な金額 , 超過額 , 消費額

category: to learn in school
keyword: job
Number of strokes: 18
translation: administration, office, job, manage
shoku, shiki
職め: tsutome: job, duty, office, work <<<
職の無い: shokunonai: jobless, unemployed <<<
職に就く: shokunitsuku: take employment, find work, take a position, take office <<<
職に留まる: shokunitodomaru: stay [remain] in office <<<
職を得る: shokuoeru: get [obtain] a job [position, situation], be employed <<<
職を求める: shokuomotomeru: seek employment, look for a position [job] <<<
職を与える: shokuoataeru: offer (a person) work, give employment to (a person) <<<
職を解かれる: shokuotokareru: be relieved of one's office, be dismissed <<<
職を失う: shokuoushinau: lose one's job [employment], be out of work <<<
職を辞める: shokuoyameru: quit one's job <<<
職を替える: shokuokaeru: switch jobs <<<
職: tsukasa: administration <<<
職る: tsukasadoru: manage, administer
職より: motoyori: principally <<<
Kanji words: 免職 , 役職 , 無職 , 汚職 , 職種 , 職業 , 求職 , 休職 , 職員 , 就職 , 転職 , 退職 , 職人 , 職場 , 職務 , 職歴 , 辞職 , 住職 , 在職 , 離職
Expressions: 議長職 , 煉瓦職 , 大臣の職 , 大統領の職 , 会長職 , 将軍職 , 知事職 , 守護職 , 法王職 , 使徒職 , 管理職 , 学長職
synonyms: 仕事

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