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Direct access: , 宿 , , , , , , , ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: moral
Number of strokes: 11
translation: tender, sympathy, affection, mercy, compassion, benevolence, taste (ext.), flavor
jou, sei
情け: nasake: tender feeling, fellow feeling, sympathy, affection, mercy, compassion, benevolence, love
情けの無い: nasakenonai: unfeeling, coldhearted, heartless, unsympathetic <<<
情けを知らぬ: nasakeoshiranu <<<
情け無い: nasakenai: pitiful, wretched, miserable, lamentable, deplorable <<<
情け無い奴: nasakenaiyatsu: miserable fellow, wretch
情け無い事に: nasakenaikotoni: to one's sorrow [regret]
情け深い: nasakebukai: benevolent, charitable, compassionate, tenderhearted, sympathetic <<<
情けを掛ける: nasakeokakeru: show mercy (to), take pity (on) <<<
情: kokoro: heart (fig.) <<<
情: omomuki: taste, flavor <<<
Kanji words: 感情 , 陳情 , 苦情 , 友情 , 非情 , 愛情 , 欲情 , 表情 , 発情 , 人情 , 強情 , 同情 , 薄情 , 旅情 , 風情 , 情欲 , 叙情 , 事情 , 情婦 , 情勢 , 純情 , 情夫 , 情況 , 情事 , 情緒 , 情報 , 情熱 , 実情 , 無情
Expressions: 母の情 , 親子の情 , 親愛の情
related words:


category: to learn in school
keyword: travel
Number of strokes: 11
translation: hotel, inn, accommodation, stay, sojourn
shuku, suku
宿: shuku: relay of horse (jp.)
宿る: yadoru: stay, sojourn, live, dwell
宿す: yadosu: let stay, [sojourn] conceive (a child)
宿: yado: hotel, inn, accommodation
宿を取る: yadootoru: put up (at a hotel), take up one's lodgings (in a house), stay <<<
宿を貸す: yadookasu: take in (a traveler) <<<
宿を探す: yadoosagasu: look for accommodation <<<
Kanji words: 下宿 , 宿泊 , 宿命 , 寄宿 , 雨宿り , 宿木 , 宿題 , 合宿 , 宿敵 , 原宿 , 新宿 , 宿場 , 宿直
Expressions: 温泉宿
synonyms: ホテル

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 11
translation: incline (org.), side, face
soku, shoku
側: katawara: side <<<
側: soba: side, neighborhood
側に: sobani: by the side of, at a person's side, beside, near, around, in the neighborhood (of)
側に寄る: sobaniyoru: come [draw] near (to) <<<
側てる: sobadateru: prick up one's ear (incline the head)
側か: honoka: faint, dim <<<
側: kawa, gawa: side, row, (watch) case
Kanji words: 外側 , 内側 , 裏側 , 側面 , 側近 , 縁側 , 両側 , 片側
Expressions: 政府側の , 賛成側 , 此方側に , 反対側 , 攻撃側
synonyms: , サイド

category: to learn in school
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 12
translation: burn, toast, grill
焼く: yaku: burn (vt.), toast, grill, be jealous (jp.)
焼ける: yakeru: burn (vi.), toast, grill
焼き: yaki: tempering
焼きを入れる: yakioireru: harden, temper, chastise, discipline, torture <<<
焼きが回る: yakigamawaru: lose one's former strength, become dull <<<
焼け石に水: yakeishinimizu: There is nothing but a drop in the bucket
Kanji words: 夕焼 , 焼酎 , 焼栗 , 胸焼 , 日焼け , 焼飯 , 鋤焼 , 焼鳥 , 焼餅 , 全焼 , 霜焼 , 焼豚 , 焼魚 , 燃焼 , 照焼 , 蒸焼 , 焼物 , 焼肉 , 鯛焼
Expressions: 日に焼ける , 胸が焼ける , 卵を焼く , 炭を焼く , 胃が焼ける , 煉瓦を焼く , 鉄板焼き , 天火で焼く , 焼餅を焼く , 焼餅焼き , 世話を焼く , 世話を焼かせる , 世話焼きな , 世話焼き , 世話の焼ける , 世話の焼けない , 焼御握り , 炭火で焼く , 焼き海苔 , 焼蕎麦 , 御好み焼き , 銅鑼焼き , 目玉焼 , 玉子焼 , 御節介を焼く , 焼け野原 , 焼林檎 , 薩摩焼 , オーブンで焼く , パンを焼く , パン焼

category: to learn in school
keyword: travel
Number of strokes: 12
translation: cross over (by ship), go over
渡る: wataru: cross over, go over, walk [run, ride, drive, sail] across, ferry, live (jp.)
渡り: watari: ferry (n.), migration, consultation (jp.) <<< フェリー
渡りに船: watarinihune: timely rescue [help], chance, grist for [to] one's mill <<<
渡りを付ける: watariotsukeru: come to an understanding (with), get in touch (with), contact (a person) <<<
渡り合う: watariau: cross swords (with), fight, argue [have words] (with) <<<
渡り歩く: watariaruku: wander from place to place <<<
渡す: watasu: pass (jp.), give
Kanji words: 不渡 , 渡航 , 渡り鳥 , 譲渡 , 渡世
Expressions: 澄み渡る , 世を渡る , 見渡す , 売り渡す , 川を渡る , 晴れ渡る , 橋を渡る , 輝き渡る , 染み渡る , 工場渡し , 全般に渡って , 分割渡し , 甲板渡し , 貨車渡し , 波止場渡し , 倉庫渡し , 人手に渡る , 現場渡し , 余談に渡る , バトンを渡す

category: to learn in school
keyword: travel
Number of strokes: 12
translation: return, again
huku, hu
復る: kaeru: return, come back <<<
復る: modoru: come [back] back [home] (from), return, retrace one's step <<<
復: mata: again <<<
Kanji words: 復縁 , 報復 , 反復 , 復習 , 回復 , 往復 , 復旧 , 復帰 , 復讐 , 復権 , 復興 , 復活 , 修復
Expressions: 正常に復する , 常態に復する

category: to learn in school
keyword: clothes
Number of strokes: 12
translation: wear (v.), be dressed, make up, pretend
sou, shou
装う: yosoou: wear [put on] (a dress), be dressed [attired] (in), dress oneself (in), make one's toilet, make (oneself) up, pretend, affect, assume, fein
装い: yosooi: array, dress, attire, toilet, makeup
Kanji words: 武装 , 偽装 , 塗装 , 内装 , 装甲 , 仮装 , 変装 , 装丁 , 装備 , 包装 , 服装 , 衣装 , 装置 , 装飾 , 改装 , 男装 , 女装
Expressions: 春の装い , 平気を装う

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 12
translation: whip, note (ext.), conspiracy (bor.), plan
策: saku: device, measure, plan, scheme, stratagem, policy, shift, resources
策が尽きる: sakugatsukiru: be at one's wit's end, be at the end of one's resources <<<
策を巡らす: sakuomegurasu: devise a scheme, draw up a plan <<<
策を弄する: sakuorousuru: resort to wiles, use tricks <<<
策: huda: card (of bamboo) <<<
策: kakitsuke: note (man used bamboo)
策: kazutori: lottery
策: hakarigoto: stratagem, conspiracy, plan <<<
策: muchi: whip <<<
策: tsue: cane, stick <<<
Kanji words: 対策 , 秘策 , 策士 , 散策 , 政策 , 策略 , 画策
Expressions: 解決策 , 対応策 , 対抗策 , 防止策 , 矯正策 , 救済策 , 改善策 , 振興策 , 自衛策 , 具体策 , 安全策 , 懐柔策 , 買収策 , 緩和策

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 12
translation: gloomy, sad, sorry
悲しい: kanashii: sad, sorrowful, woeful, mournful, tearful, pathetic, unhappy
悲しむ: kanashimu: sorrow (vi.) (at, over), grieve (at, over), be sad [sorrowful] (at), lament, deplore, mourn, regret
悲しませる: kanashimaseru: make (a person) sad
悲します: kanashimasu
悲しそうに: kanashisouni: sadly, sorrowfully, mournfully
悲しさ: kanashisa: sorrow, grief, distress, sadness, lamentation
悲しみ: kanashimi
悲しみの余り: kanashiminoamari: in (the excess of) one's sorrow [grief] <<<
悲しみに沈む: kanashiminishizumu: be in deep grief <<<
悲しく思う: kanashikuomou: feel sad [sorrowful] <<<
悲しい事には: kanashiikotoniha: to my sorrow, sad to say, It is a pity that <<<
Kanji words: 悲鳴 , 悲願 , 悲劇 , 悲観 , 悲哀 , 慈悲 , 悲惨

category: to learn in school
keyword: amusement
Number of strokes: 12
translation: play, sport, amusement, friend, visit
遊ぶ: asobu: play (v.)
遊ばす: asobasu: let be idle (pol., jp.), let be free
遊んでいる: asondeiru: be at play, be out of work, have no job, be free, lie idle
遊び: asobi: play (n.), sport, amusement, pleasure, fun, diversion, recreation, visit, call, outing, dissipation
遊びに行く: asobiniiku: go and see (a person), go out to play <<<
遊び耽る: asobihukeru: be given to pleasure <<<
遊び暮す: asobikurasu: idle away one's time <<<
Kanji words: 遊び場 , 遊園 , 遊覧 , 火遊び , 夢遊病 , 遊具 , 遊戯
Expressions: 口遊む , 共に遊ぶ , 雛遊びをする , 外で遊ぶ , 遊び半分に , 双六で遊ぶ , 積木遊び , 遊び友達
synonyms: プレー

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