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category: to learn in school
keyword: astronomy
Number of strokes: 9
translation: star, one's fortune
sei, shou
星: hoshi: star, one's fortune, point (jp.), mark, culprit
星の: hoshino: astral
星が光る: hoshigahikaru: A star twinkles <<<
星が瞬く: hoshigamatataku <<<
星が流れる: hoshiganagareru: A meteor shoots <<<
星が落ちる: hoshigaochiru <<<
星の出ていない: hoshigadeteinai: starless <<<
星を鏤めた: hoshiochiribameta: star-spangled <<<
星を挙げる: hoshioageru: arrest the culprit <<<
Kanji words: 海王星 , 水星 , 冥王星 , 木星 , 矮星 , 星座 , 占星術 , 彗星 , 土星 , 天王星 , 火星 , 惑星 , 海星 , 星空 , 星雲 , 明星 , 星屑 , 黒星 , 恒星 , 流星 , 白星 , 衛星 , 金星 , 目星
Expressions: 南極星 , 一番星 , 北斗星 , 一等星 , 北極星 , 星の王子さま , 無数の星
related words: スター

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 9
translation: loss, doubt, hesitate, mislead, delude, perplex, puzzle, undeceive, disillusion
mei, bei
迷い: mayoi: doubt, perplexity, bewilderment, superstition
迷いが醒める: mayoigasameru: be undeceived [disillusioned], come to one's senses <<<
迷いから醒める: mayoikarasameru <<<
迷いを醒まさせる: mayoiosamasaseru: undeceive, disillusion <<<
迷いから醒まさせる: mayoikarasamasaseru <<<
迷いを醒ます: mayoiosamasu <<<
迷う: mayou: be at a loss, get lost, hesitate, be perplexed (at, for), be puzzled, waver, vacillate, go [be led] astray, be tempted, be infatuated (with), be captivated (by)
迷わす: mayowasu: mislead (a person into), delude, lead astray, tempt, seduce, fascinate, captivate, infatuate, puzzle, perplex
Kanji words: 迷信 , 混迷 , 迷子 , 迷惑 , 迷宮
Expressions: 道に迷う , 血迷う , 選択に迷う

category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 9
translation: finger, toe
指: yubi
指す: sasu: point to [indicate] (with the finger)
指で弄る: yubideijiru: touch with a finger <<<
指で触る: yubidesawaru <<<
指で引く: yubidehiku: play with the fingers <<<
指で数える: yubidekazoeru: count on one's fingers <<<
指で弾く: yubidehajiku: flip <<<
指を鳴らす: yubionarasu: snap one's fingers <<<
指を銜える: yubiokuwaeru: bitterly regret sth. <<<
指に填める: yubinihameru: put [wear] (a ring) on a finger <<<
指の腹: yubinohara: ball [bulb] of a finger <<<
指の先: yubinosaki: fingertip <<< , 指先
指の爪: yubinotsume: fingernail <<<
Kanji words: 指摘 , 指定 , 指示 , 指名 , 指紋 , 指先 , 指導 , 人差指 , 中指 , 薬指 , 小指 , 指図 , 指数 , 指値 , 指輪 , 指圧 , 指令 , 十二指腸 , 指標 , 親指 , 指揮 , 指南
Expressions: 足の指 , 将棋を指す , 将棋指し , 指の先端

category: to learn in school, only in Japanese
keyword: farming , job
Number of strokes: 9
translation: field
畑: hata, hatake: field, farm, kitchen [vegetable] garden, one's specialty [sphere, line, field]
畑を耕す: hatakeotagayasu, hataotagayasu: cultivate [till] the soil <<<
畑で働く: hatakedehataraku: work in the field <<<
Kanji words: 茶畑 , 田畑 , 花畑
Expressions: 段々畑 , 野菜畑 , 畑仕事 , 果物畑 , 小麦畑 , オリーブ畑 , ワイン畑 , キャベツ畑 , ホップ畑
synonyms: , 専門

category: to learn in school
keyword: philosophy
Number of strokes: 9
translation: thought, idea, feeling, mind, think, consider, imagine, suppose, guess, believe
思う: omou: think (of, about), consider, imagine, suppose, guess, believe, be convinced (of, that), feel, regard [look upon] (as), expect, hope, take [mistake] A for B, wish, desire, be going to (do), be thinking of (doing), intend (to do), wonder, suspect
思い: omoi: thought, idea, feeling, mind, heart, affection, love, intention, will, wish, desire, expectation
思いに耽る: omoinihukeru: be lost [buried] in thought <<<
思いを凝らす: omoiokorasu: think hard (about), ponder (on, over) <<<
思いを遂げる: omoiotogeru: satisfy one's desire <<<
思いを寄せる: omoioyoseru: take a fancy to, fall in love (with a person) <<<
思い上がる: omoiagaru: become conceited, be puffed up (with), have swelled head <<<
思い当たる: omoiataru: occur to (one, one's mind), flash on (one), call (a matter) to mind, recall, realize <<<
思い余る: omoiamaru: be at a loss, find oneself, unable to make up one's mind (about) <<<
思い合わせる: omoiawaseru: consider [put] together, think of (this and that) <<<
思い浮かぶ: omoiukabu: occur [come] to one's mind, pass through one's mind <<<
思い掛けない: omoigakenai: unexpected, unforeseen, unlooked-for <<<
思い焦がれる: omoikogareru: pine [languish] (for), burn with love (for), yearn for [after] <<<
思い込む: omoikomu: be possessed with, be convinced that, be under the impression that, set one's heart upon, fall in love (with a person) <<<
思い知る: omoishiru: realize, come to know, become aware of, repent of, learn a lesson <<<
思い出す: omoidasu: recollect, recall, bring [call] (a matter) to mind, remember <<<
思い立つ: omoitatsu: plan (to do), think of (doing), take (a matter) into one's head, make up one's mind (to do) <<< , 決心
思い詰める: omoitsumeru: take (a matter) to heart, brood over, eat one's heart out <<<
思い巡らす: omoimegurasu: reflect (upon), , think [ponder] (over) <<<
思い煩う: omoiwazurau: feel very anxious about, worry (oneself) about <<<
思い悩む: omoinayamu <<<
思う壺に嵌まる: omoutsubonihamaru: (Things) turn out just as one wants, play into a person's hands
Kanji words: 意思 , 不思議 , 思い出 , 思想 , 思考 , 思い遣 , 片思 , 思惑
Expressions: 悲しく思う , 総思います , 誇りに思う , 頼もしく思う , 快く思う , 快く思わない , 辛い思いをする , 忌まわしく思う , 何とも思わない , 変に思う , 屁と思わぬ , 哀れに思う , 意外に思う , 不便な思いをする , 適当と思う , 光栄に思う , 無念に思う , 不思議に思う , 可哀相に思う , 可哀相に思って , 成程と思わせる , 残念に思う , 不審に思う , 名誉に思う , 不満に思う , 遺憾と思う , 不快な思いをする , 不快な思いをさせる , 不安に思う

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 9
translation: have, take, hold, carry, possess, own, entertain, harbor, cherish, bear, stand
持つ: motsu: have in one's hand, take, hold, carry, possess, own, entertain, harbor, cherish, bear, stand (up), pay, take charge of
持てる: moteru: can be carried, be made much of, be welcomed [lionized], be popular (among girls)
持て余す: moteamasu: do not know what to do with, find unmanageable, be more than one can manage, be too much for one, be out of one's control <<<
持って来る: mottekuru: bring along <<<
持って来いの: mottekoino: most desirable, ideal <<<
持って行く: motteiku: take along, carry away <<<
持て成す: motenasu: entertain, treat, play host (to), receive (a person) <<<
持て囃す: motehayasu: talk much about, praise (of the skies), make much of, lionize <<<
持ち上がる: mochiagaru: be lifted, be raised, arise, occur, happen, turn up <<<
持ち上げる: mochiageru: raise, lift up, hold up, flatter, praise (a person) to the skies <<<
持ち歩く: mochiaruku: carry (a thing) about (one) <<<
持ち帰る: mochikaeru: carry back, bring [take] (a thing) home <<<
持ち運ぶ: mochihakobu: carry, convey <<<
持ち運びの出来る: mochihakobinodekiru: portable
持ち掛ける: mochikakeru: offer, suggest, propose <<<
持ち込む: mochikomu: carry [bring] in, propose <<<
持ちつ持たれつ: mochitsumotaretsu: give-and-take
持ち越す: mochikosu: carry over <<<
持ち崩す: mochikuzusu: ruin oneself <<<
持ち堪える: mochikotaeru: hold out, stand <<<
持ち去る: mochisaru: take [carry] away, make off with <<<
持ち出す: mochidasu: take [carry] out, save, carry away, run away with (a thing), propose, introduce, bring up <<<
持ち直す: mochinaosu: rally (from), take a favorable turn, improve <<<
持ち回る: mochimawaru: take round, carry about <<<
Kanji words: 維持 , 持女 , 心持 , 持主 , 矜持 , 受持 , 掛持 , 金持 , 持参 , 所持 , 持続 , 気持 , 支持
Expressions: 株を持つ , 家を持つ , 肩を持つ , 取り持つ , 満を持す , 膿を持つ , 捧げ持つ , 根に持つ , 疑問を持つ , 偏見を持つ , 学位を持つ , 癲癇持ち , 趣味を持つ , 愛着を持つ , 女房持ち , 太刀持ち , 確信を持って , 家庭を持つ , 関心を持つ , 関心を持たない , 勘定を持つ , 威力を持って , 好感持つ , 希望を持つ , 悪意を持つ , 交渉を持つ , 亭主持ち , 頭痛持ち , 提灯を持つ , 提灯持ち , 所帯を持つ , 所帯持ち , 好意を持つ , 信念を持って , 誠意を持って , 癇癪持ち , 癇癪持ちの , 興味を持つ , 興味を持って

category: to learn in school
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 9
translation: eat, taste, meal, food
shoku, jiki
食う: kuu, kurau: eat, taste, take (a food), feed [live] on, bite, get, receive, be cheated [duped]
食うに困る: kuunikomaru: find it hard to make one's living <<<
食うに困らない: kuunikomaranai: have enough to live on <<<
食えない: kuenai: not good to eat, unable to make one's living, shrewd, sharp, crafty
食い付く: kuitsuku: bite (at), snap (at), take the bait, hold on to <<<
食い止める: kuitomeru: hold in check, stop (v.), check <<<
食って掛る: kuttekakaru: fall [turn] upon, fly out at, defy <<<
食る: taberu: eat, taste, take (a food), live on, make one's living
食べられる: taberareru: edible, good to eat, fit to eat
食べられない: taberarenai: inedible, not good to eat, unfit to eat
食べて見る: tabetemiru: try (food), taste <<<
食べて下さい: tabetekudasai: Bon appetit! Enjoy your meal! <<<
食べたい: tabetai: want [like] to eat
食べたいだけ食べる: tabetaidaketaberu: take a hearty meal, eat one's fill
食: kuimono: meal, food <<< 食い物
食: meshi: meal, food, (boiled) rice <<<
Kanji words: 日食 , 月食 , 外食 , 蚕食 , 主食 , 美食 , 食事 , 食前 , 食後 , 和食 , 洋食 , 草食 , 会食 , 三食 , 食材 , 飲食 , 間食 , 利食 , 定食 , 断食 , 乞食 , 食費 , 給食 , 軽食 , 朝食 , 昼食 , 夕食 , 肉食 , 食卓 , 菜食 , 食物 , 食い物 , 食虫 , 食道 , 食品 , 食糧 , 食料 , 食器 , 食券 , 食堂 , 浸食 , 食欲 , 夜食 , 食い違 , 試食 , 粗食 , 食逃げ
Expressions: 虫の食った , 気に食わない , 人を食った , 草を食う , 草を食む , 割を食う , 魚を食べる , 糞食らえ , 蚤に食われる , 鳥を食べる , 只で食べる , 飲まず食わずで , 摘み食いする , 煽りを食う , 箸で食べる , 禄を食む , 外で食べる , 貪り食う , 機内食 , 美容食 , 野菜食 , 一発食らわす , 拳骨を食らわせる , 拳骨を食らう , 御八を食べる , 乳児食 , 食べ放題 , 食い放題 , 差押を食う , 文筆で食う , 朝飯を食べる , 昼飯を食べる , 食中毒 , 部分食 , 自然食 , 弁当を食べる , 流動食 , 食習慣 , 保存食 , 御飯を食べる , 一杯食わせる , 一杯食わす , 一杯食う , 天然食 , 栄養食 , 食道楽 , 食道楽の , 携帯食 , 饂飩食らい , 玄米食 , 道草を食う , 食養生 , パンチを食う , パンチを食わす , ランチを食べる , 食パン
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: sport
Number of strokes: 9
translation: lose, be defeated, betray (ext.), disobey
hu, bu
負の: huno: negative <<< マイナス
負ける: makeru: be defeated [beaten, outdone], lose (a game), get the worst of it, be inferior (to), reduce [lower] (the price), take off, yield [bow] (to), give way (to), be overcome (with)
負かす: makasu: beat, defeat, get the better of, outdo (a person), whack
負けて遣る: maketeyaru: concede <<<
負けるが勝ち: makerugakachi: he that fights and runs away may live to fight another day, sometimes you have to lose to win <<<
負け: make: defeat, loss
負け越す: makekosu: be led by, be behind <<<
負けず劣らず: makezuotorazu: equally, neck and neck <<<
負けず嫌い: makezugirai: unyielding, unbending, obstinate, stubborn <<<
負く: somuku: act contrary to, go against, disobey, break, violate, revolt [rebel] (against), rise [turn] against, betray <<<
負う: ou: bear [carry] on one's back, take upon oneself, undertake [shoulder] (the responsibility), be charged with, owe, be due [indebted, under obligation] to
Kanji words: 御負け , 負債 , 負傷 , 負担 , 抱負 , 勝負 , 自負 , 負け惜しみ
Expressions: 罪を負う , 請け負う , 賭けに負ける , 背負う , 背負わせる , 傷を負う , 傷を負った , 傷を負わせる , 競技に負ける , 議論に負ける , 始末に負えない , 外傷を負う , 衝動に負ける , 気合負けする , 誘惑に負ける , 責任を負う , 責任を負わぬ , 剃刀負けする , 博打で負ける , 訴訟に負ける , 選挙に負ける , 怪我を負わせる , 怪我負け , 勝負に負ける , 裁判に負ける , 戦争に負ける , 競走に負ける , 試合に負ける , 綺麗に負ける , 重傷を負う , 重傷を負わせる , 反則負け , 反則負けする , 競争に負ける , 重荷を負う , ストレートで負ける

category: to learn in school
keyword: sport , airplane
Number of strokes: 9
translation: fly, jump, launch
飛ぶ: tobu: fly, jump
飛ばす: tobasu: let fly, blow off, splash, launch
飛び上がる: tobiagaru: fly up [aloft], soar, spring [jump] up, jump to one's feet <<<
飛び歩く: tobiaruku: run about, romp <<<
飛び起きる: tobiokiru: jump out of bed, start up, spring to one's feet <<<
飛び降りる: tobioriru: jump [leap] down <<<
飛び掛かる: tobikakaru: spring [leap, rush] up, fly at, throw [fling] oneself upon <<<
飛び付く: tobitsuku: fly [jump] at, jump up to <<<
飛び越える: tobikoeru: jump [leap, spring, vault] over, fly across <<<
飛び込む: tobikomu: jump [spring, leap, plunge] in [into], rush [dash, run] in, dive into, fly into <<<
飛び出す: tobidasu: jump [fly] out, run [rush, burst] out, project, protrude <<<
飛び立つ: tobitatsu: fly away [off], take wing, take off <<<
飛び乗る: tobinoru: jump upon (a horse), jump into (a train, a bus), hop (a train) <<<
飛び跳ねる: tobihaneru: hop, jump up and down, romp (about) <<<
飛び回る: tobimawaru: fly [jump] about, romp about, hustle [bustle, rush] about, busy oneself <<<
飛び散る: tobichiru: fly about [off] (in different directions), scatter, splash <<<
飛んで来る: tondekuru: come running <<<
飛ぶ様に: tobuyouni: swiftly, like the wind <<<
飛ぶ様に売れる: tobuyouniureru: sell like hot cakes
飛ぶ鳥も落とす勢い: tobutorimootosuikioi: at the zenith [summit] of one's power [prosperity]
飛んで火に入いる夏の虫: tondehiniirunatsunomushi: like a moth flying into the flame.
Kanji words: 飛翔 , 飛魚 , 飛躍 , 飛切 , 飛沫 , 飛脚 , 飛龍 , 飛車 , 飛行 , 飛蝗
Expressions: 笑い飛ばす , 突き飛ばす , 跳ね飛ばす , 撥ね飛ばす , 売り飛ばす , 空を飛ぶ , 鳩を飛ばす , 蹴飛ばす , 檄を飛ばす , 叱り飛ばす , 吹き飛ばす , 鳴かず飛ばず , 飛び道具 , 飛沫を飛ばす , 野次を飛ばす , 冗談を飛ばす , ヒューズが飛ぶ , ギャグを飛ばす , デマを飛ばす
synonyms: , ジャンプ

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 10
translation: kindness, favor, obligation, debt of gratitude
恩に着せる: onnnikiseru: demand gratitude (from), pose as benefactor (to) <<<
恩に着る: onnnikiru: be profoundly grateful (for), regard (a person) as one's benefactor <<<
恩に感じる: onnnikanjiru <<<
恩を仇で返す: onnoadadekaesu: return evil for good, bite the hand that feeds one
恩む: megumu: favor (v.), bless <<<
Kanji words: 恩返し , 恩赦 , 恩恵 , 恩人

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