Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'i'

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Direct access: 自分 , 手前 , 当方 , 貴方 , 有難う , 遺憾 , 一次 , 皆目 , 覚悟 , 謹賀


pronunciation: jibun   kanji characters: ,   
translation: oneself, self, I
自分は: jibunwa: I personally, I myself, I am (pol.)
自分の: jibunnno: own, personal, private, for myself
自分で: jibunde: personally, by oneself, single-handed
自分用: jibunnyou: personal use <<<
自分撮り: jibundori: selfie <<<
自分勝手: jibunkatte: selfishness, egoism <<< 勝手 , 我儘
自分勝手の: jibunkatteno: selfish, egoist
自分自身: jibunjishin: myself <<< 自身


pronunciation: temae   kanji characters: ,    keyword: position   
translation: I, you (sing.), this side, consideration
手前供: temaedomo: we, you (plur.) <<< , 我々
手前勝手: temaekatte: selfishness, egoism <<< 勝手
手前勝手な: temaekattena: selfish, willful, self-interested, egoistic
手前味噌: temaemiso: self-praise, splurge <<< 味噌
手前味噌を並べる: temaemisoonaraberu: blow one's own trumpet, sing one's own praises <<<
手前味噌ではないが: temaemisodehanaiga: 'I'm not one to boost, but' <<< 味噌
橋の手前: hashinotemae: this side of the bridge <<<
御手前: otemae: your skills <<<
御手前拝見: otemaehaiken: let me [us] see your skills <<< 拝見
check also:


pronunciation: touhou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: we, I
当方の: touhouno: on our [my] part
当方では: touhoudeha
当方負担で: touhouhutande: at our own cost [risk] <<< 負担
当方勘定: touhoukanjou: our account <<< 勘定
check also: 我々 , 私達


pronunciation: anata, anta   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 貴女 (f.)  
translation: you (sing.)
貴方は: anatawa: you are
貴方に: anatani: you, to you
貴方へ: anatae
貴方に会いたい: anataniaitai: I miss you, I want to see you <<<
貴方を: anatao: you
貴方の: anatano: your
貴方の物: anatanomono: yours <<<
貴方と: anatato: with you
貴方も: anatamo: you too
貴方方: anatagata: you (plur.) <<<
貴方達: anatatachi <<<
貴方自身: anatajishin: yourself <<< 自身
貴方嫌い: anatakirai: I hate [dislike] you <<<
synonyms: , 貴様


pronunciation: arigatou   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 有り難う   keyword: greeting   
translation: thank you, thanks
有難う御座います: arigatougozaimasu: thank you very much, I owe you a lot
check also: 感謝


pronunciation: ikan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: regret (n.), sorrow, regretfulness
遺憾な: ikannna: regrettable, deplorable, pitiful
遺憾ながら: ikannnagara: I am sorry (to say, but), To my regret
遺憾と思う: ikantoomou: regret (v.), be sorry for, deplore <<<
遺憾とする: ikantosuru
遺憾無く: ikannnaku: satisfactorily, to one's heart's content, perfectly <<<


pronunciation: ichiji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: primary, first, linear
一次の: ichijino
第一次: daiichiji <<<
第一次世界大戦: daiichijisekaitaisen: World War I <<< 大戦
一次産品: ichijisanpin: primary products
一次試験: ichijishiken: primary examination <<< 試験
一次選挙: ichijisenkyo: primary election <<< 選挙
一次回路: ichijikairo: primary circuit <<< 回路
一次電流: ichijidenryuu: primary current <<< 電流
一次方程式: ichijihouteishiki: equation of the first degree <<< 方程式


pronunciation: kaimoku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: entirely, utterly
皆目分からない: kaimokuwakaranai: I understand nothing, I don't understand at all <<<
皆目見当が付かない: kaimokukentougatsukanai: can't make it out at all
check also: 全然


pronunciation: kakugo   kanji characters: ,   
translation: preparedness, resolution, resignation
覚悟する: kakugosuru: be prepared [ready] (for), be resolved (to do), be resigned
覚悟を決める: kakugookimeru <<<
死を覚悟する: shiokakugosuru: resign oneself to dying <<<
覚悟の上だ: kakugonoueda: I have expected as much, I am prepared for it <<<
覚悟の自殺: kakugonojisatsu: premeditated suicide <<< 自殺
check also: 決心


pronunciation: kinga   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: I wish you (all the happiness)
謹賀新年: kingashinnnen: I wish you a Happy New Year <<< 新年

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