Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'up'

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Direct access: 嘔吐 , 可笑し , 大人 , 思惑 , 階級 , 開業 , 開設 , 階段 , 開票 , 書入れ


pronunciation: outo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: vomiting, nausea
嘔吐する: outosuru: vomit, throw [fetch] up
嘔吐を催す: outoomoyoosu: feel nausea [sick] <<<
嘔吐を催させる: outoomoyoosaseru: make a person sick, turn one's stomach
嘔吐を催す様な: outoomoyoosuyouna: sickening, nauseating, disgusting <<<


pronunciation: okashi   kanji characters: ,   
translation: amusing (anc.), funny, laughable, ridiculous, comical
可笑しい: okashii: amusing, funny, laughable, ridiculous, comical, strange, queer, suspicious, improper
可笑しな: okashina
可笑しがる: okashigaru: make fun of, find fun
可笑しな奴: okashinayatsu: queer [odd] fish <<<
可笑しな様子の: okashinayousuno: queer-looking, suspicious-looking <<< 様子
可笑しな話だが: okashinahanashidaga: strange to say, The funny [odd] thing is that <<<
可笑しさ: okashisa: funniness, ridiculousness
可笑しさを堪える: okashisaokoraeru: suppress one's laughter, keep one's face straight <<<
可笑しくて堪らない: okashikutetamaranai: be doubled [creased] up with laughter
頭が可笑しい: atamagaokashii: be crazy <<<
check also: 面白


pronunciation: otona   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family   
translation: adult (n.), grow-up
大人の: otonano: adult (a.), grow-up
大人びた: otonabita: mature, precocious
大人びる: otonabiru: look like a grow-up person, be precocious
大人ぶる: otonaburu: behave like a grow-up person
大人に成る: otonaninaru: become a man [woman], grow up <<<
大人気無い: otonagenai: childish, puerile, unworthy of a man
大人しい: otonashii: gentle, mild, meek, quiet, well-behaved, obedient, modest
大人しい色: otonashiiiro: quiet colors <<<
大人しく: otonashiku: gently, quietly, meekly, obediently, modestly
大人しくする: otonashikusuru: behave oneself, keep quiet, be good
大人しさ: otonashisa: obedience, docility
check also: 子供


pronunciation: omowaku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: thought, opinion, intention, purpose, expectation, speculation
思惑が外れる: omowakugahazureru: come short of one's expectations, One's calculation goes wrong <<<
思惑通りに成る: omowakudourininaru: come up to one's expectations
思惑通りに行く: omowakudouriniiku
思惑買い: omowakugai: speculative purchase <<<


pronunciation: kaikyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: class, rank, grade, notch, caste
階級を設ける: kaikyuuomoukeru: set up classes <<<
階級が違う: kaikyuugachigau: belong to a different class <<<
階級が上がる: kaikyuugaagaru: be promoted, rise [advance] in rank <<<
階級章: kaikyuushou: rank ensign, class insignia <<<
階級制: kaikyuusei: class [caste] system <<<
階級制度: kaikyuuseido <<< 制度
階級闘争: kaikyuutousou: class warfare [strife] <<< 闘争
階級打破: kaikyuudaha: demolition of the classes
階級意識: kaikyuuishiki: class consciousness <<< 意識
階級差別: kaikyuusabetsu: class distinctions <<< 差別
階級社会: kaikyuushakai: hierarchical society <<< 社会
軍階級: gunkaikyuu: military rank, service grade <<<
synonyms: 等級 , クラス


pronunciation: kaigyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: opening of a business [shop], commencement of business
開業する: kaigyousuru: open business, set oneself up as, start practice
開業医: kaigyoui: medical practitioner <<<
開業免許: kaigyoumenkyo: license to practice <<< 免許
synonyms: 開店


pronunciation: kaisetsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: industry   
translation: establishment, opening
開設する: kaisetsusuru: open, establish, start, found, set up, install
check also: 設置


pronunciation: kaidan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: house , construction   
translation: stairs, staircase, stairway
階段を上る: kaidannonoboru: go up the stairs <<<
階段を昇る: kaidannonoboru <<<
階段を下る: kaidannooriru: go down the stairs <<<
階段を降る: kaidannooriru <<<
階段状: kaidanjou: stepwise <<<
階段教室: kaidankyoushitsu: lecture theater <<< 教室
階段座席: kaidanzaseki: series of seats [steps], terrace <<< 座席
急な階段: kyuunakaidan: abrupt [steep] steps [stairs] <<<
緩い階段: yuruikaidan: gentle steps [stairs] <<<
裏階段: urakaidan: backstairs <<<
check also: 段階 , 段々


pronunciation: kaihyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: opening of the ballots
開票する: kaihyousuru: open the ballots, count the votes
開票中: kaihyouchuu: (votes) being counted <<<
開票所: kaihyousho: ballotcounting place <<<
開票速報: kaihyousokuhou: up-to-minute election returns <<< 速報
開票立会人: kaihyoutachiainin: ballotcounting witness
check also: 投票


pronunciation: kakiire   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 書き入れ   keyword: business   
translation: entry, (marginal) note
書入れる: kakiireru: write in, make an entry (into), fill out the blank, fill up [in] the form
書入れ時: kakiiredoki, <<<
書入れ日: kakiirebi <<<

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