Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'up'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: house    nb of strokes: 8
translation: live, stay, inhabit, interrogative (bor., suff.)
kyo, ki
居る: iru, oru: be, exist, there is [are], be found, live, stay, inhabit, be present
居らっしゃい: irasshai: Walk up! Welcome!
居たたまれない: itatamarenai: be unable to stay (on)
居: idokoro: whereabouts, dwelling place <<< 居所
居直る: inaoru: sit up, change one's attitude, take a threatening attitude <<<
居並ぶ: inarabu: sit in a row, b epresent <<<
居: ya: interrogative (suff.)

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 8
translation: entrust, versed
委ねる: yudaneru: entrust
委しい: kuwashii: well-informed, versed <<< ,
委に: tsubusani: minutely <<<
委: sue: end <<<
委てる: suteru: give up, abandon <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: administration    nb of strokes: 8
translation: govern, rule, reign, correct, remedy, reform, rectify, mend, repair
ji, chi
治める: osameru: govern, rule [reign] over, manage, pacify, suppress (an uprising)
治まる: osamaru: be in peace, calm down, be settled, fall, go down, subside, be got under control, be calmed down, be appeased, get better
治る: naoru: be mended [repaired], be put [set] to rights, be restored, be corrected, be reformed, be cured <<<
治す: naosu: correct, remedy, reform, rectify, mend, repair, patch up, fix up <<<
治: osamu: pers.

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: optics , china    nb of strokes: 8
translation: bright, clear, evident, obvious, light, illumination, Ming dynasty (a Chinese dynasty, 1368 AD-1644 AD)
mei, myou, min
明らか: akiraka: evident, obvious, clear (fig.), distinct, plain
明らかに: akirakani: clearly, distinctly, plainly, undoubtedly, certainly
明らかにする: akirakanisuru: make (one's position) clear, clarify, explain, throw light upon, make (a matter) public
明るい: akarui: bright, luminous, shining, clear
明るく: akaruku: brightly, luminously, clearly
明ける: akeru: dawn (vi.)
明かす: akasu: spend a night, sit up all night, reveal, disclose, tell (the truth), divulge (a secret)
明かり: akari: light (n.), illumination, lamp <<< , , ライト
明く: aku: open (jp.), become vacant <<< ,
明き: aki: opening (jp.), gap
明かりを点ける: akariotsukeru: make a light, turn [switch] on the light <<<
明かりを消す: akariokesu: put out the light, turn [switch] off the light <<<
明かりを取る: akariotoru: let light in <<<
明けても暮ても: aketemokuretemo: day and night, day in, day out, all the time <<<
明るみに出す: akaruminidasu: bring (a matter) to light, make (a matter) public <<<
明るみに出る: akaruminideru: become known, come [be brought] to light <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: food , energy    nb of strokes: 8
translation: oil, grease, petroleum
yu, yuu
油: abura
油の染み: aburanoshimi: oil stain <<<
油染みた: aburajimita: greasy, oil-stained, smeared, with oil [grease] <<<
油臭い: aburakusai: oily, fatty, greasy <<<
油で揚げる: aburadeageru: fry (in oil) <<<
油で炒める: aburadeitameru: panfry, fry <<<
油を塗る: aburaonuru: rub [smear] (a thing) with oil [grease], oil (v.), grease, anoint <<<
油を差す: aburaosasu: lubricate (a thing), oil, grease <<<
油が切れる: aburagakireru: need oiling <<<
油が乗る: aburaganoru: put on fat, be in grease, warm up to one's work, get into the swing of one's work <<<
油を注ぐ: aburaososogu: egg (a person) on (to an act, to do), add fuel to the flames [fire] <<<
油を搾る: aburaoshiboru: press oil (from), take (a person) to task, give it hot (to a person), scold <<<
油を売る: aburaouru: idle [loaf] away one's time <<<
synonyms: オイル
check also:

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: travel , health    nb of strokes: 8
translation: walk
ho, hu, bu
歩く: aruku: walk, go on foot
歩き方: arukikata: manner of walking, one's gait <<<
歩き回る: arukimawaru: walk [wander, ramble, roam] about <<<
歩む: ayumu: walk, go on foot
歩み: ayumi: walking, progression, step, pace
歩みが速い: ayumigahayai: be quick of foot <<<
歩みが遅い: ayumigaosoi: be slow of foot <<<
歩みを速める: ayumiohayameru: quicken one's pace <<<
歩みを緩める: ayumioyurumeru: relax one's pace <<<
歩みを止める: ayumiotomeru: stop walking <<<
歩み合う: ayumiau: make a compromise (with a person), meet (a person) halfway <<<
歩み寄る: ayumiyoru: step up (to) <<<
synonyms: ウォーク
check also:

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: take, seize, get, grasp, catch, receive, nab
取る: toru: take, hold, take hold of, seize, catch, pass, hand, get, receive, gain, accept, take off, take away, remove, delete, leave [strike] out, keep, reserve, engage, steal, rob, buy, have, procure, adopt
取り合う: toriau: scramble [struggle] for (a thing), give heed [ear] to, listen to <<<
取り合わない: toriawanai: pay no heed to, take no notice of, turn a deaf ear to, disregard <<<
取り敢えず: toriaezu: in haste, at once, without delay, for the time being, first of all <<<
取り集める: toriatsumeru: collect, gather (together), scrap together (up) <<<
取り押える: toriosaeru: arrest, capture, seize, catch <<<
取り落とす: toriotosu: drop, let slip, let fall <<<
取り囲む: torikakomu: surround, skirt, throng [crowd] around (a person), gather about [round] (a fire), lay siege to <<<
取り交わす: torikawasu: exchange (a thing with a person), interchange <<<
取り去る: torisaru: remove, eviscerate <<<
取り除ける: torinokeru: take [clear] away, remove, make an exception of, put aside, set apart <<<
取り出す: toridasu: take [pull] out (a thing from), get [take] (a thing) out of, produce, whip out, pick out <<<
取り混る: torimazeru: put together, mix up <<<
取り戻す: torimodosu: recover, regain, take back <<<
取り組む: torikumu: wrestle [grapple] with <<<
取り乱す: torimidasu: be flurried, be confused, lose one's composure, be disheveled, be untidy <<<
取りも直さず: torimonaosazu: namely, that is (to say), in other words <<<
取り逃がす: torinigasu: fail to catch, let escape, miss [let slip] (the chance) <<<
取り違える: torichigaeru: mistake (A for B), misunderstand, misconstrue <<<
取り散らす: torichirasu: put in disorder, scatter about <<<
取り持つ: torimotsu: entertain, act as a go-between, recommend, procure, pimp <<<
取り上げる: toriageru: take [pick] up, take in one's hand, take away, deprive, confiscate, forfeit, disqualify, accept, adopt, listen to <<<
取り残す: torinokosu: leave (a person, a thing) behind <<<
synonyms: ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 8
translation: form a line [queue], stand side by side, row, line, average
hei, hou
並ぶ: narabu: stand in a line [row], form a line [queue], line up in a queue, be drawn up, stand side by side, stand abreast (of), rank [range] with
並べる: naraberu: arrange, place (things) in order, put (things) side by side, display, exhibit, show, line up, draw up
並び: narabi: row, line, the same side
並び無い: narabinai: matchless, unequaled, unrivaled <<<
並び無き: narabinaki <<<
並びに: narabini: and also, together with
並: nami: average, commonplace
並: mina: all, everybody, everyone <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: audio    nb of strokes: 9
translation: sound, noise, voice
on, in
音: oto: sound, noise, report,clatter
音を立てる: otootateru: make a noise <<<
音を立てて: otootatete: noisily <<<
音を立てないで: otootatenaide: noiselessly, stealthily <<<
音も無く: otomonaku <<<
音に聞こえた: otonikikoeta: well-known, widely known, notorious <<< , 有名
音: ne: sound (n.), music, note, melody <<< メロディー
音を出す: neodasu: sound (v.), ring <<<
音を上げる: neoageru: be floored, throw up the sponge, be at one's wit's end <<<
音の良い: nenoii, nenoyoi: melodious, harmonious <<<
音: koe: voice <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 9
translation: hurry, rapid, quick, fast, swift, urgent, hasty, steep
急: kyuu: danger, emergency, crisis, necessity, urgency
急に備える: kyuunisonaeru: be prepared for the worst <<<
急を救う: kyuuosukuu: rescue from danger <<<
急を告げる: kyuuotsugeru: give the alarm, become critical, be in danger <<<
急を知らせる: kyuuoshiraseru <<<
急な: kyuuna: pressing, urgent, steep, precipitous, sudden
急な坂: kyuunasaka: steep slope <<<
急な流れ: kyuunanagare: rapid current <<< , 急流
急に: kyuuni: hastily, in a hurry, suddenly, without notice, quickly, immediately
急ぐ: isogu: be in a hurry
急げ: isoge: Hurry up! Make haste! Be quick!
急ぎ: isogi: urgency, haste
急ぎの: isogino: urgent, pressing, hasty
急いで: isoide: in a hurry, in haste, hastily, hurriedly
急ぎ足で: isogiashide: at a quick pace <<<
急がば回れ: isogabamaware: More hast less speed, The longest way round is the shortest way home <<<
急い: hayai: rapid, quick, fast, swift <<<
急く: seku: hasten, make haste, press, urge, be impatient, be to eager (to do)
急いては事を仕損ずる: seitehakotooshisonzuru: Haste makes waste
check also:

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