Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'on'

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Direct access: 眼鏡 , 気合 , 飢餓 , 企業 , 起工 , 基礎 , 帰宅 , 基地 , 祈祷 , 軌道


pronunciation: gankyou, megane   kanji characters: ,    other spells: メガネ   keyword: accessory , optics   
translation: (pair of) glasses [spectacles]
眼鏡を掛ける: meganeokakeru: wear [put on] spectacles <<<
眼鏡を掛けた: meganeokaketa: with glasses, bespectacled
眼鏡を外す: meganeohazusu: take off one's glasses <<<
眼鏡の縁: meganenohuchi: rim of glasses, spectacle frame <<<
眼鏡のフレーム: meganenohureemu
眼鏡の弦: meganenotsuru: leg of glasses <<<
眼鏡の玉: meganenotama: spectacles glass, ophthalmic lens <<<
眼鏡入れ: meganeire: spectacle case <<<
眼鏡ケース: meganekeesu
眼鏡に適う: meganenikanau: win a person's heart, find favor with <<<
眼鏡越しに: meganegoshini: over (the rim of) one's spectacles [glasses] <<<
眼鏡越しに見る: meganegoshinimiru: look over (the rim of) one's spectacles, glance at (a person) from over one's glasses <<<
眼鏡屋: meganeya: optician <<<
片眼鏡: katamegane: monocle <<<
鼻眼鏡: hanamegane: pince-nez <<<


pronunciation: kiai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: shout, yell, cry
気合が籠る: kiaigakomoru: have much fighting spirit, have enough drive (to do) <<<
気合を掛ける: kiaiokakeru: shout at, urge a person to get a start [move] on his work <<<
気合を入れる: kiaioireru <<<
気合に欠ける: kiainikakeru: miss heat <<<
気合が足りない: kiaigatarinai <<<
気合負けする: kiaimakesuru: feel intimidated <<<
check also: 気迫


pronunciation: kiga   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: hunger, starvation
飢餓に瀕する: kiganihinsuru: be starving, be on the verge [brink] of starvation <<<
飢餓民: kigamin: starvelings <<<


pronunciation: kigyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business , industry   
translation: company, firm, enterprise
企業を起こす: kigyouookosu: plan an enterprise <<<
企業化: kigyouka: commercialization <<<
企業化する: kigyoukasuru: industrialize, commercialize, produce on a commercial basis
企業家: kigyouka: enterpriser <<<
企業熱: kigyounetsu: industrial fever <<<
企業心: kigyoushin: enterprising spirit <<<
企業契約: kigyoukeiyaku: affiliation, intercompany agreement <<< 契約
企業合同: kigyougoudou: trust
企業連合: kigyourengou: cartel <<< 連合
企業コード: kigyoukoodo: employer identification number, EIN
私企業: shikigyou: private company <<<
大企業: daikigyou: large [major] company <<<
小企業: shoukigyou: small company <<<
synonyms: 会社 , 事業


pronunciation: kikou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: construction   
translation: commencement of construction work, laying down
起工する: kikousuru: begin [start] work on, lay the cornerstone, break ground for, lay down the keel of
起工式: kikoushiki: commencement ceremony, ground-breaking ceremony <<<


pronunciation: kiso   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education , construction   
translation: base, basis, foundation, groundwork, ground, bed, rudiments, elements, principles
基礎の: kisono: basic, fundamental (a.), elementary, rudimentary
基礎的: kisoteki <<<
を基礎にする: okisonisuru: be based [founded] on
に基礎を置く: nikisoooku <<<
基礎の無い: kisononai: groundless <<<
基礎を固める: kisookatameru: consolidate the foundation <<<
基礎を作る: kisootsukuru: lay the foundation <<<
基礎学科: kisogakka: primary subjects <<< 学科
基礎知識: kisochishiki: elementary knowledge, grounding <<< 知識
基礎医学: kisoigaku: basic medicine <<< 医学
基礎工事: kisochikouji: foundation work <<< 工事
基礎産業: kisosangyou: key industries <<< 産業
基礎控除: kisokoujo: basic deduction (from the taxable income) <<< 控除
check also: 基本


pronunciation: kitaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: house   
translation: homecoming, returning home
帰宅する: kitakusuru: go [come, return] home
帰宅の途につく: kitakunotonitsuku: make for home <<<
帰宅の途中で: kitakunotochuude: on one's way home <<< 途中


pronunciation: kichi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology , war   
translation: base, home, station
基地とする: kichitosuru: be based on
基地問題: kichimondai: problem of military bases <<< 問題


pronunciation: kitou   kanji characters:    keyword: religion   
translation: prayer
祈祷する: kitousuru: pray, say one's prayers, offer a prayer
神に祈祷する: kaminikitousuru: call on God <<<
祈祷師: kitoushi: faith curer, shaman, medicine man <<< , シャマン
祈祷者: kitousha: prayer <<<
祈祷書: kitousho: prayer book <<<
祈祷療法: kitouryouhou: faith healing <<< 療法


pronunciation: kidou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: astronomy , train   
translation: orbit, track, path
軌道の: kidouno: orbital
軌道に乗る: kidouninoru: get on the right track, maker steady headway, arrive to the right orbit <<<
軌道に乗せる: kidouninoseru: set in the right direction, put [launch] into orbit, orbit (v.)
軌道を逸する: kidouoissuru: get away from the right orbit [track] <<<
軌道を外れる: kidouohazureru <<<
軌道を敷く: kidouoshiku: lay tracks, build railroads <<<
軌道面: kidoumen: plane of the orbit <<<
軌道修正: kidoushuusei: course correction <<< 修正
軌道飛行: kidouhikou: orbital flight <<< 飛行
check also: 線路

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