Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'on'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 3
translation: top, up, upper, above, superior, high, noble
jou, shou
上げる: ageru: raise, lift (up), elevate, hold up, hoist, fly, land, unload, promote, increase, raise, give (pol.) offer, present, do for a person <<< ,
上がる: agaru: go [come] up (to), rise, jump up (on), go up, climb, soar, advance, be promoted, be completed [finished], come to an end [a finish], be sufficient, come in, walk in, enter, improve, make progress, produce, achieve, accomplish, get nervous [excited]
上る: noboru: go up, come up, soar, mount <<<
上: ue: top, up, upper, above
上: kami: superior (n.)
上の: ueno: upper (a.), above, higher, larger, older, more, better, superior
上りの: noborino: uphill, up
上に: ueni: on, over, above, up, upward
上から: uekara: from above
上から下まで: uekarashitamade: from above to bottom <<<
上の級: uenokyuu: upper class <<<
上の階: uenokai: upper floor [story], upstairs <<<
上の人: uenohito: one's superior, those above one <<<
上り詰める: noboritsumeru: go [ascend] up to the top <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 12
translation: become, nominate
shuu, ju
就る: naru: grow, become <<<
就す: nasu: accomplish, achieve, succeed (in), make, form <<<
就く: tsuku: find a job, be appointed
就ける: tsukeru: nominate, appoint
就いて: tsuite: of, about, on, over, as to, concerning, with [in] regard to , in respect of, , as regards, regarding
就いては: tsuiteha: by the way, incidentally, apropos

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 4
translation: go, this, of, at, on, in, as for, as to
之: yuku: go, leave (for), visit <<<
之: kore: this <<< , ,
之: no: of
之: nioite: at, on, in, as for, as to <<<
之: yuki, yoshi: pers.

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: grammar    nb of strokes: 8
translation: ah, to, at, on, in, as for, as to, than
於: aa: ah
於: ni: to (followed by an indirect object)
於: o: (followed by a direct object)
於: oite: at, on, in, as for, as to
於: yori: (more, less) than

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: ox (org.), in particular, alone (conf.)
特: hitori: one person, alone <<< 一人
特: oushi: ox <<< 牡牛
特に: kotoni: especially, particularly, in particular, above all, of all things, among others, moreover <<<
特に: tokuni: especially, particularly, in particular, on purpose, expressly

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: clothes , travel    nb of strokes: 12
translation: put on, wear, attach (bor.), join, stick
chaku, jaku
着: chaku: unit to count clothes (jp.)
着る: kiru: wear (vt.), put on, have on, be dressed in, be charges with, take (a guilt) on oneself, take the blame (for)
着せる: kiseru: dress (vt.), clothe, cover, charge [put, throw] (a crime on a person)
着く: tsuku: stick [adhere] to, be connected with, be stained [smeared] with, belong to, be attached to, arrive (jp.), reach, get to
着ける: tsukeru: attach [affix, fix] (a thing to), fasten (a thing to), stick (a thing) to [on, together], put (a thing) on, apply (a thing to), put down, enter in (a book), put on, wear, add, append <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: business    nb of strokes: 12
translation: (walled) house, carry on (ext.), conduct business, practice, business, occupation
営む: itonamu: carry on, conduct business, practice
営み: itonami: business, occupation

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: ask for, seek, depend on, rely on
i, e
依る: yoru: depend on, rely on <<< , ,
依む: tanomu: ask for, seek, appeal <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: footwear    nb of strokes: 15
translation: shoes, boots, put on, trample, walk
履: kutsu: shoes, boots <<<
履む: humu: trample, walk <<<
履く: haku: put on <<< 穿

category: to learn in school   other spells: 1   radicals:    keyword: number    nb of strokes: 1
translation: a, one, first
ichi, itsu
一め: hajime: beginning, start <<<
一: hito: one
一つ: hitotsu: one (n.)
一つの: hitotsuno: one (a.), same
一つにする: hitotsunisuru: unite, combine, join, make (things) into one, confuse, make no distinction between
一つには: hitotsuniha: on the one hand
一つに成る: hitotsuninaru: become one, be united <<<
一つに成って: hitotsuninatte: in a body <<<
一つ一つ: hitotsuhitotsu: one at a time, one by one, individually, separately
一つ残らず: hitotsunokorazu: to the very last, without exception <<<
一から十まで: ichikarajuumade: from beginning to end, in everything <<< , 全部
一も二も無く: ichimonimonaku: without hesitation, readily, flatly, willingly <<< 即座

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