Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'co'

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radicals  keywords
Direct access: 共演 , 協調 , 共同 , 共有 , 行動 , 消費 , 同僚


pronunciation: kyouen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: show   
translation: co-staring
共演する: kyouensuru: co-star (v.), play in concert
共演者: kyouensha: costar (n.), coactor <<<


pronunciation: kyouchou   kanji characters: , 調    keyword: politics   
translation: cooperation, concord, conciliation, harmony
協調する: kyouchousuru: act in harmony
協調して: kyouchoushite: in cooperation with
協調的: kyouchouteki: harmonious, cooperative, conciliatory <<<
協調的態度: kyouchoutekitaido: conciliatory attitude <<< 態度
協調介入: kyouchoukainyuu: coordinated intervention <<< 介入
協調融資: kyouchouyuushi: co-financing, joint financing <<< 融資
check also: 協力 , 調和 , 共同


pronunciation: kyoudou   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 協同   keyword: administration , life   
translation: partnership, cooperation
共同で: kyoudoude: together
共同する: kyoudousuru: work together, co-operate, join forces, act in concert
共同体: kyoudoutai: community <<<
共同生活: kyoudouseikatsu: collective life, community life <<< 生活
共同声明: kyoudouseimei: joint statement <<< 声明
共同事業: kyoudoujigyou: joint undertaking [enterprise] <<< 事業
共同管理: kyoudoukanri: joint control [operation] <<< 管理
共同経営: kyoudoukeiei: joint management <<< 経営
共同出資: kyoudoushusshi: joint investment <<< 出資
共同組合: kyoudoukumiai: co-operative association [union], co-op <<< 組合
共同農場: kyoudounoujou: collective farm, kolkhoz <<< 農場
共同作業: kyoudousagyou: joint work, group work <<< 作業
共同便所: kyoudoubenjo: public lavatory <<< 便所
共同墓地: kyoudoubochi: public cemetery <<< 墓地
共同アンテナ: kyoudouantena: common antenna, community aerial [antenna]
check also: 協力


pronunciation: kyouyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: realty   
translation: joint ownership
共有の: kyouyouno: common, collective
共有する: kyouyuusuru: hold in common, own jointly
共有者: kyouyuusha: joint owner, co-owner <<<
共有地: kyouyuuchi: common land <<<
共有物: kyouyuubutsu: common property <<<
共有財産: kyouyuuzaisan <<< 財産
共有ディスク: kyouyuudisuku: shared disk
check also: 共通


pronunciation: koudou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: biology , politics   
translation: action, behavior, conduct (n.), movement
行動する: koudousuru: act, behave, conduct (v.), move
行動を共にする: koudouotomonisuru: act in concert, co-operate <<<
行動に移す: koudouniutsusu: put into action <<<
行動隊: koudoutai: action corps <<<
行動半径: koudouhankei: action radius <<< 半径
行動科学: koudoukagaku: behavioral science <<< 科学
行動様式: koudouyoushiki: behavior pattern <<< 様式
行動主義: koudoushugi: behaviorism <<< 主義


pronunciation: shouhi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: economy   
translation: consumption
消費する: shouhisuru: consume
消費額: shouhigaku: amount of consumption <<<
消費税: shouhizei: sales tax, vat <<<
消費財: shouhizai: consumers' goods <<<
消費者: shouhisha: consumer, buyer <<<
消費者価格: shouhishakakaku: consumers' price <<< 価格
消費者物価: shouhishabukka <<< 物価
消費者物価指数: shouhishabukkashisuu: consumers' price index, CPI <<< 指数
消費者金融: shouhishakinnyuu: consumer credit
消費組合: shouhikumiai: co-operative society <<< 組合
消費社会: shouhishakai: consumer society <<< 社会
消費経済: shouhikeizai: consumption economy <<< 経済
synonyms: 消耗


pronunciation: douryou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: colleague, coworker, workmate, fellow worker, companion, comrade*****
check also: 同輩

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