Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: politics

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Direct access: 行動 , 公認 , 公表 , 候補 , 公務 , 公約 , 交流 , 国営 , 国王 , 国際


pronunciation: koudou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: biology , politics   
translation: action, behavior, conduct (n.), movement
行動する: koudousuru: act, behave, conduct (v.), move
行動を共にする: koudouotomonisuru: act in concert, co-operate <<<
行動に移す: koudouniutsusu: put into action <<<
行動隊: koudoutai: action corps <<<
行動半径: koudouhankei: action radius <<< 半径
行動科学: koudoukagaku: behavioral science <<< 科学
行動様式: koudouyoushiki: behavior pattern <<< 様式
行動主義: koudoushugi: behaviorism <<< 主義


pronunciation: kounin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport , politics   
translation: official recognition, authorization, public approval
公認の: kouninnno: authorized, official
公認する: kouninsuru: recognize officially, authorize, legalize
公認記録: kouninkiroku: official record <<< 記録
公認候補: kouninkouho: authorize candidate <<< 候補
公認候補者: kouninkouhosha <<<
公認会計士: kouninkaikeishi: chartered [certified] public accountant


pronunciation: kouhyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: publication, announcement
公表する: kouhyousuru: publish, announce
check also: 発表


pronunciation: kouho   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , sport   
translation: candidacy, candidature
候補する: kouhosuru: stand as a candidate
候補に立つ: kouhonitatsu <<<
候補地: kouhochi: proposed site <<<
候補者: kouhosha: candidate <<<
立候補: rikkouho: candidacy, candidature <<<


pronunciation: koumu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job , politics   
translation: official [public] business [duties]
公務で: koumude: on official business
公務上の: koumujouno: official (a.) <<<
公務を行う: koumuookonau: execute one's official duties <<<
公務員: koumuin: public official, civil servant <<<
公務員法: koumuinhou: public service law <<<
公務執行妨害: koumushikkoubougai: interference with a government official in the execution of his official duties <<< 妨害


pronunciation: kouyaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: public promise, commitment
公約する: kouyakusuru: pledge oneself publicly (to a matter, to do), commit
公約数: kouyakusuu: common measure [divisor] <<<
check also: 約束


pronunciation: kouryuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: electricity , politics   
translation: alternative current, interchange (n.), exchange (n.)
交流する: kouryuusuru: interchange (v.), exchange (v.)
交流発電機: kouryuuhatsudenki: alternating-current dynamo, alternator
交流周波数: kouryuushuuhasuu: alternating-current frequency
check also: 直流


pronunciation: kokuei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: state ownership
国営の: kokueino: state owned, governmental
国営化: kokueika: nationalization <<<
国営事業: kokueijigyou: government enterprise <<< 事業
check also: 民営


pronunciation: kokuou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , history   
translation: king, monarch, sovereign
check also: 女王 , 君主


pronunciation: kokusai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , geography   
translation: international (n.), cosmopolitan (n.)
国際の: kokusaino: international (a.), cosmopolitan (a.)
国際人: kokusaijin: cosmopolite, cosmopolitan (n.) <<<
国際法: kokusaihou: international law <<<
国際化: kokusaika: internationalization, globalization <<<
国際会議: kokusaikaigi: international conference <<< 会議
国際関係: kokusaikankei: international relationship <<< 関係
国際紛争: kokusaihunsou: international disputes <<< 紛争
国際管理: kokusaikanri: international control <<< 管理
国際警察: kokusaikeisatsu: International Criminal Police Organization, Interpol <<< 警察
国際結婚: kokusaikekkon: international marriage <<< 結婚
国際電話: kokusaidenwa: international call <<< 電話
国際貿易: kokusaiboueki: international trade <<< 貿易
国際放送: kokusaihousou: international broadcasting <<< 放送
国際連盟: kokusairenmei: League of Nations <<< 連盟
国際連合: kokusairengou: United Nations <<< 連合 , 国連
check also: 海外 , 国外

373 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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