Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: accessory

This online Japanese dictionary has been developed by Free Light Software and contains Japanese words, composed of 2 or more Kanji characters. If you have any questions on Japan or Japanese language, please post your messages to our Japanese forum.
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Direct access: マフラー , リボン , ルビー , ロケット


pronunciation: mahuraa   etymology: muffler (eg.)   keyword: accessory , car   
translation: scarf, muffler
synonyms: 襟巻
check also: スカーフ


pronunciation: ribon   etymology: ribbon (eg.)   keyword: accessory   
translation: ribbon
リボンを付ける: ribonnotsukeru: put on a ribbon <<<
リボンで飾る: ribondekazaru <<<
リボンで結ぶ: ribondemusubu: tie with a ribbon <<<
リボンの騎士: ribonnnokishi: Princess Knight (a Japanese manga by Osamu Tezuka, 1953-1958)


pronunciation: rubii   etymology: ruby (eg.)   keyword: accessory   
translation: ruby
ルビー色: rubiiiro: ruby red <<<


pronunciation: roketto   etymology: rocket (eg.), locket (eg.)   keyword: airplane , weapon , accessory   
translation: rocket, locket
ロケット砲: rokettohou: rocket gun <<<
ロケット学: rokettogaku: rocketry <<<
ロケット工学: rokettokougaku
ロケット技術: rokettogijutsu
ロケット推進: rokettosuishin: rocket propulsion
ロケット燃料: rokettonenryou: rocket fuel
ロケット兵器: rokettoheiki: rocket weapon
ロケット発射台: rokettohasshadai: rocket launching pad
ロケットエンジン: rokettoenjin: rocket engine <<< エンジン
月ロケット: tsukiroketto: moon rocket <<<
check also: ペンダント

94 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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