Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: law

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Direct access: 侮辱 , 物件 , 弁護 , 弁明 , 法案 , 法学 , 法規 , 法曹 , 法定 , 法的


pronunciation: bujoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: insult (n.), contempt, affront (n.), slight (n.), humiliation
侮辱する: bujokusuru: insult (v.), affront (v.), slight (v.), humiliate
侮辱を与える: bujokuoataeru <<<
侮辱的: bujokuteki: insulting <<<
侮辱を受ける: bujokuoukeru: be insulted <<<
侮辱罪: bujokuzai: contempt of court <<<


pronunciation: bukken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: object, thing, article, evidence
物件費: bukkenhi: cost of supplies, nonpersonal expenses <<<


pronunciation: bengo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: defense (in court), justification, pleading
弁護する: bengosuru: defend, justify, plead
弁護団: bengodan: defense counsel <<<
弁護人: bengonin: defender, councilor, pleader <<<
弁護料: bengoryou: lawyer's fee <<<
弁護士: bengoshi: lawyer, attorney, barrister <<<
弁護士に成る: bengoshininaru: enter the law <<<
弁護士を頼む: bengoshiotanomu: engage (consult) a lawyer <<<
弁護士会: bengoshikai: lawyers' association <<<
弁護士業: bengoshigyou: attorneyship <<<
弁護士試験: bengoshishiken: bar examination <<< 試験


pronunciation: benmei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: justification, explanation, defense, plea
弁明する: benmeisuru: justify, explain, defend, plead
弁明を求める: benmeiomotomeru: demand an explanation <<<
弁明書: benmeisho: written explanation <<<
synonyms: 弁解 , 釈明


pronunciation: houan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , law   
translation: (legislative) bill, measure
法案を提出する: houannoteishutsusuru: introduce (bring, submit) a bill <<< 提出
法案を可決する: houannokaketsusuru: pass a bill <<< 可決
法案を否決する: houannohiketsusuru: reject a bill <<< 否決


pronunciation: hougaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law , education   
translation: law study, jurisprudence
法学の: hougakuno: juristic
法学部: hougakubu: faculty of law <<<
法学者: hougakusha: jurist <<<
法学士: hougakushi: Bachelor of Laws, LLB <<<
法学博士: hougakuhakushi: Doctor of Laws, LLD <<< 博士
法学大学院: hougakudaigakuin: law school


pronunciation: houki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: laws and regulations
法規上: houkijou: legally <<<
法規に照らして: houkiniterashite: according to (the) law <<<
法規に則り: houkininottori <<<
check also: 法律


pronunciation: housou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: judicial officer
法曹会: housoukai: legal circles, bench and bar <<<


pronunciation: houtei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: legality
法定の: houteino: legal, fixed by law
法定数: houteisuu: quorum <<<
法定価格: houteikakaku: legal price <<< 価格
法定利率: houteiriritsu: legal rate of interest <<< 利率
法定通貨: houteitsuuka: lawful money, legal tender, functional currency <<< 通貨
法定相続人: houteisouzokunin: legal heir
法定代理人: houteidairinin: legal representative


pronunciation: houteki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: legal
法的な: houtekina
法的根拠: houtekikonkyo: legal basis <<< 根拠
法的意識: houtekiishiki: sense of right and wrong <<< 意識

124 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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