Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: history

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Direct access: 城壁 , 衰退 , 枢軸 , 世紀 , 聖人 , 聖戦 , 生誕 , 征服 , 西洋 , 西暦


pronunciation: jouheki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: history , construction   
translation: castle wall, rampart
城壁を設ける: jouhekiomoukeru: build a rampart [wall] <<<


pronunciation: suitai   kanji characters: , 退    keyword: medicine , history   
translation: decline (n.), decay (n.), degeneration
衰退する: suitaisuru: decline (v.), decay (v.), degenerate
check also: 発展 , 退化


pronunciation: suujiku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war , history   
translation: axis, pivot, center
枢軸国: suujikukoku: Axis Powers <<<
check also: 連合


pronunciation: seiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: history , calendar   
translation: century
世紀末: seikimatsu: end of the century, fin-de-siècle <<<
前世紀: zenseiki: the last [past] century <<<
半世紀: hanseiki: half a century <<<
一世紀: isseiki: the first century, one century <<<
check also: 百年


pronunciation: seijin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion , history   
translation: saint
聖人の様な: seijinnnoyouna: saintly, saintlike <<<
聖人ぶる: seijinburu: be sanctimonious


pronunciation: seisen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion , history   
translation: crusade, jihad, sacred war
check also: ジハード


pronunciation: seitan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life , history   
translation: birth, nativity
生誕の地: seitannnochi: one's birth-place <<<
生誕の年: seitannnotoshi: year of birth <<<
生誕際: seitansai: birthday celebration <<<
check also: 誕生


pronunciation: seihuku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war , history   
translation: conquest, subjugation, subjection
征服する: seihukusuru: conquer, subdue
征服者: seihukusha: conqueror <<<
征服欲: seihukuyoku: desire for conquest <<<


pronunciation: seiyou   kanji characters: 西 ,    keyword: europe , history   
translation: Europe, Occident
西洋の: seiyouno: western, occidental
西洋風: seiyouhuu: western style <<<
西洋化: seiyouka: westernization <<<
西洋化する: seiyoukasuru: westernize
西洋画: seiyouga: western style picture <<< , 洋画
西洋人: seiyoujin: Westerner, Occidental <<<
西洋史: seiyoushi: European history <<<
西洋料理: seiyouryouri: western dishes <<< 料理
西洋思想: seiyoushisou: western ideology <<< 思想
西洋文明: seiyoubunmei: western civilization, European civilization <<< 文明
西洋牛蒡: seiyougobou: salsify, oyster plant, vegetable oyster <<< 牛蒡
antonyms: 東洋


pronunciation: seireki   kanji characters: 西 ,    keyword: history , calendar   
translation: Christian Era
check also: 紀元

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