Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: grammar

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Direct access: 接尾 , 俗語 , 単語 , 単数 , 短文 , 男性 , 段落 , 抽象 , 中性 , 直接


pronunciation: setsubiji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: suffixation
接尾法: setsubihou <<<
接尾辞: setsubiji: suffix (n.) <<<
接尾辞を付ける: setsubijiotsukeru: suffix (v.) <<<
check also: 接頭


pronunciation: zokugo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: slang word [expression]
俗語で: zokugode: in the popular language


pronunciation: tango   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: word
単語集: tangoshuu: collection of words, wordbook <<<
英単語: eitango: English word [vocabulary] <<<
check also: 語彙


pronunciation: tansuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: singular (n.)
単数の: tansuuno: singular (a.)
単数形: tansuukei: singular form <<<
単数名詞: tansuumeishi: singular noun <<< 名詞
check also: 複数


pronunciation: tanbun   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: short sentence [composition]


pronunciation: dansei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: clothes , grammar   
translation: stronger sex, male, man, masculine gender
男性の: danseino: masculine, male (a.)
男性的: danseiteki: manly, manlike, masculine, virile <<<
男性美: danseibi: manly [masculine] beauty <<<
男性用: danseiyou: for men <<<
男性型: danseikei: masculine gender <<<
男性歌手: danseikashu: male singer <<< 歌手
男性名詞: danseimeishi: masculine noun <<< 名詞
男性ホルモン: danseihorumon: male hormone, testosterone
antonyms: 女性
check also: 紳士 , 男子


pronunciation: danraku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: end of a paragraph, conclusion
一段落: ichidanraku: pause, end, close <<<
一段落付く: ichidanrakutsuku: finished what one was doing <<<


pronunciation: chuushou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art , grammar   
translation: abstraction
抽象的: chuushouteki: abstract (a.) <<<
抽象的に: chuushoutekini: in the abstract
抽象的概念: chuushoutekigainen: abstract concept <<< 概念
抽象化する: chuushoukasuru: abstract (v.) <<<
抽象派: chuushouha: abstractionism <<<
抽象論: chuushouron: abstract argument <<<
抽象画: chuushouga: abstract painting <<<
抽象芸術: chuushougeijutsu: abstract art <<< 芸術
抽象名詞: chuushoumeishi: abstract noun <<< 名詞
check also: 具体


pronunciation: chuusei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: chemistry , grammar   
translation: neuter, neutrality, indifference
中性の: chuuseino: neutral, indifferent
中性的: chuuseiteki <<<
中性化: chuuseika: neutralization <<<
中性化する: chuuseikasuru: neutralize
中性液: chuuseieki: neutral liquid <<<
中性子: chuuseishi: neutron <<<
中性名詞: chuuseimeishi: neuter <<< 名詞
中性洗剤: chuuseisenzai: neutral detergent <<< 洗剤
check also: 男性 , 女性


pronunciation: chokusetsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , grammar   
translation: direct (n.)
直接の: chokusetsuno: direct (a.)
直接的: chokusetsuteki <<<
直接に: chokusetsuni: directly
直接税: chokusetsuzei: direct tax <<<
直接交渉: chokusetsukoushou: direct negotiation <<< 交渉
直接談判: chokusetsudanpan
直接照明: chokusetsushoumei: direct lighting <<< 照明
直接行動: chokusetsukoudou: direct action <<< 行動
直接選挙: chokusetsusenkyo: direct election <<< 選挙
直接証拠: chokusetsushouko: direct proof <<< 証拠
直接補語: chokusetsuhogo: direct object
直接話法: chokusetsuwahou: direct speech
antonyms: 間接

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