Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: job

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Direct access: 雇用 , 採用 , 作業 , 指図 , 左遷 , 三役 , 在職 , 残業 , 志願 , 支給


pronunciation: koyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: hire, employment
雇用主: koyounushi: employer <<< , 雇主
雇用者: koyousha <<<
被雇用者: hikoyousha: employee <<<
雇用契約: koyoukeiyaku: contract of engagement [employment] <<< 契約
雇用条件: koyoujouken: employment conditions [terms] <<< 条件


pronunciation: saiyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: adoption, appointment, employment
採用する: saiyousuru: adopt, introduce, employ, engage, take (a person) into service
採用申込: saiyoumoushikomi: application for a position <<< 申込
採用試験: saiyoushiken: examination for service <<< 試験
採用条件: saiyoujouken: hiring requirements, conditions of employment <<< 条件
採用通知: saiyoutsuuchi: notification of employment <<< 通知


pronunciation: sagyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: work (n.), operation
作業する: sagyousuru: work (v.), operate
作業を始める: sagyouohajimeru: start working <<<
作業を止める: sagyouoyameru: stop working, knock off <<<
作業中に: sagyouchuuni: while at work <<<
作業室: sagyoushitsu: workroom <<<
作業場: sagyoujou: workshop, atelier <<< , 工房 , アトリエ
作業台: sagyoudai: workbench, worktable <<<
作業服: sagyouhuku: working clothes, overall <<<
作業員: sagyouin: operator, laborer, worker <<<
作業時間: sagyoujikan: working hours <<< 時間
作業能率: sagyounouritsu: productivity, performance <<< 能率
作業療法: sagyouryouhou: occupational therapy, ergotherapy <<< 療法
作業療法士: sagyouryouhoushi: occupational therapist, ergotherapist <<<
流れ作業: nagaresagyou: assembly-line work <<<
synonyms: 仕事


pronunciation: sashizu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: directions, instructions, orders, command (n.)
指図する: sashizusuru: direct (v.), instruct, give directions [instructions] (to), order, command, dictate (to)
指図を受ける: sashizuoukeru: receive instructions <<<
指図を仰ぐ: sashizuoaogu: ask for instructions <<<
指図の下に: sashizunomotoni: under a person's directions, under command of <<<
指図に従う: sashizunishitagau: obey an order <<<
check also: 命令 , 指令


pronunciation: sasen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: degradation, demotion
左遷する: sasensuru: relegate, demote, transfer to a lower position
check also: 昇進


pronunciation: sannyaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: three positions [roles], three highest ranks of sumo wrestlers (below yokozuna), three top-ranking officials (of a political party below president)
check also: 横綱


pronunciation: zaishoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: holding the post
在職する: zaishokusuru: hold office [a post], be in office
在職中: zaishokuchuu: during one's tenure of office <<<
在職期限: zaishokukigen: length of one's service <<< 期限


pronunciation: zangyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: overtime work
残業する: zangyousuru: work overtime
残業代: zangyoudai: overtime pay [allowance] <<<
残業手当: zangyouteate <<< 手当
check also: 仕事


pronunciation: shigan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: desire (n.), aspiration, application, volunteering
志願する: shigansuru: desire (v.), aspire (to), apply (for), volunteer (for)
志願者: shigansha: applicant (for), volunteer (for), candidate (for) <<< , ボランティア
志願兵: shiganhei: volunteer soldier <<<
志願書: shigansho: written application <<<
check also: 志望


pronunciation: shikyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: provision, payment
支給する: shikyuusuru: provide [supply] (a person) with (a thing), give, grant, allow
支給額: shikyuugaku: amount supplied, allowance <<<
支給品: shikyuuhin: supplies <<<
check also: 供給

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