Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: finance

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Direct access: 債権 , 歳出 , 歳入 , 債務 , 財産 , 財政 , 財務 , 資金 , 資産 , 紙幣


pronunciation: saiken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance , economy   
translation: credit, claim
債権者: saikensha: creditor, obligee <<<
債権国: saikenkokya: creditor nation <<<
債権法: saikenhou: law of obligations <<<
債権譲渡: saikenjouto: assignment of a claim <<< 譲渡


pronunciation: saishutsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: annual expenditure
antonyms: 歳入


pronunciation: sainyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: annual revenue
antonyms: 歳出


pronunciation: saimu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: debt, obligation, liabilities
債務が有る: saimugaaru: owe <<<
債務を果たす: saimuohatasu: settle one's debt, discharge [meet] one's obligations <<<
債務者: saimusha: debtor, obligor <<<
債務国: saimukoku: debtor nation <<<
債務不履行: saimuhurikou: default of obligations
債務担保証券: saimutanposhouken: CDO, Collateralized Debt Obligation <<< 証券
synonyms: 負債 , 借金


pronunciation: zaisan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: realty , finance   
translation: fortune, wealth, property, richness, asset
財産を残す: zaisannonokosu: leave [bequeath] a fortune <<<
財産を作る: zaisannotsukuru: make a fortune <<<
財産を継ぐ: zaisannotsugu: inherit [succeed to] a fortune <<<
財産権: zaisanken: property right <<<
財産家: zaisanka: wealthy person, rich (person) <<<
財産税: zaisanzei: property tax <<<
財産勘定: zaisankanjou: assets and liabilities account <<< 勘定
財産譲渡: zaisanjouto: conveyance of estate <<< 譲渡
財産相続: zaisansouzoku: succession to a property <<< 相続
財産管理: zaisankanri: property management <<< 管理
check also: 資産


pronunciation: zaisei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance , politics   
translation: finances, financial affairs
財政の: zaiseino: financial, economic, fiscal
財政的に: zaiseitekinino: financially <<<
財政が豊か: zaiseigayutaka: well off, in good financial circumstances [conditions] <<<
財政が困難: zaiseigakonnnan: badly off, in financial difficulties [trouble] <<< 困難
財政難: zaiseinan: financial difficulties [straits] <<<
財政家: zaiseika: financier <<<
財政学: zaiseigaku: science of finance, public finance <<<
財政援助: zaiseienjo: financial aid <<< 援助
財政改革: zaiseikaikaku: fiscal reform <<< 改革
財政危機: zaiseikiki: financial crisis <<< 危機
財政年度: zaiseinendo: fiscal year <<< 年度
財政支出: zaiseishishutsu: financial expenditure <<< 支出
財政状態: zaiseijoutai: financial conditions <<< 状態
財政政策: zaiseiseisaku: financial [fiscal] policy <<< 政策
財政投資: zaiseitoushi: financial investments <<< 投資


pronunciation: zaimu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance , accounting   
translation: financial affairs, finance
財務官: zaimukan: financial commissioner <<<
財務局: zaimukyoku: Financial Bureau <<<
財務省: zaimushou: Ministry of Finance <<<
財務大臣: zaimudaijin: Finance Minister <<< 大臣
財務長官: zaimuchoukan: Secretary of Treasury (in US) <<< 長官
財務会計: zaimukaikei: financial accounting <<< 会計
財務管理: zaimukanri: financial management <<< 管理
財務指標: zaimushihyou: financial index <<< 指標
財務政策: zaimuseisaku: financial [fiscal] policy <<< 政策
財務顧問: zaimukomon: financial adviser [consultant, counsel] <<< 顧問
財務理事: zaimuriji: financial administrator <<< 理事


pronunciation: shikin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: treasury, fund, finance, capital
資金が有る: shikingaaru: be in funds <<<
資金が切れる: shikingakireru: be out of funds <<<
資金が足りない: shikingatarinai: have not enough funds <<<
資金繰り: shikinguri: money management, management of the money supply <<<
資金集め: shikinnatsume: fund raising <<<
資金募集: shikinboshuu <<< 募集
資金難: shikinnnan: financial difficulty <<<
資金洗浄: shikinsenjou: money laundering <<< 洗浄
資金カンパ: shikinkanpa: fund-raising campaign
資金コスト: shikinkosuto: cost of funds
資金フロー: shikinhuroo: flow of funds, money flow
check also: 資本 , ファンド , マネー


pronunciation: shisan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: property, fortune, means, assets
資産の有る: shisannnoaru: wealthy, propertied <<< , 金持
資産家: shisanka: man of property [wealth, fortune] <<<
資産と負債: shisantohusai: assets and liabilities <<< 負債
資産階級: shisankaikyuu: propertied class <<< 階級
資産凍結: shisantouketsu: freezing of assets
資産運用: shisannunnyou: management of one's assets <<< 運用
資産管理: shisankanri: portfolio management <<< 管理
資産価値: shisankachi: wealth effect, net asset value <<< 価値
資産目録: shisanmokuroku: inventory of assets
資産内容: shisannnaiyou <<< 内容
check also: 財産


pronunciation: shihei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: economy , finance   
translation: paper money, bank note
紙幣発行: shiheihakkou: issue of bank notes <<< 発行

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