Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: society

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Direct access: 黒人 , 乞食 , 個人 , 懇意 , 仕来り , 社会 , 社交 , 集会 , 集団 , 所属


pronunciation: kokujin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: black (people), African
黒人種: kokujinshu: colored [black, Negro] race <<<
黒人女: kokujinonnna: black woman <<<
check also: 白人


pronunciation: kojiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: beggar, mendicant, begging, mendicancy
乞食する: kojikisuru: beg one's bread, ask alms
乞食小屋: kojikigoya: beggar's hut <<< 小屋
乞食根性: kojikikonjou: mean spirit, the beggar <<< 根性
乞食稼業: kojikikagyou: begging, mendicancy
女乞食: onnnakojiki: beggar-woman <<<


pronunciation: kojin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: individual (n.)
個人の: kojinnno: personal, individual (a.), private
個人的: kojinteki <<<
個人差: kojinsa: individual difference <<<
個人性: kojinsei: individuality <<<
個人崇拝: kojinsuuhai: personality cult <<< 崇拝
個人教師: kojinkyoushi: tutor, private teacher <<< 教師
個人授業: kojinjugyou: private lesson <<< 授業
個人事業: kojinjigyou: small business <<< 事業
個人経営: kojinkeiei: private enterprise [management] <<< 経営
個人主義: kojinshugi: individualism <<< 主義
個人主義者: kojinshugisha: individualist <<<
個人情報: kojinjouhou: personal information <<< 情報
個人消費: kojinshouhi: personal consumption <<< 消費
個人消費支出: kojinshouhishishutsu: Personal Consumption Expenditure, PCE <<< 支出
check also: プライベート


pronunciation: konni   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: intimacy, friendship
懇意な: konnina: intimate, familiar, friendly, close
懇意にしている: konninishiteiru: be friends with, be on friendly [intimate] terms with
懇意に成る: konnininaru: become friends [acquainted] with, make a person's acquaintance, become intimate with <<<
check also: 友好 , 付合


pronunciation: shikitari   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: custom, usage, rite, convention, precedent (n.)
仕来りの: shikitarino: customary, ritual, conventional
仕来りに従う: shikitarinishitagau: conform to the custom <<<
仕来りを破る: shikitarioyaburu: break [violate] the custom <<<
synonyms: 慣例


pronunciation: shakai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: society, community
社会の: shakaino: social
社会的: shakaiteki <<<
社会性: shakaisei: sociability <<<
社会学: shakaigaku: sociology <<<
社会党: shakaitou: socialist party <<<
社会科: shakaika: social studies <<<
社会面: shakaimen: social columns <<<
社会化: shakaika: socialization <<<
社会化する: shakaikasuru: socialize
社会現象: shakaigenshou: social phenomenon <<< 現象
社会問題: shakaimondai: social problem <<< 問題
社会運動: shakaiundou: social movement <<< 運動
社会科学: shakaikagaku: social science <<< 科学
社会主義: shakaishugi: socialism <<< 主義
社会主義者: shakaishugisha: socialist <<<


pronunciation: shakou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: social intercourse, society
社交的: shakouteki: sociable, outgoing, sleek <<<
社交人: shakoujin: sociable person <<<
社交家: shakouka <<<
社交界: shakoukai: high society <<<
社交界の: shakoukaino: society (a.)
社交会: shakoukai: social party <<<
社交性: shakousei: sociability <<<
社交術: shakoujutsu: art of social intercourse <<<
社交室: shakoushitsu: lounge, saloon <<<
社交服: shakouhuku: evening dress, formal dress <<<
社交ダンス: shakoudansu: social dance
社交クラブ: shakoukurabu: social club
synonyms: 交際


pronunciation: shuukai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: meeting, assembly, gathering, rally
集会する: shuukaisuru: meet together, assemble, gather
集会場: shuukaijou: assembly hall, meeting place <<<
集会所: shuukaisho, shuukaijo <<<
集会地: shuukaichi: meeting place <<<
check also: 集合 , ミーティング


pronunciation: shuudan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: mass, group, family, commonality
集団で: shuudande: in a group
集団発生: shuudanhassei: mass outbreak <<< 発生
集団中毒: shuudanchuudoku: mass food poisoning <<< 中毒
集団療法: shuudanryouhou: mass therapy <<< 療法
集団意識: shuudannishiki: group consciousness <<< 意識
集団心理: shuudanshinri: mass psychology <<< 心理
集団暴行: shuudanboukou: mob violence <<< 暴行
集団強盗: shuudangoutou: gang of burglars <<< 強盗
集団農場: shuudannnoujou: collective farm, kolkhoz <<< 農場
集団結婚: shuudankekkon: mass marriage <<< 結婚


pronunciation: shozoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: affiliation, belonging
所属の: shozokuno: attached [belonging, affiliated] to
所属する: shozokusuru: affiliate, belong, attach
所属民: shozokumin: national (n.) <<<
所属未定: shozokumitei: unattached, unassigned, unaffiliated <<< 未定
無所属: mushozoku: independent, non-affiliated <<<

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