
オンライン英和辞典: キーワード:旅行

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カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 旅行    画数: 10
翻訳:stop, halt, cease, leave, stay, detain
リュウ, ル
留める: とめる: stop (vt.), cease, put an end to (a matter), detain, leave <<<
留まる: とまる: stop (vi.), halt, come to a stop [halt, halt, standstill], pull [draw] up, run down, stay <<<
留める: とどめる: stop, cease, put an end to (a matter), detain, leave
留う: うかがう: ask, inquire <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 旅行    画数: 10
翻訳:journey, travel, trip, voyage
リョ, ロ
旅: たび
旅をする: たびをする: travel (v.), make a journey, go on a journey [trip], make a tour [trip]
旅に出る: たびにでる: start [go] on a journey <<<
旅立つ: たびだつ <<<
旅の空で: たびのそらで: away from home, in a strange land <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 旅行    画数: 10
翻訳:come [get] back, return, leave, send back, get married (man worked in the wife's home before marriage)

帰る: かえる: return (v.), come [get] back [home], go (away), leave, be off, hurry off
帰す: かえす: send ( a person) back (to)
帰り: かえり: return (n.)
帰りが早い: かえりがはやい: come back early, be early in coming home <<<
帰りが遅い: かえりがおそい: come back late, be late in coming home <<<
帰りを急ぐ: かえりをいそぐ: hurry back <<<
帰り掛けに: かえりがけに: just as one leaves, on one's way home [back] <<<
帰ぐ: とつぐ: get married <<<
帰る: おくる: present (vt.) <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 旅行    画数: 11
翻訳:visit, call at, come
訪れる: おとずれる: visit (v.), pay a visit, call on, arrive
訪れ: おとずれ: visit (n.), call, arrival
訪ねる: たずねる: visit (v.), pay a visit


カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 旅行    画数: 11
翻訳:hotel, inn, accommodation, stay, sojourn
シュク, スク
宿: しゅく: relay of horse (jp.)
宿る: やどる: stay, sojourn, live, dwell
宿す: やどす: let stay, [sojourn] conceive (a child)
宿: やど: hotel, inn, accommodation
宿を取る: やどをとる: put up (at a hotel), take up one's lodgings (in a house), stay <<<
宿を貸す: やどをかす: take in (a traveler) <<<
宿を探す: やどをさがす: look for accommodation <<<
同意語: ホテル

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 旅行    画数: 12
翻訳:cross over (by ship), go over
渡る: わたる: cross over, go over, walk [run, ride, drive, sail] across, ferry, live (jp.)
渡り: わたり: ferry (n.), migration, consultation (jp.) <<< フェリー
渡りに船: わたりにふね: timely rescue [help], chance, grist for [to] one's mill <<<
渡りを付ける: わたりをつける: come to an understanding (with), get in touch (with), contact (a person) <<<
渡り合う: わたりあう: cross swords (with), fight, argue [have words] (with) <<<
渡り歩く: わたりあるく: wander from place to place <<<
渡す: わたす: pass (jp.), give

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 旅行    画数: 12
翻訳:return, again
フク, フ
復る: かえる: return, come back <<<
復る: もどる: come [back] back [home] (from), return, retrace one's step <<<
復: また: again <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 衣服 , 旅行    画数: 12
翻訳:put on, wear, attach (bor.), join, stick
チャク, ジャク
着: ちゃく: unit to count clothes (jp.)
着る: きる: wear (vt.), put on, have on, be dressed in, be charges with, take (a guilt) on oneself, take the blame (for)
着せる: きせる: dress (vt.), clothe, cover, charge [put, throw] (a crime on a person)
着く: つく: stick [adhere] to, be connected with, be stained [smeared] with, belong to, be attached to, arrive (jp.), reach, get to
着ける: つける: attach [affix, fix] (a thing to), fasten (a thing to), stick (a thing) to [on, together], put (a thing) on, apply (a thing to), put down, enter in (a book), put on, wear, add, append <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 旅行    画数: 12
翻訳:pass (through), attain, reach
タツ, ダチ
達する: たっする: attain (one's aim), achieve, accomplish, realize, notify, inform, issue a notice, reach, arrive at [in], get to [at], come (up) to, amount (up) to
達く: とどく: arrive (at, in), reach, get to, get at, be fulfilled [realized, heard] <<<
達る: とおる: pass (through), get through <<<
達: たち: plural (suff., jp.)
達: だち
達し: たっし: order(jp.)

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: 旅行    画数: 6
翻訳:tour, patrol, circulate, revolve
巡る: めぐる: tour (v.), patrol, circulate, revolve
巡り: めぐり: tour (n.), patrol, circulation, pilgrimage <<< ツアー
巡らす: めぐらす: surround, enclose, turn
巡り合う: めぐりあう: happen on [upon], come across <<<
巡り合い: めぐりあい: encounter, chance meeting <<<
を巡って: をめぐって: regarding, concerning, referring to, relative to
巡る: みまわる: make a tour, patrol (v.) <<< パトロール

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