Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: food

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Direct access: 盛合せ , 焼豚 , 焼飯 , 夜食 , 夕食 , 洋食 , 拉麺 , 料理 , 冷蔵 , 冷凍


pronunciation: moriawase   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 盛り合せ, 盛り合わせ   keyword: food   
translation: assorted dish


pronunciation: yakibuta   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 焼き豚   keyword: food   
translation: roast pork, roast pig


pronunciation: yakimeshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: fried rice


pronunciation: yashoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: midnight supper
夜食を取る: yashokuotoru: have [take] midnight supper <<<
check also: 夕食


pronunciation: yuushoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: supper, dinner
夕食を取る: yuushokuotoru: have dinner, take dinner <<<
夕食に招く: yuushokunimaneku: ask someone to dinner <<<
夕食を共にする: yuushokuotomonisuru: share a dinner with, dine with <<<
夕食前: yuushokumae: before dinner <<<
夕食後: yuushokugo: after dinner <<<
夕食時: yuushokuji: during dinner <<<
夕食時間: yuushokujikan: supper time <<< 時間
check also: 朝食 , 昼食


pronunciation: youshoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: European [Western] food [dishes]
洋食店: youshokuten: European restaurant <<<
antonyms: 和食


pronunciation: raamen   kanji characters:    other spells: ラーメン   keyword: food   
translation: Chinese noodles soup
拉麺屋: raamennya: booth of Chinese noodles soup <<<
冷し拉麺: hiyashiraamen: cold Chinese noodles <<<


pronunciation: ryouri   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: cooking, cookery, cuisine, dish
料理する: ryourisuru: cook (v.)
料理を出す: ryouriodasu: serve dishes, set dishes on the table <<<
料理の本: ryourinohon: cookery book, cookbook <<<
料理長: ryourichou: chef <<< , シェフ
料理人: ryourinin: cook (n.) <<< , コック
料理法: ryourihou: cookery, recipe <<< , レシピ
料理場: ryourijou: kitchen, cuisine <<< , 台所
料理用: ryouriyou: cooking, culinary <<<
料理店: ryouriten: (high-class) restaurant <<< , レストラン
料理家: ryouriya <<<
料理台: ryouridai: dressing table <<<
料理道具: ryouridougu: cooking utensils <<< 道具
料理学校: ryourigakkou: cooking school <<< 学校
肉料理: nikuryouri: meat dish <<<
魚料理: sakanaryouri: fish dish <<<
synonyms: 調理


pronunciation: reizou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food , utensil   
translation: cold storage, refrigeration
冷蔵する: reizousuru: refrigerate
冷蔵庫: reizouko: refrigerator, fridge, ice box <<<
冷蔵車: reizousha: refrigerator car <<<
冷蔵装置: reizousouchi: refrigeration plant <<< 装置
check also: 冷凍


pronunciation: reitou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food , utensil   
translation: refrigeration
冷凍する: reitousuru: refrigerate, deep-freeze
冷凍庫: reitouko: refrigerator <<<
冷凍室: reitoushitsu: refrigerator room, freezer [ice] compartment, icebox <<<
冷凍機: reitouki: refrigerating machine, freezing [refrigeration] plant <<<
冷凍業: reitougyou: cold-storage business <<<
冷凍車: reitousha: refrigerator car <<<
冷凍肉: reitouniku: refrigerated [frozen] meat <<<
冷凍魚: reitougyo: refrigerated [frozen] fish <<<
冷凍野菜: reitouyasai: refrigerated [frozen] vegetable <<< 野菜
冷凍食品: reitoushokuhin: refrigerated [frozen] food <<< 食品
冷凍麻酔: reitoumasui: refrigeration anesthesia, cryoanesthesia <<< 麻酔
check also: 冷蔵 , 冷却

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