Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: medicine

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Direct access: 出血 , 出産 , 種痘 , 消化 , 障害 , 正気 , 衝撃 , 処置 , 視力 , 診察


pronunciation: shukketsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: bleeding, hemorrhage
出血する: shukketsusuru: bleed, hemorrhage (v.)
出血を止める: shukketsuotomeru: stop bleeding, stanch the flow of blood <<< , 止血
出血性: shukketsusei: hemophilic <<<
出血販売: shukketsuhanbai: sacrifice sale <<< 販売
脳出血: noushukketsu: cerebral hemorrhage <<< , 脳溢血
内出血: naishukketsu: internal bleeding <<<


pronunciation: shussan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine , life   
translation: childbirth, delivery, maternity
出産する: shussansuru: deliver, give birth
出産祝い: shussanniwai: (gift in) celebration of a birth <<<
出産届: shussantodoke: report of a birth <<<
出産率: shussanritsu: birthrate, natality rate <<<
出産制限: shussanseigen: birth control <<< 制限
出産休暇: shussankyuuka: maternity leave <<< 休暇
出産予定日: shussanyoteibi: term
synonyms: 出生
check also: 分娩


pronunciation: shutou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: vaccination, inoculation
種痘する: shutousuru: vaccinate, inoculate (a person with vaccine)
種痘済み: shutouzumi: vaccinated <<<
種痘証明: shutoushoumei: vaccination certificate <<< 証明


pronunciation: shouka   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine , food   
translation: digestion
消化の: shoukano: digestive (a.)
消化する: shoukasuru: digest
消化が良い: shoukagaii: digest well <<<
消化が悪い: shoukagawarui: digest ill <<<
消化し易い: shoukashiyasui: be easy to digest <<<
消化し難い: shoukashinikui: be hard to digest <<<
消化液: shoukaeki: digestive fluid <<<
消化管: shoukakan: alimentary canal <<<
消化器: shoukaki: digestive organs <<<
消化剤: shoukazai: digestive (n.) <<<
消化力: joukaryoku: digestive power <<<
消化作用: shoukasayou: digestive process <<< 作用
消化不良: shoukahuryou: indigestion, dyspepsia <<< 不良


pronunciation: shougai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport , medicine   
translation: obstruction, obstacle, impediment, hindrance, drawback, barrier, disability, defect
障害になる: shougaininaru: hinder, impede, be in the way, be a hindrance to
障害者: shougaisha: disabled person, defective <<<
障害物: shougaibutsu: obstacle, hurdle, barricade, hobble <<<
障害物競走: shougaibutsukyousou: obstacle race, hurdle race, steeplechase <<< 競走
check also: 邪魔 , 妨害


pronunciation: shouki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: soberness, consciousness, right mind
正気の: shoukino: sane, sober
正気に返る: shoukinikaeru: recover consciousness, come round, come to (oneself) <<<
正気付く: shoukiZuku <<<
正気を失う: shoukioushinau: lose consciousness [one's senses], go mad <<< , 失神


pronunciation: shougeki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology , medicine   
translation: shock (n.), impact, impulse
衝撃を受ける: shougekioukeru: galvanize, jolt <<<
衝撃を与える: shougekioataeru: shock (v.), give a shock <<<
衝撃的: shougekiteki: shocking, daring <<<
衝撃音: shougekion: bang <<<
衝撃波: shougekiha: shock wave <<<
衝撃療法: shougekiryouhou: shock therapy <<< 療法
check also: ショック


pronunciation: shochi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: disposition, disposal, dealing, measure, treatment
処置する: shochisuru: deal with, dispose of, take measures [steps]
処置を取る: shochiotoru <<<
処置に困る: shochinikomaru: do not know what to do [how to deal] with (a thing) <<<
処置を誤る: shochioayamaru: take wrong measures <<<
処置無し: shochinashi: beyond hope [cure], no help for <<<
synonyms: 対策
check also: 手段 , 措置


pronunciation: shiryoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: eyesight, sight, vision
視力が強い: shiryokugatsuyoi: have a good sight <<<
視力が弱い: shiryokugayowai: have a poor sight <<<
視力が衰える: shiryokugaotoroeru: One's eyesight fails <<<
視力が落ちる: shiryokugaochiru <<<
視力を失う: shiryokuoushinau: lose one's sight <<<
視力を回復する: shiryokuokaihukusuru: recover one's sight <<< 回復
視力計: shiryokukei: optometer, vision analyzer <<<
視力表: shiryokuhyou: sight-testing chart, Snellen chart <<<
視力検査: shiryokukensa: test of eyesight <<< 検査
check also:


pronunciation: shinsatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: medical examination
診察する: shinsatsusuru: examine a patient
診察を受ける: shinsatsuoukeru: consult a physician, be examined <<<
診察室: shinsatsushitsu: consultation [consulting] room <<<
診察料: shinsatsuryou: doctor's fee, fee for a medical examination <<<
診察日: shinsatsubi: consultation [consulting] day <<<
診察時間: shinsatsujikan: consultation [consulting] hours <<< 時間
synonyms: 診療 , 診断

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