Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: travel

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Direct access: 置去 , 温泉 , 海外 , 海図 , 街道 , 格安 , 貸切 , 片道 , 観光 , 外国


pronunciation: okizari   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 置き去   keyword: travel   
translation: abandon of a person
置去にする: okizarinisuru: leave (a person) behind, desert (one's family), maroon


pronunciation: onsen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel , nature   
translation: spa, hot-spring
温泉の: onsennno: thermal
温泉に行く: onsennniiku: visit a spa <<<
温泉客: onsenkyaku: visitor to a health resort <<<
温泉宿: onsennyado: hot-spring inn <<< 宿
温泉旅館: onsenryokan <<< 旅館
温泉場: onsenjou: hot-spring resort <<<
温泉療法: onsenryouhou: hot-spring cure <<< 療法
check also: 鉱泉 , Hot_spring


pronunciation: kaigai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel , geography   
translation: overseas [foreign] countries
海外の: kaigaino: foreign, overseas (a.)
海外に: kaigaini: abroad, overseas (adj.)
海外から: kaigaikara: from abroad
海外版: kaigaiban: overseas edition <<<
海外移転: kaigaiiten: offshoring <<< 移転
海外勤務: kaigaikinmu: overseas assignment <<< 勤務
海外市場: kaigaishijou: international [foreign] market <<< 市場
海外貿易: kaigaiboueki: overseas [foreign] trade <<< 貿易
海外投資: kaigaitoushi: foreign investment <<< 投資
海外事情: kaigaijijou: foreign affairs <<< 事情
海外視察: kaigaishisatsu: tour of inspection abroad <<< 視察
海外派兵: kaigaihahei: overseas deployment of armed forces
海外放送: kaigaihousou: overseas broadcasting <<< 放送
海外旅行: kaigairyokou: foreign [oversea] tour <<< 旅行
海外ニュース: kaigainyuusu: overseas news
synonyms: 外国


pronunciation: kaizu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sea , travel   
translation: sea chart
海図室: kaizushitsu: chartroom, map room <<<
海図学: kaizugaku: chartology, cartography <<<


pronunciation: kaidou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel , geography   
translation: highway, highroad
本街道: honkaidou: main road <<<
裏街道: urakaidou: byroad <<<


pronunciation: kakuyasu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business , travel   
translation: bargain price
格安な: kakuyasuna: bargain (a.), cheap
格安に: kakuyasuni: at a bargain
格安品: kakuyasuhin: bargain (article) <<<
格安航空券: kakuyasukoukuuken: discount airline ticket
格安チケット: kakuyasuchiketto


pronunciation: kashikiri   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel   
translation: reservation, charter
貸切の: kashikirino: reserved, chartered
貸切席: kashikiriseki: reserved place <<<
貸切バス: kashikiribasu: chartered bus


pronunciation: katamichi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel   
translation: one way
片道料金: katamichiryoukin: single fare, one-way fare <<< 料金
片道切符: katamichikippu: single ticket, one-way ticket <<< 切符
check also: 往復


pronunciation: kankou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel   
translation: tourism, sight-seeing
観光する: kankousuru: visit (v.), tour (v.)
観光客: kankoukyaku: tourist, sightseer <<<
観光業: kankougyou: tourism, tourist industry <<<
観光船: kankousen: sight-seeing boat <<<
観光地: kankouchi: tourist resort <<< , リゾート
観光都市: kankoutoshi: tourist town <<< 都市
観光案内: kankouannnai: tourist information, tourist guide <<< 案内
観光案内所: kankouannnaisho: tourist office, tourist information center <<<
観光旅行: kankouryokou: sight-seeing tour <<< 旅行
観光地図: kankouchizu: tourist map <<< 地図
観光施設: kankoushisetsu: tourist facilities <<< 施設
観光バス: kankoubasu: sight-seeing bus
観光ホテル: kankouhoteru: resort hotel
観光シーズン: kankoushiizun: sight-seeing season
観光ルート: kankouruuto: tourist route
check also: 見物


pronunciation: gaikoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography , travel   
translation: foreign country, overseas
外国の: gaikokuno: foreign
外国に行く: gaikokuniiku: go abroad <<<
外国から帰る: gaikokukarakaeru: return from abroad <<<
外国で暮らす: gaikokudekurasu: live abroad, live in a foreign country <<<
外国向け: gaikokumuke: going [bound for] abroad, for foreign countries <<<
外国人: gaikokujin: foreigner <<< , 外人
外国語: gaikokugo: foreign language <<<
外国船: gaikokusen: foreign ship, foreign bottoms <<<
外国品: gaikokuhin: foreign goods <<<
外国製: gaikokusei: foreign made, of foreign make <<<
外国産: gaikokusan: foreign-produced, of foreign growth <<<
外国為替: gaikokukawase: foreign exchange <<< 為替 , 外為
外国市場: gaikokushijou: foreign market <<< 市場
外国航路: gaikokukouro: foreign route <<< 航路
外国貿易: gaikokuboueki: foreign trade <<< 貿易
check also: 異国 , 海外

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