Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: time

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Direct access: 何時 , 今更 , 以来 , 永遠 , 永久 , 片時 , 起床 , 緊急 , 今朝 , 刻々


pronunciation: itsu, nanji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: when, what time
何時も: itsumo: always, usually, habitually
何時でも: itsudemo: any time
何時だって: itsudatte
何時から: itsukara: from what time, since when, how long
何時か: itsuka: some time, some day, one of these days, once, at one time, before, the other day
何時に: nanjini: at what time
何時の間にか: itsunomanika: before one knows, unawares, unnoticed <<<
何時の間に: itsunomani
何時迄も: itsumademo: forever, permanently <<<
何時頃: itsugoro: about what time <<<
今何時ですか: imananjidesuka: What time is it? Have you got the time? <<<


pronunciation: imasara   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: now, after so long a time, when it is too late
今更仕方が無い: imasarashikataganai: It can't be helped now
今更仕様が無い: imasarashiyouganai, imasarashouganai
今更出来ない: imasaradekinai <<< 出来


pronunciation: irai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: since, after this, hereafter, in future
其以来: soreirai: since then <<<


pronunciation: eien   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: eternity, immortality
永遠の: eiennno: eternal, everlasting, endless, permanent
永遠に: eiennni: eternally, forever
永遠の愛: eiennnoai: eternal love <<<
永遠の平和: eiennnoheiwa: permanent peace <<< 平和
永遠の生命: eiennnoseimei: eternal life <<< 生命
synonyms: 永久


pronunciation: eikyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time , science   
translation: eternity, permanence
永久の: eikyuuno: eternal, everlasting, endless, permanent, perpetual
永久に: eikyuuni: eternally, forever, perpetually
永久歯: eikyuushi: permanent tooth <<<
永久磁石: eikyuujishaku: permanent magnet <<< 磁石
永久運動: eikyuuundou: perpetual motion <<< 運動
synonyms: 永遠


pronunciation: katatoki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: a moment
片時も: katatokimo: even for a moment
check also: 一瞬


pronunciation: kishou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: rising
起床する: kishousuru: rise, get up
起床時間: kishoujikan: hour of rising <<< 時間
起床ラッパ: kishourappa: reveille


pronunciation: kinkyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: urgency, emergency
緊急の: kinkyuuno: urgent, pressing, imminent, crying (need), strident
緊急会議: kinkyuukaigi: emergency conference <<< 会議
緊急事態: kinkyuujitai: state of emergency <<< 事態
緊急質問: kinkyuushitsumon: emergency interpellation <<< 質問
緊急措置: kinkyuusochi: emergency measure <<< 措置
緊急対策: kinkyuutaisaku: emergency counter-measure <<< 対策
緊急逮捕: kinkyuutaiho: urgent arrest (without a warrant) <<< 逮捕
緊急通信: kinkyuutsuushin: emergency message <<< 通信
緊急停車: kinkyuuteisha: emergency stop <<< 停車
緊急着陸: kinkyuuchakuriku: emergency landing <<< 着陸
緊急動議: kinkyuudougi: urgent motion <<< 動議
緊急発進: kinkyuuhasshin: scramble
緊急避難: kinkyuuhinan: emergency evacuation <<< 避難
緊急病院: kinkyuubyouin: emergency hospital <<< 病院
緊急患者: kinkyuukanja: emergency patient <<< 患者
synonyms: 至急


pronunciation: kesa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: this morning
今朝早く: kesahayaku: early this morning <<<
今朝遅く: kesaosoku: late this morning <<<
check also: 朝方


pronunciation: kokkoku, kokukoku   kanji characters:    keyword: time   
translation: every moment [hour], moment by moment
刻々と: kokkokuto: from hour to hour
刻々と変化する: kokkokutohenkasuru: change every second <<< 変化

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