Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: science

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Direct access: 観察 , 学者 , 学問 , 学界 , 学会 , 気圧 , 究明 , 極限 , 逆説 , 形式


pronunciation: kansatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: science   
translation: observation, survey
観察する: kansatsusuru: observe, make observation, watch closely
観察眼: kansatsugan: observing [observant] eye <<<
観察者: kansatsusha: observer <<<
観察点: kansatsuten: point of view, viewpoint <<<
観察力: kansatsuryoku: (power of) observation, perspicacity <<<
観察力の鋭い: kansatsuryokunosurudoi: perspicacious <<<
観察力の乏しい: kansatsuryokunotoboshii: unperspicacious <<<
synonyms: 観測


pronunciation: gakusha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: science   
translation: scholar, scientist
学者振る: gakushaburu: be pedantic <<<
学者振った: gakushabutta: pedantic (a.)
学者振った人: gakushabuttahito: pedantic (n.) <<<
学者気取: gakushakidori: pedantry
check also: 博士


pronunciation: gakumon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education , science   
translation: learning, study, scholarship, knowledge
学問の: gakumonnno: academic
学問する: gakumonsuru: study (v.), pursue one's study
学問の有る: gakumonnnoaru: learned, educated <<<
学問の無い: gakumonnnonai: uneducated, illiterate <<<


pronunciation: gakkai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: science   
translation: academic circles, learned world, academia
学界に貢献する: gakkainikoukensuru: contribute to the progress of science <<< 貢献
check also: 学会


pronunciation: gakkai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: science   
translation: learned society, academy, conference, congress, convention
学会に出席する: gakkainishussekisuru: attend the congress <<< 出席
check also: 学界


pronunciation: kiatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather , science   
translation: (atmospheric) pressure
気圧が上がる: kiatsugaagaru: The atmospheric pressure rises <<<
気圧が下がる: kiatsugasagaru: The atmospheric pressure falls <<<
気圧の谷: kiatsunotani: trough (of atmospheric pressure) <<<
気圧計: kiatsukei: barometer <<<
気圧配置: kiatsuhaichi: distribution of atmospheric pressure <<< 配置
気圧変化: kiatsuhenka: change of atmospheric pressure <<< 変化
高気圧: koukiatsu: anticyclone <<<
低気圧: teikiatsu: depression <<<
check also: 圧力


pronunciation: kyuumei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: science   
translation: study (n.), investigation
究明する: kyuumeisuru: study (v.), investigate, inquire into (the cause of)
check also: 研究


pronunciation: kyokugen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: science   
translation: limit, extremity
極限に達する: kyokugennnitassuru: reach the limit (of) <<<
極限を超える: kyokugennokoeru: go beyond bounds <<<
極限する: kyokugensuru: limit (v.), set limits to
極限値: kyokugenchi: limiting value <<<
極限状態: kyokugenjoutai: extreme situation <<< 状態
check also: 限界


pronunciation: gyakusetsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: science   
translation: paradox, contradiction
逆説的: gyakusetsuteki: paradoxical <<<
逆説的に: gyakusetsutekini: paradoxically
synonyms: 矛盾 , パラドックス


pronunciation: keishiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: science   
translation: form, rite
形式を重んじる: keishikioomonjiru: stick to forms <<<
形式的な: keishikitekina: formal, ritual, superficial <<<
形式上の: keishikijouno: as a matter of form <<<
形式を守る: keishikiomamoru: respect the form <<<
形式論理: keishikironri: formal logic <<< 論理
形式主義: keishikishugi: formalism <<< 主義
形式主義者: keishikishugisha: formalist <<<

82 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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