Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: computer

This online Japanese dictionary has been developed by Free Light Software and contains Japanese words, composed of 2 or more Kanji characters. If you have any questions on Japan or Japanese language, please post your messages to our Japanese forum.
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Direct access: 権限 , 検索 , 更新 , 最適 , 周辺 , 消去 , 情報 , 頭脳 , 全角 , 体験


pronunciation: kengen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law , computer   
translation: authority, power, authorized limit of rights, competence
権限内の: kengennnaino: authorized <<<
権限外の: kengengaino: unauthorized <<<
権限を与える: kengennoataeru: authorize, empower <<<
権限を越える: kengennokoeru: exceed one's authority [competence], act ultra vires <<<
権限の有る: kengennnoaru: be authorized (to do), have the right (to do) <<<


pronunciation: kensaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: computer   
translation: search (n.), retrieval
検索する: kensakusuru: search (v.), retrieve
検索エンジン: kensakuenjin: search engine
検索機能: kensakukinou: search function <<< 機能
検索結果: kensakukekka: search result <<< 結果
check also: サーチ , 詮索


pronunciation: koushin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: computer   
translation: renewal, renovation, update (n.)
更新する: koushinsuru: renew, renovate, update (v.)
更新日: koushinbi: update day <<<
check also: アップデート


pronunciation: saiteki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: computer   
translation: best case
最適の: saitekino: optimum, most suitable
最適化: saitekika: optimization <<<
最適化する: saitekikasuru: optimize
最適条件: saitekijouken: optimum condition <<< 条件


pronunciation: shuuhen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography , computer   
translation: surrounding (n.), periphery, vicinity
周辺の: shuuhennno: surrounding (a.), in vicinity
周辺機器: shuuhenkiki: peripheral (device) <<< 機器
check also: 周囲


pronunciation: shoukyo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: computer   
translation: elimination, erasure, deletion
消去する: shoukyosuru: eliminate, erase, efface, delete
消去法: shoukyohou: elimination (algorithm) <<<


pronunciation: jouhou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: computer   
translation: information, news, intelligence, report
情報を得る: jouhouoeru: get information (about, on, concerning), get a line (on) <<<
情報を与える: jouhouoataeru: give information (about, on, concerning), give a line (on) <<<
情報を提供する: jouhouoteikyousuru <<< 提供
情報源: jouhougen: source of information <<<
情報誌: jouhoushi: news letter <<<
情報部: jouhoubu: information bureau <<<
情報機関: jouhoukikan: secret service <<< 機関
情報産業: jouhousangyou: information industry <<< 産業
情報科学: jouhoukagaku: information science <<< 科学
情報工学: jouhoukougaku: information technology, IT <<< 工学
情報処理: jouhoushori: information [data] processing <<< 処理
情報理論: jouhouriron: information theory <<< 理論
情報交換: jouhoukoukan: information exchange, sharing of information <<< 交換
情報化: jouhouka: informationalization, computerization <<<
情報化社会: jouhoukashakai: informationalized [information-oriented] society <<< 社会


pronunciation: zunou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: organs , computer   
translation: brain, head
頭脳線: zunousen: head line (of the palm) <<<
頭脳労働: zunouroudou: brainwork <<< 労働
頭脳労働者: zunouroudousha: brainworker, mental laborer <<<
頭脳集団: zunoushuudan: think tank [factory] <<< 集団 , シンクタンク
頭脳流出: zunouryuushutsu: brain drain <<< 流出


pronunciation: zenkaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: computer   
translation: two byte Japanese characters
全角文字: zenkakumoji <<< 文字
check also: 半角


pronunciation: taiken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life , computer   
translation: experience (n.)
体験する: taikensuru: experience (v.)
体験談: taikendan: history of one's experience <<<
体験版: taikenban: demo version <<<
check also: 経験

128 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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