Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: advertisement

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Direct access: 奨励 , 上質 , 上等 , 宣伝 , 促進 , 配布 , , , ,


pronunciation: shourei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: advertisement   
translation: encouragement, promotion
奨励する: shoureisuru: encourage, give encouragement (to), promote, stimulate
奨励金: shoureikin: bounty, premium, subsidy <<<
奨励者: shoureisha: promoter, supporter <<<
check also: 促進


pronunciation: joushitsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: advertisement   
translation: superior quality
上質の: joushitsuno: of superior quality
synonyms: 上等


pronunciation: joutou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: advertisement   
translation: superior quality, excellence
上等の: joutouno: good, fine, of superior quality, excellent
上等な: joutouna
上等品: joutouhin: article of superior quality <<<
上等席: joutouseki: first class seat <<<
上等兵: joutouhei: private first class <<< , 伍長
上等水兵: joutousuihei: seaman
synonyms: 上質
check also: 一等


pronunciation: senden   kanji characters: ,    keyword: advertisement   
translation: advertisement, publicity, promotion, campaign, propaganda, ads
宣伝する: sendensuru: advertise, publicize, propagate, give publicity (to), make propaganda (for, of), promote
宣伝の: sendennno: advertising, promotional, propagandistic
宣伝的: sendenteki <<<
宣伝に乗る: sendennninoru: swallow a propaganda <<<
宣伝費: sendenhi: advertising expense <<<
宣伝部: sendenbu: advertising [publicity] department <<<
宣伝係: sendengakari: propaganda agent, propagandist, press agent, publicist <<<
宣伝員: sendennin <<<
宣伝効果: sendenkouka: campaign effect <<< 効果
宣伝運動: sendennundou: propaganda campaign <<< 運動
宣伝カー: sendenkaa: sound car [truck]
宣伝ビラ: sendenbira: handbill, propaganda bill
check also: キャンペーン , 勧誘 , 広報


pronunciation: sokushin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: advertisement   
translation: promotion, furtherance
促進する: sokushinsuru: promote, accelerate, further, quicken
促進運動: sokushinnundou: movement for the realization [furtherance] (of) <<< 運動
check also: 推進 , キャンペーン


pronunciation: haihu   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 配付   keyword: advertisement   
translation: distribution
配布する: haihusuru: distribute things (among, to)
check also: 配達

category: to learn in school   other spells: 廣   radicals:    keyword: advertisement , geography    nb of strokes: 5
translation: wide, vast, spread, extend
広い: hiroi: wide, vast, spacious, broad, large, roomy
広し: hiroshi
広く: hiroku: widely, broadly, far and wide, extensively
広くする: hirokusuru: widen (vt.), broaden, enlarge
広く成る: hirokunaru: broaden (vi.), widen, become wider <<<
広さ: hirosa: width, breadth <<< 面積
広まる: hiromaru: spread (vi.), diffuse, circulate, be widespread [circulated, diffused, propagated], get [take] wind
広める: hiromeru: spread (vt.), diffuse, make known, propagate, make popular, advertise, announce
広げる: hirogeru: spread (vt.), extend, expand, enlarge, widen, open, unfold, unfurl
広がる: hirogaru: spread (vi.), extend, expand, become pervasive
広がり: hirogari: extension, expanse, stretch (of)

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: advertisement    nb of strokes: 8
translation: spread, extend, expand, enlarge, widen, unfold, diffuse, propagate
拡がる: hirogaru: spread (vi.), extend, expand
拡まる: hiromaru: spread (vi.), diffuse, circulate, be widespread [circulated, diffused, propagated], get [take] wind
拡げる: hirogeru: spread (vt.), extend, expand, enlarge, widen, open, unfold
拡める: hiromeru: spread (vt.), diffuse, make known, propagate, make popular, advertise, announce

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: advertisement    nb of strokes: 12
translation: disperse, scatter, diffuse
散る: chiru: disperse (vi.), scatter, diffuse
散らばる: chirabaru: be scattered [dispersed] (about), scatter, disperse, be in disorder
散らす: chirasu: disperse (vt.), scatter, spread (a rumor, jp.)
散らかす: chirakasu: scatter about, litter, disarrange, put (a place) in disorder [out of order]
散らかる: chirakaru: be in disorder, be out of order, be scattered about
散らし: chirashi: flier (jp.), flyer, handbill, leaflet
散らしを配る: chirashiokubaru: distribute circulars <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: advertisement    nb of strokes: 11
translation: hoist
掲げる: kakageru

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