Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 'k'

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Direct access: 騎兵 , 基本 , 希望 , 気前 , 気紛れ , 期末 , 気儘 , 黄身 , 気味 , 気密


pronunciation: kihei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: cavalryman, horseman
騎兵隊: kiheitai: cavalry <<<
騎兵学校: kiheigakkou: cavalry school <<< 学校


pronunciation: kihon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: industry , education   
translation: basis, fundamental (n.), standard, rudiment, element, principle
基本的: kihonteki: basic, fundamental (a.) <<<
基本的に: kihontekini: basically, fundamentally, in principle
基本金: kihonkin: fund, endowment <<<
基本給: kihonkyuu: basic pay [wage] <<<
基本型: kihongata: basic pattern [model] <<<
基本法: kihonhou: basic law <<<
基本ルール: kihonruuru: basic rule <<< ルール
基本方針: kihonhoushin: basic policy <<< 方針
基本産業: kihonsangyou: basic industries <<< 産業
基本単位: kihontanni: fundamental unit <<< 単位
基本料金: kihonryoukin: basic charge <<< 料金
基本計画: kihonkeikaku: master plan <<< 計画
基本原理: kihongenri: fundamental principle <<< 原理
基本条件: kihonjouken: basic conditions <<< 条件
基本語彙: kihongoi: basic vocabulary <<< 語彙
check also: 基礎


pronunciation: kibou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: wish (n.), hope, desire, aspiration, expectation, prospect, request, demand
希望する: kibousuru: wish (v.), hope, desire, aspire, expect, request
希望により: kibouniyori: according to one's wishes
希望通り: kiboudoori: as one wishes <<<
希望に反して: kibounihanshite: against [contrary to] one's wishes <<<
希望に生きる: kibouniikiru: live in hope <<<
希望に満ちる: kibounimichiru: hopeful, full of hope <<<
希望の無い: kibounonai: hopeless <<< , 絶望
希望に添う: kibounisou: meet a person's wishes <<<
希望を満たす: kibouomitasu <<<
希望を失う: kibououshinau: be driven to despair, abandon oneself to despair, yield to despair, lose hope <<<
希望を持つ: kibouomotsu: cherish [fuel] hopes, hold out hope <<<
希望者: kibousha: person who wishes, applicant, candidate <<<
希望条件: kiboujouken: terms desired <<< 条件
希望退職: kiboutaishoku: voluntary retirement <<< 退職
希望的観測: kiboutekikansoku: one's wishful thinking
check also: 願望 , 期待


pronunciation: kimae   kanji characters: ,   
translation: liberality, generosity
気前の良い: kimaenoii, kimaenoyoi: liberal, generous, handsome <<<
気前良く: kimaeyoku: generously, with a good grace
check also: 気立て


pronunciation: kimagure   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 気まぐれ  
translation: caprice, fancy, whim, vagary
気紛れの: kimagureno: capricious, fanciful, whimsical, changeable, vagarious
気紛れな: kimagurena
気紛れに: kimagureni: capriciously, whimsically, on a whim, from caprice, by fits and starts
気紛れ者: kimaguremono: capricious person <<<
気紛れを起す: kimagureookosu: get whims <<<
synonyms: 気儘


pronunciation: kimatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: end of a term
期末の: kimatsuno: final, terminal
期末試験: kimatsushiken: term-end examination <<< 試験
期末手当: kimatsuteate: term-end allowance <<< 手当 , ボーナス
期末決算: kimatsukessan: final accounts <<< 決算


pronunciation: kimama   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 気まま  
translation: selfishness, self-interestedness, self-seeking
気儘勝手: kimamakatte <<< 勝手
気儘な: kimamana: willful, self-willed, selfish, carefree
気儘に: kimamani: as one chooses, at one's pleasure, at will
気儘にする: kimamanisuru: have one's own way, act as one pleases
気儘に振舞う: kimamanihurumau


pronunciation: kimi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: yolk, yellow (of egg)
check also: 玉子 , 卵黄


pronunciation: kimi   kanji characters: ,   
translation: feeling, sensation, smack, shade, tinge
気味が悪い: kimigawarui: have a vague fear [dread, apprehension], feel nervous [uneasy] <<<
気味の悪い: kiminowarui: weird, lurid, uncanny, spooky, creepy
気味悪そうに: kimiwarusouni: with some fear
不気味な: bukimina: uncanny, weird, eerie, eery <<<
良い気味: iikimi: you deserve it! <<<
良い気味だ: iikimida
風邪気味である: kazegimidearu: have a slight cold <<< 風邪


pronunciation: kimitsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology   
translation: airtightness
気密の: kimitsuno: airtight
気密室: kimitsushitsu: airtight chamber <<<
気密服: kimitsuhuku: airtight [pressure] suit <<<

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