Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 't'

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Direct access: 都市 , 年上 , 年越 , 年頃 , 年下 , 図書 , 年寄 , 都心 , 渡世 , 塗装


pronunciation: toshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: town   
translation: city, big town
都市の: toshino: urban
都市美: toshibi: beauty of a city <<<
都市化: toshika: urbanization <<<
都市化する: toshikasuru: urbanize
都市問題: toshimondai: urban problem <<< 問題
都市国家: toshikokka: city state <<< 国家
都市交通: toshikoutsuu: town traffic <<< 交通
都市計画: toshikeikaku: urbanism, city planning <<< 計画
都市行政: toshigyousei: city administration <<< 行政
都市財政: toshizaisei: municipal finance <<< 財政
都市伝説: toshidensetsu: urban legend <<< 伝説
都市生活: toshiseikatsu: city life <<< 生活
都市ガス: toshigasu: town gas <<< ガス
大都市: daitoshi: big [large] city <<<
小都市: shoutoshi: small city [town] <<<
田園都市: dennentoshi: garden [rural] city <<< 田園
観光都市: kankoutoshi: tourist town <<< 観光
主要都市: shuyoutoshi: metropolis, principal city <<< 主要
姉妹都市: shimaitoshi: sister city <<< 姉妹
政令都市: seireitoshi: ordinance-designated city (Japanese city with a population greater than 500,000) <<< 政令
政令指定都市: seireishiteitoshi: ordinance-designated city (Japanese city with a population greater than 500,000) <<< 政令
工業都市: kougyoutoshi: industrial city [town] <<< 工業
自由都市: jiyuutoshi: free city <<< 自由
衛星都市: eiseitoshi: satellite city <<< 衛星
過密都市: kamitsutoshi: tight <<< 過密
巨大都市: kyodaitoshi: megalopolis <<< 巨大
商業都市: shougyoutoshi: commercial city <<< 商業
マンモス都市: manmosutoshi: megalopolis <<< マンモス
check also: 都会 ,


pronunciation: toshiue   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family   
translation: elder (n.), senior, seniority
年上の: toshiueno: elder (a.), old, big
check also: 目上 , 年下


pronunciation: toshikoshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: turn of the year, New Year's Eve
年越する: toshikoshisuru: see the old year out


pronunciation: toshigoro   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: age, marriageable age, nubility, puberty, adolescence
年頃の: toshigorono: marriageable, of marriageable age, pubescent, nubile
年頃に成る: toshigoroninaru: reach a marriageable age, become adolescent <<<
同じ年頃の: onajitoshigorono: of an age <<<


pronunciation: toshishita   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family   
translation: junior (n.)
年下の: toshishitano: junior (a.), young
check also: 年上 , 年少 , 目下


pronunciation: tosho   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education , literature   
translation: books
図書館: toshokan: library <<<
図書館学: toshokangaku: library science <<<
図書館員: toshokannin: librarian <<<
図書係: toshogakari <<<
図書券: toshoken: book coupon, book token <<<
図書館長: toshokanchou: curator of a library <<< 館長
図書目録: toshomokuroku: catalogue of books


pronunciation: toshiyori   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: old [aged] person, the old, the aged, retired sumo wrestler
年寄に成る: toshiyorininaru: grow old, reach an old age <<<
年寄り染みた: toshiyorijimita: old-fashioned, old before one's time <<<
年寄臭い: toshiyorikusai <<<
年寄の: toshiyorino: old, aged
年寄の冷水: toshiyorinohiyamizu: indiscretion of the old <<< 冷水
synonyms: 老人


pronunciation: toshin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: town   
translation: center [heart] of Tokyo
都心部: toshinbu: central area of Tokyo <<<
副都心: hukutoshin: subcenter of Tokyo (Shinjuku district) <<<
副都心部: hukutoshinbu: subcentral area of Tokyo <<<
check also: 東京


pronunciation: tosei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: subsistence, livelihood, living
渡世する: toseisuru: earn one's livelihood, earn one's living


pronunciation: tosou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: construction   
translation: painting, coat (n.)
塗装する: tosousuru: paint, coat (v.)
塗装工: tosoukou: painter <<<
check also: 塗料 , ラック , ペンキ

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