Online English-Japanese kanji dictionary: keyword: job

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 13
translation: salary, engage, employ
chin, jin
chin: price (jp.)
賃う: yatou: engage, employ <<<
Kanji words: 運賃 , 家賃 , 賃貸 , 賃金 , 賃料 , 駄賃
Expressions: 電車賃 , 仕立賃 , 汽車賃 , 乗車賃 , 手間賃

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 13
translation: work, labor, job
働く: hataraku: work (v.), labor, toil, do (a person) a service, commit (a crime), serve (at), be employed, act [work] (on), operate, function
働かす: hatarakasu: set [put] (a person) to work, make (a person) work
働き: hataraki: work (n.), labor, activity, action, function, operation, ability, talent, achievement, merits, services
働き掛ける: hatarakikakeru: work [act] upon (a person), approach (a person on a matter) <<<
Kanji words: 労働 , 稼働
Expressions: 畑で働く , 盗みを働く , 共に働く , 勘を働かせる , 頭を働かす , 只で働く , 只働きする , 立ち働く , 無闇に働く , 悪事を働く , 無給で働く , 海賊を働く , 不義を働く , 掏摸を働く , 農園で働く , 忠実に働く , 万引を働く , 強盗を働く , 詐欺を働く , 手足となって働く , 不正を働く , 窃盗を働く
synonyms: , 仕事

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 18
translation: administration, office, job, manage
shoku, shiki
職め: tsutome: job, duty, office, work <<<
職の無い: shokunonai: jobless, unemployed <<<
職に就く: shokunitsuku: take employment, find work, take a position, take office <<<
職に留まる: shokunitodomaru: stay [remain] in office <<<
職を得る: shokuoeru: get [obtain] a job [position, situation], be employed <<<
職を求める: shokuomotomeru: seek employment, look for a position [job] <<<
職を与える: shokuoataeru: offer (a person) work, give employment to (a person) <<<
職を解かれる: shokuotokareru: be relieved of one's office, be dismissed <<<
職を失う: shokuoushinau: lose one's job [employment], be out of work <<<
職を辞める: shokuoyameru: quit one's job <<<
職を替える: shokuokaeru: switch jobs <<<
職: tsukasa: administration <<<
職る: tsukasadoru: manage, administer
職より: motoyori: principally <<<
Kanji words: 免職 , 役職 , 無職 , 汚職 , 職種 , 職業 , 求職 , 休職 , 職員 , 就職 , 転職 , 退職 , 職人 , 職場 , 職務 , 職歴 , 辞職 , 住職 , 在職 , 離職
Expressions: 議長職 , 煉瓦職 , 大臣の職 , 大統領の職 , 会長職 , 将軍職 , 知事職 , 守護職 , 法王職 , 使徒職 , 管理職 , 学長職
synonyms: 仕事

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 6
translation: busy
bou, mou
忙しい: isogashii
忙しそうな: isogashisouna: busy-looking, bustling
忙しそうに: isogashisouni: busily
Kanji words: 忙殺 , 多忙

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 11
translation: engage, employ, hire, usual, ordinary, customary, habitual
庸いる: mochiiru: engage, employ, hire, charter
庸: tsune: usual, ordinary, customary, habitual <<<
庸: ani: why not <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 12
translation: engage, employ, hire, charter
雇う: yatou: engage, employ, take on (workers), hire, charter
雇われる: yatowareru: be engaged, be employed, be hired
雇われた: yatowareta: employed, hired
雇い: yatoi: employment
Kanji words: 雇主 , 雇用 , 雇人 , 解雇
Expressions: 臨時雇い , 月給で雇われる , アルバイトを雇う

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 12
translation: invite, recruit
募る: tsunoru: invite, recruit, advertise for, become intense (jp.), grow more intense, increase in violence
Kanji words: 募集 , 応募 , 募金 , 公募
Expressions: 兵を募る , 寄付を募る , 入札を募る

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 13
translation: carry, bring, participate
携える: tazusaeru: carry (a thing), take (a thing with one), bring [take] (a person with one), be accompanied (by a person)
携えて: tazusaete: (go, come) with ( a person, a thing)
携わる: tazusawaru: take part in, participate in
Kanji words: 連携 , 提携 , 携帯

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 13
translation: send a person., dispatch
遣わす: tsukawasu: send a person, dispatch, give a thing (jp.)
遣う: tsukau: employ a person (jp.) <<< 使
遣る: yaru: send a person, dispatch, give a thing (jp.), do, perform
遣り合う: yariau: have sharp words (with), dispute, wrangle <<<
遣り返す: yarikaesu: answer back, retort <<<
遣り切れない: yarikirenai: cannot bear, can hardly stand, be unbearable, be intolerable <<<
遣り込める: yarikomeru: put (a person) to silence, talk (a person) down, corner (a person) in argument <<<
遣り過ぎる: yarisugiru: overdo, go too far, do (a matter) too much <<<
遣り過す: yarisugosu: let (a person) pass by one, allow (a person) to pass on, eat [drink] too much <<<
遣り直す: yarinaosu: do (a matter) over again [once more], do (a matter) over from the very beginning <<<
遣り難い: yarinikui: difficult [hard] to do [deal with], awkward <<<
遣り抜く: yarinuku: achieve, carry through [out], accomplish, stick to (one's business) to the very last <<<
遣り通す: yaritoosu <<<
遣り遂げる: yaritogeru <<<
遣らかす: yarakasu: do, perform
遣られる: yarareru: be defeated, be beaten, be done for, be outwitted, be imposed upon, have (a thing) stolen, be stolen, fall ill, be taken ill, be damaged [injured, broken, destroyed, hit], be wounded, be killed [murdered]
遣らせ: yarase: frame-up, setup
Kanji words: 蛇遣い , 小遣 , 心遣い , 思い遣 , 派遣 , 遣る気
Expressions: 使いを遣る , 呼びに遣る , 株を遣る , 気遣う , 気遣わしい , 気遣わしげに , 迎えに遣る , 嫁に遣る , 暇を遣る , 餌を遣る , 緩り遣る , 追い遣る , 負けて遣る , 祝儀を遣る , 遣り放題 , 使者を遣わす , 言葉遣い , ピッチャーを遣る

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 16
translation: ask, beg, request, rely
頼む: tanomu: ask, beg, request, as a favor, entreat, implore, solicit, entrust (a person) with (a matter), leave (a matter) to (a person), rely [depend, count] on [upon], engage, hire
頼み込む: tanomikomu: ask, beg, request, ask a favor, entreat, implore, solicit <<<
頼み: tanomi: request, solicitation
頼みを聞く: tanomiokiku: comply with a person's request <<<
頼みを断る: tanomiokotowaru: reject a person's request <<<
頼みに成る: tanomininaru: reliable, dependable, trustworthy <<<
頼みにする: tanominisuru: rely [depend] upon, trust in, look to a person for help
頼みの綱: tanominotsuna: one's only hope, one's last resort <<<
頼る: tayoru: rely on, recourse to
頼り: tayori: reliance, dependence
頼もしい: tanomoshii: reliable, trustworthy, promising, hopeful
頼もしく思う: tanomoshikuomou: place confidence [trust] in, expect [hope] much from <<< , 信頼
頼むに足らぬ: tanomunitaranu: not to be relied [depended] upon, unreliable, untrustworthy <<<
頼む所: tanomutokoro: one's (last) resort, one's (last) hope <<<
Kanji words: 依頼 , 信頼
Expressions: 衆を頼んで , 宜しく頼みます , 泣いて頼む , 末頼もしい , 計器に頼って , 直感に頼る , 留守を頼む , 取次を頼む , タクシーを頼む

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