Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 'i'

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Direct access: 稲光 , 稲荷 , 委任 , 犬神 , 居眠 , 命懸 , 違反 , 茨城 , 畏怖 , 衣服


pronunciation: inabikari   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: (a flash of) lightning
稲光がする: inabikarigasuru: Lightning flashes
synonyms: 稲妻 , 閃光


pronunciation: inari   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion , japanese food   
translation: Japanese god of merchants
稲荷寿司: inarizushi: sushi stuffed into fried tofu <<< 寿司
check also: 雁擬き , Inari


pronunciation: inin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law , politics   
translation: trust, charge, commission, mandate
委任する: ininsuru: entrust, place [leave] (a matter) in a person's hands, delegate (authority) to (a person)
委任の: ininnno: mandatory
委任者: ininsha: client, contractee, orderer, appointer, principal <<<
被委任者: hiininsha: representative, agent <<<
委任状: ininjou: letter of attorney, proxy <<<
委任統治: inintouchi: mandatory rule <<< 統治
委任統治国: inintouchikoku: mandatory power <<<
委任統治領: inintouchiryou: mandatory territory <<<
委任投票: inintouhyou: proxy voting <<< 投票
委任投票する: inintouhyousuru: vote by proxy
白紙委任: hakushiinin: carte blanche <<< 白紙
synonyms: 委託


pronunciation: inugami   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion   
translation: dog god


pronunciation: inemuri   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 居睡   keyword: car   
translation: nap (n.), doze
居眠する: inemurisuru: fall into a doze, take a nap, doze (v.), nap
居眠運転する: inemuriuntensuru: doze (off) at the wheel, drive (a car) asleep <<< 運転


pronunciation: inochigake   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: danger of life, mortal danger
命懸の: inochigakeno: desperate
命懸で: inochigakede: at the risk of one's life
命懸に成る: inochigakeninaru: stake one's life (on) <<<


pronunciation: ihan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport , crime   
translation: violation, transgression, offense, breach, foulness
違反の: ihannno: violating, transgressing, offending, foul (a.)
違反する: ihansuru: violate, transgress, offend, foul (v.)
違反者: ihansha: offender <<<
法律に違反する: houritsuniihansuru: break [violate] the law <<< 法律
法律違反: houritsuihan: breach of the law <<< 法律
中立違反: chuuritsuihan: violation [breach] of neutrality <<< 中立
規則違反: kisokuihan: infraction, malpractice <<< 規則
政令違反: seireiihan: violation of a government ordinance <<< 政令
選挙違反: senkyoihan: election fraud <<< 選挙
憲法違反: kenpouihan: violation of the constitution <<< 憲法
憲法違反の: kenpouihannno: unconstitutional <<< 憲法
契約違反: keiyakuihan: breach of contract <<< 契約
交通違反: koutsuuihan: traffic offense <<< 交通
ルール違反: ruuruihan: rule offense <<< ルール
スピード違反: supiidoihan: violation of the speed regulations, speeding <<< スピード
check also: 違法


pronunciation: ibaraki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: japan   
translation: Ibaraki
茨城県: ibarakiken: Prefecture of Ibaraki <<<
茨城空港: ibarakikuukou: Ibaraki Airport <<< 空港
check also: Ibaraki


pronunciation: ihu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion   
translation: awe, fear, dread
神への畏怖: kamihenoihu: fear of God <<<


pronunciation: ihuku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: clothes   
translation: clothes, clothing, garment, apparel
衣服の: ihukuno: of clothes [clothing]
衣服費: ihukuhi: clothing expenditure, expenditure on clothing <<<
衣服売場: ihukuuriba: clothing counter <<< 売場
check also: 衣類 , 衣料 , 着物 , アパレル

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