Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 'n'

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Direct access: 日数 , 日中 , 日程 , 荷造 , 二度 , 二倍 , 二番 , 荷札 , 二部 , 日本


pronunciation: nissuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: number of days, time
稼働日数: kadounissuu: workdays <<< 稼働
出勤日数: shukkinnnissuu: number of attendances [workdays] <<< 出勤
出席日数: shussekinissuu: number of attendances, days attended <<< 出席
操業日数: sougyounissuu: days operated <<< 操業
滞在日数: taizainissuu: length of one's stay <<< 滞在


pronunciation: nitchuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time , china   
translation: daytime, Japan and China
日中は: nitchuuwa: in the daytime, during the day
日中関係: nitchuukankei: relation between Japan and China <<< 関係
synonyms: 昼間


pronunciation: nittei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar , travel   
translation: day's program, schedule, agenda
日程を組む: nitteiokumu: schedule (v.) <<<
日程に載せる: nitteininoseru: put on the agenda <<<
日程から除く: nitteikaranozoku: remove from the agenda <<<
日程に入る: nitteinihairu: proceed with the order of the day <<<
日程表: nitteihyou: schedule chart <<<
議事日程: gijinittei: order of the day <<< 議事
旅行日程: ryokounittei: itinerary <<< 旅行


pronunciation: niZukuri   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 荷作り   keyword: transport   
translation: packing, baling, wrapping
荷造する: niZukurisuru: pack (up), package (v.), bale (up), wrap
荷造を解く: niZukuriotoku: unpack <<<
荷造費: niZukurihi: packing charge, package (n.) <<<
荷造人: niZukurinin: packer, baler, wrapper <<<
check also: 梱包


pronunciation: nido   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 2度   keyword: unit , time   
translation: twice, two times, the second time, two degrees
二度目: nidome: the second time <<<
二度目の: nidomeno: the second (a.)
二度目に: nidomeni: for the second time
二度に亘って: nidoniwatatte: twice <<<
二度としない: nidotoshinai: never do again
二度と無い機会: nidotonaikikai: opportunity of a lifetime
二度ある事は三度ある: nidoarukotohasandoaru: Never two without three
月に二度: tsukininido: twice a month <<<
週に二度: shuuninido: twice a week <<<
一月に二度: hitotsukininido: twice a month <<< 一月
synonyms: 二回
check also: 一度


pronunciation: nibai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: twice, twofold
二倍の: nibaino: double (a.)
二倍する: nibaisuru: double (v.)
二倍に成る: nibaininaru <<<
check also: 半数


pronunciation: niban   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 2番   keyword: number   
translation: second (n.), number two
二番の: nibannno: second (a.), secondary
二番目の: nibanmeno <<<
二番目に良い: nibanmeniii: second-best <<<
二番煎じ: nibansenji: mere imitation, adaptation (from a person's work) <<<
二番底: nibanzoko: the second trough [dip] <<<
check also: 二次


pronunciation: nihuda   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport   
translation: tag (n.), label
荷札を付ける: nihudaotsukeru: put on a tag, tag (v.), label <<<
check also: タグ , ラベル


pronunciation: nibu   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 2部   keyword: book , music   
translation: two parts, two volumes
二部合奏: nibugassou: duet, ensemble in two parts <<< 合奏
二部授業: nibujugyou: double-shift school system <<< 授業
第二部: dainibu: the second part [section] <<<
check also: 三部


pronunciation: nihon, nippon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: japan   
translation: Japan, Nippon
日本の: nihonnno, nipponnno: Japanese (a.)
日本人: nihonjin, nipponjin: Japanese (people) <<<
日本晴れ: nihonbare, nipponbare: glorious [ideal] weather <<<
日本刀: nihontou: Japanese sword <<<
日本酒: nihonshu: sake <<<
日本一: nihonnichi, nipponnichi: the best [largest, highest] in Japan <<<
日本海: nihonkai: the Sea of Japan, Japan Sea <<<
日本画: nihonga: Japanese painting <<<
日本製: nihonsei, nipponsei: made in Japan, of Japanese make <<<
日本学: nihongaku: Japanology <<<
日本風: nihonhuu: Japanese style <<<
日本海流: nihonkairyuu: the Japan current <<< 海流
日本国籍: nihonkokuseki: Japanese nationality <<< 国籍
日本人形: nihonnningyou: Japanese doll <<< 人形
日本料理: nihonryouri: Japanese cooking [dishes] <<< 料理 , 和食
ミス日本: misunihon: Miss Nippon <<< ミス
check also: 日本語 , Japan , Japanese_doll

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