Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 'k'

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Direct access: 決定 , 欠点 , 決闘 , 血統 , 血圧 , 決意 , 欠員 , 血液 , 欠場 , 決断


pronunciation: kettei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: decision, determination, edict, trial order, verdict
決定する: ketteisuru: decide, determine
決定を下す: ketteiokudasu <<<
決定的: ketteiteki: decisive, final, conclusive, definitive <<<
決定的勝利: ketteitekishouri: decisive victory <<< 勝利
決定的瞬間: ketteitekishunkan: decisive moment, crossroads <<< 瞬間
決定的に: ketteitekini: decisively, definitively <<<
決定版: ketteiban: final [definitive] edition <<<
決定権: ketteiken: decisive power <<<
決定票: ketteihyou: decisive vote <<<
決定打: ketteida: game-winning hit (in baseball) <<<
決定論: ketteiron: determinism <<<
決定論者: ketteironsha: determinist <<<
更正決定: kouseikettei: reassessment of an income tax <<< 更正
最終決定: saishuukettei: final decision <<< 最終
順位を決定する: junnioketteisuru: decide ranking <<< 順位
態度決定: taidokettei: stance <<< 態度
check also: 決断


pronunciation: ketten   kanji characters: ,   
translation: trouble, fault, defect, flaw, shortcoming, weak point, blemish
欠点の有る: ketennnoaru: defective, faulty <<<
欠点の無い: kettennnonai: flawless, faultless, perfect <<<
欠点を捜す: kettennosagasu: pick a person's defects, find fault with <<<
欠点を隠す: kettennokakusu: conceal a defect <<<
欠点を直す: kettennonaosu: correct a defect <<<
欠点を改める: kettennoaratameru: correct oneself <<<
check also: 欠陥 , 汚点


pronunciation: kettou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war , sport   
translation: duel (n.)
決闘する: kettousuru: duel (v.)
決闘状: kettoujou: written challenge <<<
決闘者: kettousha: duelist <<<
決闘に応じる: kettounioujiru: take up the challenge <<<
決闘を申込む: kettouomoushikomu: challenge (a person) to a duel <<< 申込
荒野の決闘: kouyanokettou: My Darling Clementine (an American western, 1946) <<< 荒野
真昼の決闘: mahirunokettou: High Noon (an US western, 1952) <<< 真昼
check also: 対決


pronunciation: kettou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: pet , family   
translation: bloodline, lineage, family line, pedigree, stock
血統が良い: kettougaii: come of a good stock <<<
血統が悪い: kettougawarui: come of a bad stock <<<
血統書: kettousho: certificate of breed <<<
synonyms: 血筋


pronunciation: ketsuatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: blood pressure
血圧が高い: ketsuatsugatakai: have high blood pressure <<<
血圧が低い: ketsuatsugahikui: have low blood pressure <<<
血圧を測る: ketsuatsuohakaru: measure one's blood pressure <<<
血圧計: ketsuatsukei: (clinical) manometer <<<
低血圧: teiketsuatsu: hypotension <<<
高血圧: kouketsuatsu: hypertension <<<
check also: 圧力


pronunciation: ketsui   kanji characters: ,   
translation: determination, decision, will
決意する: ketsuisuru: determine, decide, make up one's mind
check also: 決心


pronunciation: ketsuin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: vacancy
欠員を生じる: ketsuinnoshoujiru: cause a vacancy <<<
欠員を補う: ketsuinnooginau: fill a vacancy <<<
欠員を補充する: ketsuinnohojuusuru <<< 補充


pronunciation: ketsueki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine , biology   
translation: blood
血液型: ketsuekigata: blood type <<<
血液検査: ketsuekikensa: blood test <<< 検査
血液銀行: ketsuekiginkou: blood bank <<< 銀行
血液透析: ketsuekitouseki: hemodialysis <<< 透析
保存血液: hozonketsueki: banked [stored] blood <<< 保存


pronunciation: ketsujou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: absence (in a game)
欠場する: ketsujousuru: be absent [not participate] (in a game)
check also: 欠席


pronunciation: ketsudan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: decision, determination, resolution
決断する: ketsudansuru: decide, give [make] a decision, determine, resolve
決断を下す: ketsudannokudasu <<<
決断が早い: ketsudangahayai: be quick to arrive at a decision <<<
決断力: ketsudanryoku: resolution <<<
決断力に乏しい: ketsudanryokunitoboshii: lack decision, be irresolute <<<
決断力を欠く: ketsudanryokuokaku <<<
check also: 決定

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